For all those who are planning to join BIG IT companies

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Aspiring Novelist
I did. many people did.

Are you dumb in the head or what. Or does everything have to be explained in crystal. I meant "how many people read them, and agree, and then do what the disclaimer says".

i don't know about s.pal. But if i had got this blog before i started my career i would be very thankful. did you read the comments in the article? some college students have thanked s.pal. for the enlightening post and decided to look for better opportunities.
I read each and every comment in that post, till around 2:00 PM today. When ever someone stands up and gives gyan, the receivers will stand up and give them accolades. It is extremely rare for someone to say, that the three companies did not help them. How does one even reach the interview door for companies if they have not built up work experience in other such "bad" companies per say. Just as many who thanked him, bi$$$hed him out too. I wish how many will get up today and resign from these companies reading the blog, or withdraw their potential candidature. OR will they get another opportunity (what ever it may be) and then resign with a smug, and update Pal's blog. Hypocrites, and so is Pal one.

if someone had writtten an article like this when i started my career i will have searched for better jobs too. I didn't know a lot about the IT world. so i fell for the Infy hype.
You got what you deserved at that time. Do not bend the past for present situations.

This article can save the careers of that 1 of 10000 people.
Or ruin it for the rest of 10000 - 1.

Please elaborate..?

Don't guess.

Read the comments in that article.

Read the comments in HackerStreet.India | Infosys, TCS, or Wipro? and Hacker News | Infosys, TCS or Wipro?
I read each and every comment. And came to my views seeing a holistic view of India's engineer graduates, job opportunities, their skill sets, salary structures, firm fitment, hiring policies, and career benefits.

so who is asking everyone to apply for startups google, rsa, microsoft? those who can but is falling for infy hype like i did many years ago, they should apply.
If you flip his blog around, this is what he is saying.

that's a motto of losers. so i disagree.
Please do not say this to someone about bad job vs. no job, who is self supporting, does not have parents backing him financially and has monetary obligations in the world. Even sitting for 15 days LWP/NP can jack someone so hard, that they are close to litigation and or criminal proceedings. Money does not see all this.

No. For god's sake learn to READ & UNDERSTAND! I am saying it one more time. Read it very carefully.

If you are capable enough to apply for good companies then don't fall for the hype of Infosys TCS Wipro. Try for better companies like Adobe, Microsoft, etc.
We all can read. And mind your tone.

And stop using the "troll" world. You have been warned.

Plus if people read from his blog, that people do not realize what is out there, they are not be driven to correct potentials, and / or there are better opportunities out there, specially as a fresher, this is not a correct way to tell them the truth. More like propaganda his blog.

This guy will be our next Chetan Bhagat. :)


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
No one is a loser. We get what we choose. If someone thinks, it makes him a loser working in companies like Wipro, TCS, Infosys; I pity them. Working in some company doesn't make you better/smarter than anyone else. I believe everyone has got more or less same amount of brains (intelligence), it is the choice they make that makes the difference.

I, for one, completely disagree with the article/blog. If someone likes to sit at his place and code whole day long what's the difference if he does in company A or B. I understand there are many benefits of product based companies but they are relative. I, in the other thread, agreed to a post which said product based companies are better but I like it here, that's why I am continuing here because I am getting handsome money. In future if I get a better chance I will move and grab that. Can anyone dare say people from product based companies do not join service based companies? It happens all the time. We all know that the bottom line of all this is money. You work hard for job interview so that you can impress and then bargain the organization for better incentive.

In India, people are getting jobs in IT so easily (even if they do not deserve it) that they think lowly of it and that's a fact. You must have heard/read so many jokes floating around about software engineers. They have ample time to write such articles.

If you really want to achieve something, then please do something for this society and this country, working in "Google" is not an achievement in my humble opinion.

BTW who are called "hardcore techie"?


Right off the assembly line
asingh said:
Are you dumb in the head or what. Or does everything have to be explained in crystal. I meant "how many people read them, and agree, and then do what the disclaimer says".

I did too. ;-)

Disclaimers are small but important part of an article. Aren't they?

It would be unfair to the author to read the whole article and then b1tch about it even though it was not addressed to you. The article is targetted towards a very small select group of people and rightly so.

I wish how many will get up today and resign from these companies reading the blog, or withdraw their potential candidature. OR will they get another opportunity (what ever it may be) and then resign with a smug, and update Pal's blog. Hypocrites, and so is Pal one.

