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OMG there's Viktor Reznov and Dimitri from World at War in Black Ops. So, they killed Dimitri after he replaced the German flag with USSR one at the Reichstag?


Playing Nail'd In offline





Gameplay - 7/10
Graphics - 7/10
Stunts - 2/10

The game comes with top speed & high jump !


Completed GOW I. Whata game. Pure Brutal Bliss :p
And Sunny you stand corrected GOW is indeed top COD series any day (I being a COD fan).

Started Playing GOW II now. Though the controls are different from the first game but they have become easier to handle.


Aspiring Novelist
What did I miss? Looks like a lot of posts got swept off.

EDIT: Never mind. Went through the garbage, thanks asingh for cleaning them up.
Completed Call of Duty Black Ops. That was fun! The story is by far the best in the CoD series. Glad I played it on PC. The PC version looks way better than the console version if you have a powerful card to run it. There were no stuttering issues either, solid 60FPS all the time.

Which game should I pick up next?


Completed Call of Duty Black Ops. That was fun! The story is by far the best in the CoD series. Glad I played it on PC. The PC version looks way better than the console version if you have a powerful card to run it. There were no stuttering issues either, solid 60FPS all the time.

Which game should I pick up next?

Go for Darksiders if u r Big fan of God Of War ! U wont Mistake with DARKSIDERS - Superb story line :)


Aspiring Novelist
Completed Call of Duty Black Ops. That was fun! The story is by far the best in the CoD series. Glad I played it on PC. The PC version looks way better than the console version if you have a powerful card to run it. There were no stuttering issues either, solid 60FPS all the time.

Which game should I pick up next?

Try a game called Timeshift. It is one of my favorites.
Started Crysis. Everything maxed out on 1920x1200, no Vsyn or AA. Getting 30-35 FPS. Very playable. How long is the game?

Will be getting Draksiders after completing the Crysis series.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ what gfx card do you have ?

Started playing The Suffering - Ties that binds - it's one hell of a good game ( run and gun third person shooter ) though the gfx is not so great.
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