Now its my turn..
Finished the game yesterday and I must say that the end of the game was nice. But there were many things in the game which were not needed at all.
1) Malaria: How the hell was it related to the storyline. Every now and then, player got an attack of malaria which went out once a pill was popped.
2) Underground: Again who needed this organisation??? Except supplying the medicine of malaria what was the need of it?
3) Such a huge number of guard posts: The guard posts were there in almost every nook and corner of the map. An killing the guards became one real pain in the @$$. After first 15-20 minutes, I stopped paying any heed to the posts and drove past all of them.
4) Diamond briefcases: What was the point of giving of 1,2 or 3 diamonds in the briefcase. 221 briefcases... are you kidding me?? Who the hell has the time and patience to search them all. A better idea would have been 20-30 briefcases with each of them having around 12-15 diamonds.
5) So few weapon shops: Both the towns had only 3-4 weapon shops and they too were at the extremes. These couldve been situated better. And the missions given by the owners sucked big time. Same repetitive missions.
Now even the AI was not what I had expected because I had played FAR cRY. They were dumb and kinda talked to each other by telepathy. I killed a guy using machete and other guys started shooting at me, no stealth element present. The guard posts had an unlimited supply of guards.
Although the Dunia engine was great. I played the game on Very High settings on my rig(see signature) without a flaw. Although the benchmark tool gave an average framerate of 14 but even after lowering down shadows(and one other thing which I dont rememeber) to high the game was playable.
Today I will get dead space, fallout 3, left 4 dead and COD5.
Finished the game yesterday and I must say that the end of the game was nice. But there were many things in the game which were not needed at all.
1) Malaria: How the hell was it related to the storyline. Every now and then, player got an attack of malaria which went out once a pill was popped.
2) Underground: Again who needed this organisation??? Except supplying the medicine of malaria what was the need of it?
3) Such a huge number of guard posts: The guard posts were there in almost every nook and corner of the map. An killing the guards became one real pain in the @$$. After first 15-20 minutes, I stopped paying any heed to the posts and drove past all of them.
4) Diamond briefcases: What was the point of giving of 1,2 or 3 diamonds in the briefcase. 221 briefcases... are you kidding me?? Who the hell has the time and patience to search them all. A better idea would have been 20-30 briefcases with each of them having around 12-15 diamonds.
5) So few weapon shops: Both the towns had only 3-4 weapon shops and they too were at the extremes. These couldve been situated better. And the missions given by the owners sucked big time. Same repetitive missions.
Now even the AI was not what I had expected because I had played FAR cRY. They were dumb and kinda talked to each other by telepathy. I killed a guy using machete and other guys started shooting at me, no stealth element present. The guard posts had an unlimited supply of guards.
Although the Dunia engine was great. I played the game on Very High settings on my rig(see signature) without a flaw. Although the benchmark tool gave an average framerate of 14 but even after lowering down shadows(and one other thing which I dont rememeber) to high the game was playable.
Today I will get dead space, fallout 3, left 4 dead and COD5.