Clinkz – Bone Fletcher Guide by Blood and Beyond
Bone is an agility type hero who excels in mid and late game with some good items
Strafe : grants 100 Bonus Attack speed for 4/6/8/10 seconds.
Searing arrows : gives 30/40/50/60 extra damage that goes through BKB
Skeleton walk : gives bonus MS for 20/25/30/35 seconds. With power treads and maxed out 3rd skill gives 511 MS.
Death Pact : Consume a non hero unit which health is converted to Damage and Health
Try this on one Big HP unit to see the difference
Ex : Neutral Camps Boss : Hell satyr, Centaur , Troll .
How to play Clinkz
Two ways to play Clinkz : max 2nd skill always to last hits
Strafe Build: To take down Towers ASAP
Skeleton walk : To gank enemy heroes and GTFO of that area.
Starting Items : Tango and Wraith Band
Try to get mid or any safe lane until you get Orchid in 13-18 mins
With searing arrows you can easily get Last hits
Max 2nd skill so at level 7th the Clinkz Build should be 1-4-1-1
The Item Build Should be:
Tango, Wraith band
Ring of Aquila , Power Treads
Daedalus / Monkey King Bar / Black King Bar
Orchid only silences the target and they can use the items such as Force staff , Shadow blade
To escape from Bone
After Orchid Clinkz is a ganker and you can sell Ring of Aquila and you never have to worry about mana and mana regen.
Clinkz is not a initiator so Hide in the forest and until a tanker initiates.
When you start to attack a unit ,the MS will be 350 so enemies can outrun you easily so again cast Skeleton walk and try to go ahead of them and kill them.
If they get blademail, try to farm scythe of wise and disable them and kill them
How to play against Clinkz
These are some of the heroes i encountered and i had a hard time
Outworld Devourer , Silencer - He makes Clinkz out of mana in early games and mocks his farm.
Bounty Hunter , Slardar - They make you visible
Kunkka - His 2nd AOE TideBringer also makes your lane so hard
And hell yeah Spirit breaker charge makes you stunned and he can ulti and kill you in seconds
Avoid Nukers in you lane.
How to Counter those heroes
Silencer or OD or Kunkka - try to Hug the tower and farm safe
BH or Slardar – Wait for them to show up ,and cast orchid on them and kill them
When bara is attacking, try to Death pact a creep and get hp and juke him into the forest
My last game with Clinkz even against OD in mid lane: 37 min game
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