Things that irritated me:-
1) Enemies regenerate, If u kill enemies at a place, and then come back after sometime(not even 5 mins), just take a round of about 1 km and come back, u ll find em super alive....that was irritating.
2) Exxxxxaaaaaactly same Safehouses, undergrounds, APR and UFLL offices, the way they talk and all....blah
3) 50 sq km .....great......but all of the same copied....booooooo.....its like visiting one place again and again, same trees, same stones, ....
4) The day night cycle shouldve been little faster( Clear Sky's was a bit better in speed), and the DUNIA engine, the trees are supposed to grow wen u shoot-n-cut them. i cudnt observe it

5) It wud have been greeeeeeeat if railways were working

6) The diary shudve been on screen(like map) too...and thr shud ve been different "quit" menu without diary features.
7) Underground missions were not so necessary.
8) Friends call u only wen u r given a mission(main mission), cudve been better if they call us for help(wen we r not at mission).
9) Somewat repetitive and kinda dull story.
10) Enemies again. very very poor AI, they look somewhere even with u in front of them, and even u use sniper, they all get informed at once.i still think Far Cry AI was lot better.
11) Soundtrack is good, but wen enemies are around it turns rapid, that cud be alarming us.
12) I didnt like hidden dimonds thing. It is the most repetitive part.
Good Points:-
1) FC2 successfully gives the feeling of Afrika and jungles and deserts.
2)The water looks great, really one of the best ones i ve seen. though rain effects cud be better.
3) inclusion of repairing, malaria tablets and healing friends is good.
4) Map within the game is very good.
5) Every time of the day is very well shown. that is, morning really feels morning, same with noon and evening.
6) Guns wear down as we use them, it was good, the rust and did u try shooting at ammo pile, it ignites the ammos.
Thats as much as i can think of now:
Please add more points