Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


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just watched Der Untergang (The Downfall)
My Rating: 9.5/10 (Though movie is in German)
There is no good in war.

PS: If u think Transformers is the best movie u ever watched then please dont watch this masterpiece.


Another Brick in the Wall
We shouldn't compare Der Untergang and Transformers. I'll rate both the movies 8/10 but they're totally different Genres. Not many might like Der Untergang (it's depressing) but almost all would love Transformers. I watched in HD 720p and looked stunning.

Btw did you guys see the theoterical version or the extended one? Extended got 20 mins extra footage.


Staff member
We shouldn't compare Der Untergang and Transformers. I'll rate both the movies 8/10 but they're totally different Genres. Not many might like Der Untergang (it's depressing) but almost all would love Transformers. I watched in HD 720p and looked stunning.

Btw did you guys see the theoterical version or the extended one? Extended got 20 mins extra footage.
that wasn't much depressing (have seen more depressing ones), indeed i found it quite opposite to what i thought.

Transformers is like rap/pop (all would love rap and pop too but those few who has gotten into metal and rock will find it a little less to their taste :D )


Google Bot
hey guys did any 1 see russel crowse's movie last nite on star movies - other than russel crowe i dont know any other star neither did i get to see the movie other than a few minutes which i really liked and being a russel crowe cant miss it

any ideas which movie it was
mav it was A Good Year.


Another Brick in the Wall
that wasn't much depressing (have seen more depressing ones), indeed i found it quite opposite to what i thought.

Transformers is like rap/pop (all would love rap and pop too but those few who has gotten into metal and rock will find it a little less to their taste :D )
What are the other depressing movies? The Deer Hunter (Robert De Niro rules!) was one such movie. I can't believe what happened in the movie. Wah!


Staff member
What are the other depressing movies? The Deer Hunter (Robert De Niro rules!) was one such movie. I can't believe what happened in the movie. Wah!
Requiem for a Dream (2000). The movie revolves around addiction (of anything in excess is devastating)
My Rating: 8.3/10 (remember its not an entertainment movie)

House of Sand and Fog (2003) A tragic story abt a women(Jennifer Connelly) whos abandoned by his hubby and a Father(Ben Kingsley) who is trying hard to secure his family future.
My Rating : 8.1/10 (its a bit of entertainment too)

Jacob's Ladder (1990) An ex US soldier is getting visions of something that is terribly hard to see, most probably these events are linked with the incident that happened at Vietnam war. Everyone who was with him during war is getting killed one by one, he must find the answer to what happened during that incident.
My Rating : 8.3/10 (you wont find it interesting if u didnt like movies like Momento or Fightclub, a bit of psychological horror is too a plus here)

Mystic River (2003) Three close friends, one childhood tragedy that blemishes their life after several years when they meet again.
My Rating : 8.6/10 (Pure dialogs no crap)

Sublime (2007) If you cant control your fears, they can reach to your subconscious mind and then its really difficult to return back.
My Rating 7.7/10 (Entertaining as hell, but the end was kinda disappointing)

There are some Korean movies too :D


Another Brick in the Wall
I've Requiem for a Dream in DVD but yet to watch. I've seen Mystic River and found it OKish. Didn't feel that depressing. Another Clint Eastwood depressing movie is Million Dollar Baby, but not as such as The Deer Hunter/Der Untergang.

Foreign flicks which I thought was depressing:
- Amores perros (wow, one hell of a movie)
- Oldboy (btw, I didn't like the movie at all)


Staff member
- Oldboy (btw, I didn't like the movie at all)

thats more like a disturbing one, Any particular reason for not liking this one ? Though it was not meant to be a heart warming movie. There are 2 more from this vengeance series.

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005) (it has some chilly moments of disturbing acts, not gory but the very thought of imagination )
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance (haven't seen this till now)

And one thats pretty much healthy looking movie turn out to be a sick one at the last hour is Audition (1999) (there is one scene that was unbearable, though other scenes are too but none so comparable)

Another depressing foreign movie is:
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) Its the most twisted movie , other ones to name a few is Mullholland Dr. (though every twist was unraveled at the end). After watching more than 8 times am still left with the significance of some scenes unexplained. Here I mean every scene in this film symbolizes and left to interpretation of viewer. The more I watch the more I love this masterpiece. Though I wouldn't like to spoil the story here. :D. Its pretty much a flawless movie.

I love twist endings !

PS: Viewers who are looking for for raw entertainment without any brain involvement will hardly find anything in these movie, those who like to interpret and correlate will enjoy every bit of these movies.

- Amores perros (wow, one hell of a movie)

thanks for recommending "The Deer hunter" and "Amores Perros" :)
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 Macboy
Mulholland Dr. What a crap movie. I hate movies where they complicate things so much that you have to watch it like three four times to understand the whole thing. A waste of 8 Gigs.


Staff member
Mulholland Dr. What a crap movie. I hate movies where they complicate things so much that you have to watch it like three four times to understand the whole thing. A waste of 8 Gigs.
lol...u must hav read the reviews before. Its not raw entertainment but brain twisting. No wonder you can't appreciate it :D

Why I didn't like Oldboy.

How Gross can a Movie get?
many a reasons can be provided with counter explanation, though i wouldnt do that.

But it seemed that was too much for u, so please refrain from Audition too.

You can watch A Tale of Two Sisters if u like interpretation. After all its just depressing movie and no disturbing moments.
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