I visited your portal. At first I thought that it was just a forum. But you are making a huge step, congos for that.back to tdf after a long time...
I'm surprised to see a huge Dota 2 thread here! This is almost perfect for what I'm planning. We've organised ourselves (college buddies) to host India's first Dota 2 tournament. I'm halfway in getting Valve's permission, we bought the domains dota.co.in and dota2.co.in (the tournament is to be named DOTA COIN). What I need is feedback and some information about the Indian dota scene. I've wasted countless hours on Garena, it is highly disorganised and not reliable to find feedback.
What do you guys think about it? Our basic idea is to host a 5 day (Valve permits max 5 days sequential), only Indian players knock-out style tournament. Teams get to register online earlier and the first 10 will be selected after confirming (via contacting in person) and the next 10 would be on a strict invite-only basis (ofc TDF preference now). Another alternative is a qualifier round of max 30 teams, followed by classic tournament semi/finals. All the matches will be either based on tournament passes or completely open. The prizemoney is still an issue, what we currently can raise is 10k.
Now I'm not a pro at playing, but I've successfully levelled up till 20 and has the Sylvan Guard setadd me (_hsr) on steam if you'd like to discuss or become part of the team.
And regarding dota scenario in India, if the registration is plain and simple, matches are flexible in timing, then you can see huge participation.
Also, make registration open 1 month before the tournaments