Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

Who will win 2014 elections

  • Rahul Gandhi (Congress)

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Narendra Modi (BJP)

    Votes: 54 52.9%
  • I want Narendra Modi but not BJP

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • I want Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

    Votes: 12 11.8%
  • Others

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • I don't want to vote for any of them

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I dunno if "99.9%" is the figure, but yes superstition is an inherent part of the conditioned human nature no matter how he is tagged or likes to be tagged as, be it *theist, atheist, secularist, communist or even a person who calls himself a brahmin because his surname is trivedi,chaturvedi etc. Be it modern India or modern scientists or Vedic era, superstition, IMO, has always remained and will always remain and its not unique to India alone.
Surely not unique to India. But the people of no country in the world have regressed as much as people living around these parts have.

If you look at the overall picture, it hurts to see that Abrahamic "west" (Islamic countries excluded) has made good amount of progress economically and sociologically. Economic progress can be credited to colonialism though.

The rise of 'pooja'. That's may be where we went wrong.


Judgement Time!!
I really believe that people who have voted for AAP are the ones who don't have much interest in Indian history, Indian politics, happenings around India let alone the ones in the remotest parts, but are simply going for AAP because of popularity and perceived "clean image".
Absolutely not. Pls do not insult the indian voters here.I do not see the relations at all. They were voted in favour as they promised to change the functionings in a government, have a transparent approach. People perceived that as change and voted them. Mind you things will be different in assembly polls but its similar to how regional parties around the country are coming to power. They reach every nook and corner of the districts which unfortunately the likes of cong and bjp to an extent have failed.
Many are the ones who wanted an alternative for Congress but did not want to associate with BJP and hence AAP. I was indeed one of those many guys who participated in Anna's anti-corruption movement held around August and December AFAIR where slogans like "Suar ka bacha kaisa ho Kapil Sibbal jaisa ho" were quite popular. But as someone said, AAP is a selfish by-product of a selfless movement.
True to an extent. Having spoken to few people there, most of the people i know who voted for AAP was because they were easily approachable and a welcome alternative to the bjp and cong. Nothing wrong in that. Politicians especially the cong challenged them that if you want to change the system, join politics. AAP called the bluff and did it.
I personally do not have any affiliations to AAP or any other group but this is the perception i got from my Delhi friends.

1. Do you support terrorists ? If no , then how do you support a party whose co founder is fighting cases of terrorists in supreme court ?
This is the job of a criminal lawyer. They have to represent both sides of the case. If this guy, the court will appoint someone else.Ram jethmalani too did the same thing. But then that's his bread and butter. Does that make him anti nationalists too? Case cannot go ahead without two parties anyways.

7. Do you support Mafias ? If no , then how do you support a party which gave tickets to Mafias and local "mawalis" ?

Erm this is where you could point out that all parties are the same. No idea about them hiring mafias but Cong and bjp have been selling tickets to these people for years.

8. Do you support politics based on "freebies" ? If no , than how did you forget their promise of free water, half electricity rates ?
Again similar to cong or bjp supporting free rice/dal or whatever freebies left.

9. And lastly, do you support communal or vote bank politics ? If no then how do you support Kejriwal who begged in front of Moulana Taukeer Raza who was involved in gruesome riots of Bareily and who announced bounty for the killing of Taslima Nasreen ?
One of the biggest blunders of AAP party. This was his gravest mistake.

Edited out 2-6 as i do not have much info about those but yeah could be looked into.
ps:- I have nothing to do with AAP. Dont even care if they win or lose but i thought the argument was too one sided. Hence responded. :)[/QUOTE]


You are correct. There have been mafias and mawalis in all political parties. I don't really like Jethmalani but still respect him for his knowledge. Can you please tell what all criminal cases jethmalani practiced where the client was an anti-Indian?

The below decision was a good one which has helped cleaning the Indian politics.

Convicted MPs, MLAs to lose seat right away: SC - Hindustan Times

Moreover, I believe it was Subramaniam Swamy's hardwork in fixing EVM tampering, the price of which has been paid by COngress. Lets see how well it works in other elections as well.

It would be nice if you can respond to 2-6 as well.

As Delhite myself I can tell you how the politics has changed back from anti-corruption movement to AAP. I myself supported Kejriwal and more importantly Anna. But a lot has changed since then.

