For the last 4 yrs, Autopatcher was here and a lot of people / comapnies / sys admins benefited from it. MS didn't utter a word about it. Remember the same MS closed down websites which are just similar to the name - Microsoft - within days. So for 4 yrs Autopatcher was good for MS and all of a sudden they *found* it is not secure, it is not clean !! Amazing
(can't blame em, may be they were all busy fixin the bugs in Win and didn't get time to check Autopatcher)
Yes, exactly. I really hope they come back
And all those great personalities, sys admins and geeks (?) and kids blindly support MS in each and everything, here is something for you. A must read.
Antonis Kaladis, the Project Manager & Lead Developer very nicely answered the MS lovers comments.
Read it after removing the 'Biased' spectacles
Yes, MS never even learn from their mistake ! Autopatcher was a great help for MS actually.