Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


 Macboy
Sunshine is a like it or hate it film. I for one loved it. The visuals are pretty stunning (especially when watched in HD :p ). The storyline is not very conventional which is another plus for me.


Evil Genius
OMG OMG OMG Jumper's out!! Go watch it right now!! 10/10 ... that's without me even seeing the movie...but its loading in the browser right now and OMG OMG OMG go watch it!!


Staff member
OMG OMG OMG Jumper's out!! Go watch it right now!! 10/10 ... that's without me even seeing the movie...but its loading in the browser right now and OMG OMG OMG go watch it!!
is this u r talkin bout

I would still give it a try.


Evil Genius
T159: Yes...and dont pay attention to the idiots on the imdb boards...this movie is awesome! I been waiting for it for sooooo long! :D


Guess Who's Back

Hmm.. if imdb's people are dumb , these critics should be dumber i suppose, it has only gotten 15%, that's very low it is not even a avrage movie according to critics.

Anyway if you like the movie go ahead faraaz, but i read some reviews, it has a very weak story, normally i can forgive bad acting, music etc but a weak story means this film is hopeless, i mean i am not the avrage joe who watchs movie for cool stunts or something ..

My advice to people who are looking forward to Jumper (22th Feb indian release) is go watch the movie if you like stunts or want pass some time.


 Macboy
Jumper's trailers looked good, but I don't think it's going to be a good movie. Oh well, I'll get the Blu ray when it's out.


die blizzard die! D3?
steal this film II,finally I 'pirated' it and saw,nothing like the firstone -less venom,more like a history channel documentary.

and why have they included those scenes with those stupid girls,they dint even know if its illegal or legal.

If you can pay,you should pay for what its worth.


Evil Genius
WHO CARES?!?!? ITS TELEPORT FIGHTING!! OMG OMG OMG...if they dont like it then they're dumb too...

You want Oscar movies, go watch I want kickass fun! :D

PS: I just watched the movie like a half hour ago...1 tip for you...the entire movie is about the Jumpers vs. the Paladins...don't think about anything else. And pay attention, this is not like Hindi movie with action replay ;) The awesomest scenes are the last half hour...

OMG, my brain's simmering...action was too damn awesome! :D


Watched 2001 : A Space Odyssey (1968) today. I didn't like movie much. It must be good at the time. But too much time was wasted in useless things. Also if anybody hasn't read the book, then it is likely that he won't understand it. I had read the book and was looking forward to it. But it was a disappointment.
Anybody seen Contact (1997)? The book was very good. But that film was also nowhere close to the book.


"The Gentleman"
wanna know what a GIRL can do to a GUY :D... Bruce Willis life is miserabled coz of one DATE ! :p

Movie: Blind Date.
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..:: Free Radical ::..

The Transcendental
Watched 2001 : A Space Odyssey (1968) today. I didn't like movie much. It must be good at the time. But too much time was wasted in useless things. Also if anybody hasn't read the book, then it is likely that he won't understand it. I had read the book and was looking forward to it. But it was a disappointment.
Anybody seen Contact (1997)? The book was very good. But that film was also nowhere close to the book.
+1. You feel my pain too


I Always Prefer 1080p
ImDB $ucks sometimes, for example, I looked at Apocalypse Now Redux ratings and downloaded the movie. To my astonishment movie was a total nonsense :mad:. There seemed to be no storyline and also mono syllabic dialogues were there too


The Devil's Advocate
hey guys did any 1 see russel crowse's movie last nite on star movies - other than russel crowe i dont know any other star neither did i get to see the movie other than a few minutes which i really liked and being a russel crowe cant miss it

any ideas which movie it was


Staff member
ImDB $ucks sometimes, for example, I looked at Apocalypse Now Redux ratings and downloaded the movie. To my astonishment movie was a total nonsense :mad:. There seemed to be no storyline and also mono syllabic dialogues were there too
+1, apocalypse was "The Horror, The Horror"


@techtronic & @T159,

+1, do you mean Apocalypto (well actually -1)

Its one of the worst movie I have seen. I think IMDB rating was 7.5 or so! and it was a Mel Gibson direction??

Clothless pygmies running around...!!


Staff member
@techtronic & @T159,

+1, do you mean Apocalypto (well actually -1)

Its one of the worst movie I have seen. I think IMDB rating was 7.5 or so! and it was a Mel Gibson direction??

Clothless pygmies running around...!!

8.6 (thats horrible, may be i wasnt supposed to see the director's cut redux)
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