Ok, I didn't like Far Cry 2 too much.
To me it's over hyped. I've not completed the game and uninstalled it after playing about 8 hours.
I did like Crysis better than this. This is why I didn't like FC2.
FC2 has 30 (or 50?) sq. km open world and every inch of it looks same. OTOH, Crysis, despite based on a single island event - has different locations in almost every level.
Game story - WTF this is an Action game.
FPS games has nothing to offer in game play except action. If you get any long & rigid story (like, FC1, crysis, GoW etc.) - that is simply value for the money. Generally FPS games are linear in nature - so can't complain about game play or story. FC2 has simplest story in recent year's action games. Find & kill The jackal.
Action Graphics & Multiplay - thats all about Action genre
It's the action & graphics & weapons - that holds the key for single player FPS. Multi play is the another key area for FPS games (UT, Q3Arena etc).
What FC2 fails? - it fails to provide players a good amount of action. 50% of FC2 is spent in vehicle, 20% in walking, 10% managing inventory/repairing, 10% in dialog & 10% is in action. C'mon Ubisoft - do you think People will pay $60 for this crap?
It has 9 playable characters but not a single character has some unique value to play with. Every time you'll be repeating yourself.
How many players will be buying games JUST ONLY for stunning graphics? (I agree that FC2 graphics is awesome and good competitor of Crysis series. )
It's better to watch NatGeo or Discovery channel in 40" LCD TV.
FC2 isn't a bad game but it's not a $60 value game.
No matter how much score can IGN or Gamespot gives it, FC2 didn't do justice to the franchise.
Those who buy originals and don't play online, should stay away from this hyped game.
PS: Thanks to Internet - I saved my Rs. 2500/-