Aspiring Novelist
Wait till you get to the last boss; He's f*ckin' HUGE!Necrovisio - now riding a flying dragon - this game is totally amazing !
Wait till you get to the last boss; He's f*ckin' HUGE!Necrovisio - now riding a flying dragon - this game is totally amazing !
^^ Just craving for it - defeated Azazel anyway.
BTW, have not played a single challenge - it's time for play those and increase the power of shadowhand.
@ nvidiageek
Buddy i never had any black screens and mafia 2 is running flawlessly in my system.
How did you get it? I have a radeon 5750 1gb.
^Radeon HD 5850.
What about other games? Do they work fine? Start a new thread regarding this query.
This happens only with this game. And this is game's fault. Even legit users have this problem. It seems it only happens with Win7.
From a friend. BTW, when I start it, the splash image and all that PhysX logo pops up after that, nothing. Just black screen, it sits there for an hour or so. I've been trying my best to find a fix but can't. Any help would be appreciated.
P.S I have all the new drivers, for both my GPU and PhysX, so "update your drivers" won't be any good.![]()
Just completed Medal Of Honor. A decent game which has borrowed a lot of its style from Call of Duty series and Bad Company 2.
Now playing X: Men Origins Wolverine and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Hmm...looks interesting..wanna try out my hands on it....
It was just a very basic modern FPS for me which borrowed heavily from COD, be it running the Snowmobile from MW2 or sniping from a long range with .5 Cal Magnum and other countless incidents.Voice acting is pretty dull in Medal of Honor but the game play though not great is good enough.