But anyways reading the recent debate, anything can happen in the next re-election.

AAP has cut Congress votes more than BJP. Please see the pic.

picture share

For the last 10 years, the paid media has been trying to demolish Modi in every way possible, hooks and crooks, lies and deception. The media never went against Congress. So many scams and none were discussed more than one week. Vadra case comes and the next thing we see on the media is some Baba or "godman" (invented by paid media) comitting crime and it gos on for weeks. More to this, every single political party and the newest in the league i.e AAP was in a race to defame Modi. Modi is communal, saffron, fascist etc. Even Kejriwal seemed to be ignorant of Supreme Court's SIT decision, a clean chit and yet these newbies and national sellers find themselves above the court. Modi agreed to every investigation possible. What about Congress and Kejriwal's fake funds and Shazia Ilmi's sting operation?

Now I see media slowly opening up and after the Congress defeat, I found myself witnessing the most uncommon situation where media was questioning Rahul Gandhu, SOnia Gandhi, putting the most uncomfortable questions which were never found in their history.

AAP, kejriwal have always got the surprising attention that no other anti-corruption crusader got. Nigamananda Saraswati died in his fast and many others met the same fate. But there was no media attention. Baba Ramdev and his "communal" followers were beaten at 1 am where 51 year old Rajbala died, but no such attacks were done on Kejriwal. Also, Ramdev's Anshan wasn't even shown by the media.

And so, if this media attention neutralises, then I believe it will work much more in favour of BJP where many works, contruction, development in Gujarat was never shown, the nationalist and relief work done by RSS was never shown, Modi saving people in Uttarakhand was distorted to "15000 only Gujaratis" (later apologised by TOI in a very small section), various exposes by Subramaniam swamy were never shown and hence people who cannot dig further than watching media are totally in dark about the vast amount of the patriotic work being done!

Also, there has been rumours going on (for more than 1 year) about AAP being Congress creation, where congress knew of the outcome, Sonia stopping Kejriwal's transfer, plans for AAP to cut BJP votes, merge with Congress like Chiranjeevi did in South and if nothing else comes up, then Congress to release the demanded version of Janlokpal Bill.

And hence it will be no suprise for me if Congress does release JanLokpal Bill before its own expiry date. But it seems Congress found the situation rather different to what it expected and now AAP has cut Congress votes more than the BJP!!

Communal violence bill with its precise timings is another strategy to tumble the NDA government if it is formed. By default and the initial drafted version (2011) the member of majority community will be seen as criminals in case of conflict and public servant will be accountable. We all know the history of Congress which has been a leader in creating riots and genocides. Map that to the future NDA and communal violence bill in its workings!

It seems to me like a pure Congress politics down to last drop of blood and breath. But I'm sure the results are and will be much beyond their expection and calculations.

The above is purely my opinion. People are free to disagree! :)


Gay sex illegal says Supreme Court, activists to seek review |

Well fk... that makes no sense whatsoever. Why is SC flip-flopping on this matter? :facepalm:


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Live Blog: India's Supreme Court Rules Gay Sex Illegal - India Real Time - WSJ

Subramanian Swamy, a politician with the Bharatiya Janata Party, said that homosexuality was a malfunction of the human body and should be treated medically.

"I welcome Supreme Court judgment holding homosexuality as illegal,” Mr. Subramanian told The Wall Street Journal in an email statement after the Supreme Court judgment.

“It is no accident that men and women are born in equal proportion. Moreover survival of the human race requires one man one woman cohabitation,” he added.

Any behavior which disturbs this natural selection should be regarded as deviant and treated as illegal, Mr. Subramanian said.

“The government and corporates must fund research to find a cure for homosexuality at the earliest. It is a malady that should not be celebrated but cured with compassion,” he said.

Dunno what to say. :| Such narrow mindedness and medieval thinking.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Haha subbu swamy
Someone should tell him its no accident that men and women are not born in equal proportions

Thats hardly the worst thing he has said


Staff member
Do we have any records from historic India or Vedic India where this was not illegal ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
can't compare modern legal system(or the pre-independence british system) to older times but as far as existence is concerned they were there:
Manas: Culture, Architecture of India, Khajuraho
gays and lesbians have found in Khajuraho evidence of the enlightened attitudes of the pre-modern Indian culture


Staff member
Looks like past was most liberal.

