Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


die blizzard die! D3?
can you guys suggest me some watch_before_you_die kind of movies,not that i have any terminal illness but I thought about this grand idea of watching some must_watch movies after I finish up with my exams.

movies like shawshank redemption.It was awesome.


Staff member
can you guys suggest me some watch_before_you_die kind of movies,not that i have any terminal illness but I thought about this grand idea of watching some must_watch movies after I finish up with my exams.

movies like shawshank redemption.It was awesome.

A Tale of Two Sisters
(2003) best psychological horror movie and nearly perfect (though its not monster jumping on u like horror). Its more than a movie.

The English Patient (1996) (This ones a masterpiece, not everyone will like this, but this movie always gets me). You will have to watch it twice to appreciate this beauty.

The Thing (1982)
(John Carpenters masterpiece) Just raw fun with suspense.

PS: watch The Thing first, cuz above two are twisted movies.


 Macboy
I watched this movie Noise. Not a high profile movie, but nicely done. Tim Robbins is acting so it's guaranteed good quality. I'd give it a 3.5/5.


 Macboy
Just watched Delirious. Wow! Awesome movie. Amazing performance by Michael Pitt and Steve Buschemi.

Alas, no HD. Please don't tell anyone, but I watched a 700MB version :(


Evil Genius
You fellows have too much time on your hands...not for watching the movies...but for sitting and downloading well as wasting your hard drive space on these things...


* Teh Flirt King *
The Golden Compass is nice for fantasy/family movie lovers (I watched it with whole family...).... The special effects are gud as well as fighting scenes...


High without substance...
i do not know how many times this movie has been mentioned here before
and how many times i my self have mentioned.

the inside man
lucky number sleven


I have Yolks not Brains!
Can Someone recommend me film(s) like Fight Club , Memento ,Saw know....psychological thriller!!!!!!!


* Teh Flirt King *
Just watched Jodha Akbar and Indiana Jones 1,2....

Jodha Akbar := Crappiest movie of the 2008. (Nothing can b worse then it.)

Indiana Jones := Great Movies series... In 2 Amarish Puri is the lead Villain.. I always Liked the adventure genre.... Must watch for Steven Speilberg and Harrison Ford fans.


Staff member
Can Someone recommend me film(s) like Fight Club , Memento ,Saw know....psychological thriller!!!!!!!

A Tale of Two Sisters
(u will be blown out by the end of the movie:D)
Jacob's Ladder (Silent Hill series games are inspired by this movie)
Session 9 (thats one is creepy, I live in the weak and the wounded)
The Machinist (Redemption is the only way to wake up)
The Shining (what if duty comes before family)
Mullholland Dr. (This ones is another twisted movie)
Sublime (I can see how they treat patients)
Perfect Blue (its animated)
The Others
Lost Highway
Silent Hill (You wont be able to get, if u havent played the games too)
Apocalypse Now (may be u should watch theatere version, i watched directors cut and it sucked 4/10)
Donnie Darko

PS: Be ready for some brain involvement and interpretation :D, and dont get too much scared, its not the fear of known its the fear of unknown and ones own self that scares me


I have not seen all of them but personally Silent Hill is one of the worst I would rate!!

I will check out A tale of two sisters... thks for the recomendtation.


Staff member
I have not seen all of them but personally Silent Hill is one of the worst I would rate!!

I will check out A tale of two sisters... thks for the recomendtation.
There are 2 reasons :
1) Silent Hill fans couldn't relate it to the game story much, it was an OKish adaptaion, few things were shallow.
2) Others just can't comprehend what its all abt, cuz they havent played the game.

But otherworld concept and Akira score was worth listening, great ambient environ.


Staff member
just watched The Deer hunter [1978](its really slow movie like "apocalypse now", first 90 minutes build up the relationship b/w chars, later the story unfolds, based on Vietnam war aftermath and Russian Roulette freaky game)

The movie doesnt feel gaudy and it does succeed in trying to convey the message. Not a paisa wasool type movie.

PS: Do not watch if u cant handle slow pace movies , u will get bored.


Hey New! Did you like the movie Halla Bol? When you gave stars I was thinking whether its the rating or something else that you want to tell about the movie.
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