I am the master of my Fate.
Talk to the hand.
John Cena.....
Talk to the hand.
@Both: an online multiplayer round of SF4 will do......
Completed Call of Duty Black Ops. That was fun! The story is by far the best in the CoD series. Glad I played it on PC. The PC version looks way better than the console version if you have a powerful card to run it. There were no stuttering issues either, solid 60FPS all the time.
Which game should I pick up next?
Completed Call of Duty Black Ops. That was fun! The story is by far the best in the CoD series. Glad I played it on PC. The PC version looks way better than the console version if you have a powerful card to run it. There were no stuttering issues either, solid 60FPS all the time.
Which game should I pick up next?
Try a game called Timeshift. It is one of my favorites.
or Darksiders maybe.
^^ what gfx card do you