Don't we have any gay/lesbian lords out of millions of gods ?


Abnormality IMO and in my understanding is anything that is not normal. A person born blind or with a handicap is indeed an abnormality. One can call it as a malfunction. Similarly, a person born differently in the normal definition of gender is indeed abnormal in that definition only. But that is much different from the societal acceptance. Indian literature AFAIK, is silent on such issues, but having said that the story of Shikhandi is famous, where born feminine she/he had the spirit of a man and was even given a place on the Chariot run by Krishna himself. AFAIK, Indian literature embraces all life forms and gives lessons where the adharma happened due to lack of such embrace.

Ardhanareshwara is hermaphrodite
At least one of krishna's wives was a eunuch
RIP symbology. RIP common sense. One reads ardhanareshwara from one text and hermaphrodite from another and bingo, mind mapping yields the result => "Ardhanareshwara is hermaphrodite".

BTW, can you please quote source with proper texts and sanskrit where one of Krishna's wives was a eunuch?

I believe SC judgement is the real reason rather than election results behind why AMul Baby, Sibbal, Diggy Doggy, Karan Thappar and Manish Tiwari are crying together! Meanwhile, according to Salman Khurshid, who drooled 100 kg over the beauty of China yearning shamelessly to live in CHina, says "Sonia Maino Antonio sirf Amul Baby ki hi nahi, ham sab ki maa hai". I'm sure he/she got his Rs.5 perk for this!
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
"Ardhanareshwara is hermaphrodite" - now that made me chuckle very hard.

Abnormality IMO and in my understanding that is anything is not normal. A person born blind or with a handicap is indeed an abnormality. One can call it as a malfunction. Similarly, a person born differently in the normal definition of gender is indeed abnormal in that definition only. But that is much different from the societal acceptance. Indian literature AFAIK, is silent on such issues, but having said that the story of Shikhandi is famous, where born feminine she/he had the spirit of a man and was even given a place on the Chariot run by Krishna himself.
Being homosexual is not "abnormal". Not even a malfunction. Just being different. Just attraction to the same gender.

"carnal intercourse against the order of nature" - this also criminalises few very normal and popular sexual practices even between straight couples! I guess we can find one very popular "Made in India" literature on this.


Personally, my head doesn't work on such topics. I believe all life forms should be embraced no matter how they were born. Anal, Carnal etc whateva you said, my mind fuses/shutsdown thinking upon on them. There are few changes which happen not by birth as you said. The society should learn to accept the individual desires as long as they do not harm anyone else or the nation at large. But I do believe the homosexuals should not irritate people begging on the roads where subconsciously I can sense a kind of societal approval from many of these folks.

But here's an open opportunity for Amul Baby and his partners to openly support homosexuals and bingo, you get their votes. I believe our friend who takes pride in baboon party can convey the message to Amul Baby.


Democracy is a myth
LS poll campaign update #56

Contacted INC and specially sought out Rahul. Informed him that LGBT voters can be tapped now that SC has ruled against them. And, seemingly BJP is ignoring them as they are too confident on Modi.
Suggested that we can do a sneak attack on our opponent by brainwashing the LGBT clan.

Rahul was baffled by my idea and even Sonia agreed she could not think such a wonderful scheme. Promised me a Bharat Ratna as soon as they win the LS poll.

Ok folks, thats all for today.


Latest claims about Yoga being magic:

Homosexuality is a disease, yoga can cure it: Ramdev | Deccan Chronicle

Somebody needs to tell him that education can cure ignorance.


Staff member
What I dont understand is what do they fear if they legalize it ? It's not one's choice so not everyone will suddenly turn into gay.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^that's not how legal system works.main argument of the case was that section 377 of IPC violates fundamental rights articles 14,15 & 21 & supporters of LGBT failed to prove it sufficiently in supreme court as supreme court noted that in last 150 years only around 200 people were prosecuted under this section.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^Also in all the cases, there was absence of consent and the sexual act was forced on the victim. Surely, this act needs to be trashed which prevents "normal" people from enjoying their normal act. ;)

What I dont understand is what do they fear if they legalize it ? It's not one's choice so not everyone will suddenly turn into gay.

And I don't understand what's the need of legalizing it? Not that LGBT people are waiting to engage in their sexual acts after the law will be amended, they are already doing whatever they want.
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