S. Pal has not asked anyone to resign. If people get up today and resign without any thinking then they are fools. He is simply writing about his mistake and his realizations and his advice to juniors who are worth a company better than Infy, TCS et al.

The author has clearly made it clear at the top of the article that if you are already happy with Infy, TCS the article should be ignored. But if you are disatisfied because you feel you can do better work than you are doing in Infy, TCS, then proceed and read.

So if someone is happy with Infy, TCS, just chill.

Plus if people read from his blog, that people do not realize what is out there, they are not be driven to correct potentials, and / or there are better opportunities out there, specially as a fresher, this is not a correct way to tell them the truth. More like propaganda his blog.

This guy will be our next Chetan Bhagat. :)

How? The author is not making the propaganda. People like you and me are making propaganda by talking about it, b|tching about it, hailing it, bla bla bla.

The author writes more posts on software engineering and mathematics. Why don't we discuss those posts?

Here is the truth. We all like controversies. We are suckers of controversies. So we just ignore the hundreds of useful algorithms and mathematics related posts and puzzles he has written in this blog and focus only on one post about a simple and honest career advice to young generation who are not happy in TCS because they can do better work. So who are the hypocrites? Is it the author or is it you & me? :-d

BTW who are called "hardcore techie"?

Someone who is more than a codemonkey. Someone who can create his own algorithms to solve problems instead of copy pasting code from internet.


Aspiring Novelist
I personally feel the disclaimer was but in bad taste to the blog, to sensationalize the blog. And he is in know position to advice freshers with so less experience.

His target audience caveat is also absolute fail, because it will actually strike a point (that too negative) with people who he never wished would read. The disclaimer guys.

Is it that hard to understand the mechanism here..?

By the way, when I opened the link from this page, I read his mathematical blogs first. :) Found them more interesting.


No one is a loser. We get what we choose. If someone thinks, it makes him a loser working in companies like Wipro, TCS, Infosys; I pity them. Working in some company doesn't make you better/smarter than anyone else. I believe everyone has got more or less same amount of brains (intelligence), it is the choice they make that makes the difference.

I, for one, completely disagree with the article/blog. If someone likes to sit at his place and code whole day long what's the difference if he does in company A or B. I understand there are many benefits of product based companies but they are relative. I, in the other thread, agreed to a post which said product based companies are better but I like it here, that's why I am continuing here because I am getting handsome money. In future if I get a better chance I will move and grab that. Can anyone dare say people from product based companies do not join service based companies? It happens all the time. We all know that the bottom line of all this is money. You work hard for job interview so that you can impress and then bargain the organization for better incentive.

In India, people are getting jobs in IT so easily (even if they do not deserve it) that they think lowly of it and that's a fact. You must have heard/read so many jokes floating around about software engineers. They have ample time to write such articles.

If you really want to achieve something, then please do something for this society and this country, working in "Google" is not an achievement in my humble opinion.

BTW who are called "hardcore techie"?
Nicely pointed out :)
I have got placed in Accenture And TCS
And i am not worrying which company to join first .. The company which gives JL first will be my first company :)

One cannot forget that Bangalore ,Hyderabad etc are deemed as IT cities coz of these service oriented companies. There is no bad company, there is just bad attitude . If one is not happy with the company he/she is free to join a better company .. I think what majority of people does is blame the company but still remain in the company ..

If one has the potential, sky is the limit .:)
And to be frank companies like Microsoft, Amazon etc wont give weightage to freshers and if you are from a not so popular college and not from the specific branch like CS, IS for software companies etc then there is light chance of getting into it.

So what can one do?
Join a company in which he/she gets recruited learn and have some experience. Complete certifications if wanted and later try for these companies/ higher studies ..

First company choice is significant but surely NOT a turning point in life.
If one does mistake in choosing first company/domain ..he/she can rectify it by working hard and trying for better instead of trolling and saying "oh i made a bad choice and i am stuck with the servicing companies oh my god what a mistake i did blah blah" etc

The Conqueror

If you know even at least 1-2 programming languages and its fundamental know-how, then I guess learning a new language is simply like learning new "syntax". Of course, some minor architectural changes here and there will of course be there, but I suppose the training takes care of that.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
If you know even at least 1-2 programming languages and its fundamental know-how, then I guess learning a new language is simply like learning new "syntax". Of course, some minor architectural changes here and there will of course be there, but I suppose the training takes care of that.
That's not true. C/C++/Java may be similar, try going to Python it's quite different and then go to the world of LISP, and that's a totally different ball game.
There's also a matter of semantics which are not as straightforward to learn in 3 days.

The Conqueror

C/C++/Java may be similar, try going to Python it's quite different and then go to the world of LISP, and that's a totally different ball game.
There's also a matter of semantics which are not as straightforward to learn in 3 days.
Because I read that in one book related to algorithms. Now, I see textbooks and the real world are quite different.Anyways, thanks for clearing the fact.


I personally feel the disclaimer was but in bad taste to the blog, to sensationalize the blog. And he is in know position to advice freshers with so less experience.

I have a basic question. How much experience do you think is necessary to share his experiences and his mistakes in his own blog post and end it with the lessons that he learnt from his mistakes?

His target audience caveat is also absolute fail, because it will actually strike a point (that too negative) with people who he never wished would read. The disclaimer guys.

The disclaimer is a fail is your opinion. Fair enough. My opinion is If I am the author I will not care about uninvited comments on my article. More so when I have asked most people to stay away from my article. If people can not read and understand disclaimers but get too emotional it is their problem not the author's problem.

By the way, when I opened the link from this page, I read his mathematical blogs first. :) Found them more interesting.

I enjoyed his math articles too. We agree somewhere. :)

I personally found the article as a good attempt to remove some myths about the IT industry. Freshers don't have a clear picture of what happens in Infy, tCS, Wipro. they believe in a lot of myths that this article clarifies. The language could have been softer and less harsh but ultimately the facts are very informative for a fresher.

People like us who have been in the IT industry for a long time may not find any eye-opening stuff in his blog. We all know the reality. But freshers don't know the reality. I personally feel that the article should be read for what it's worth by every fresher. But I don't mean that everyone should just read and throw away their offers from Infy, TCS or Wipro and sit jobless at home. I hope the freshers have the brains to read the post, think critically and take the most appropriate decision for their careers.

Because I read that in one book related to algorithms. Now, I see textbooks and the real world are quite different.Anyways, thanks for clearing the fact.

The textbook is correct if you are switching to one language from another using the same paradigm. But if you are moving from C to LISP or Haskell to Python it is like learning a new thing. But previous experience with some programming language helps even while moving across paradigms.

Even within the same paradigm every language also teaches you some new style of doing things. So it demands some more work than just learning a new syntax. But I repeat that experience with one language helps in learning other language.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Because I read that in one book related to algorithms. Now, I see textbooks and the real world are quite different.Anyways, thanks for clearing the fact.
The book is right actually, the point is often misunderstood though.
Algorithms will be the same for obvious reason but the semantics will be different. Take it this way, the construction of sentences in English and Hindi will have the same meaning behind them but the way the meaning of the sentence is analysed i.e. semantics are different. :)


The book is right actually, the point is often misunderstood though.
Algorithms will be the same for obvious reason but the semantics will be different. Take it this way, the construction of sentences in English and Hindi will have the same meaning behind them but the way the meaning of the sentence is analysed i.e. semantics are different. :)

Oh right! I agree with liverpool. Ignore my previous comment. I forgot that you read this in algorithms book and thought that you read it in a programming language book.


Aspiring Novelist
At least a person should have 5-6 years of work experience to stand on a pedestal and lecture. :) Also what racked my brain, was the glorification of start-ups. Where would all they be, if it had not been for these big power houses to bring in work to India.

Basically this article might play on the human psychology of bad being seen over the good. But hell anyways, someone in need of a job (fresher) will give nothing to blogs like this. This is more for elite class. :)

I read all the post and all the ancillary blogs + their posts. I read his blog as holistically as possible, and not minutely.


At least a person should have 5-6 years of work experience to stand on a pedestal and lecture. :) Also what racked my brain, was the glorification of start-ups. Where would all they be, if it had not been for these big power houses to bring in work to India.

The author has more than 5.5 years of work experience. I found it in his linkedin profile: Susam Pal - India | LinkedIn

The Conqueror

The book is right actually, the point is often misunderstood though.
Algorithms will be the same for obvious reason but the semantics will be different. Take it this way, the construction of sentences in English and Hindi will have the same meaning behind them but the way the meaning of the sentence is analysed i.e. semantics are different. :)

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