Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

Who will win 2014 elections

  • Rahul Gandhi (Congress)

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Narendra Modi (BJP)

    Votes: 54 52.9%
  • I want Narendra Modi but not BJP

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • I want Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

    Votes: 12 11.8%
  • Others

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • I don't want to vote for any of them

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The point is very simple, but still

Mutation and Adaptation -> OK, Growing of limbs, eyes, organs etc in front of our eyes -> assumption; not measureable, verifiable, proven
Red Shift -> OK, Universe concentrated into a concentrated dot -> assumption; not measureable, verifiable or proven
Two guys looking similar -> OK, They are brothers -> Assumption
You are bald, he is bald, we are bald -> OK, everyone is bald -> generalization
Paintings, tools in caves -> OK, cavemen were ignorant -> assumption
Paintings, tools in found in households today also -> OK, cavemen exist today -> ???
Your link -> Talks about adaptation, mutation -> OK, evolution -> define evolution!
Mediator -> 10 kg in gym yesterday, 100 kg tomorrow, evolution -> ? NO, thats simply adaptation
Crow Playing soccer -> Adaptation
Dogs in army -> Adaptation
Dogs Dancing -> Adaptation

Point is pretty simple, only if we could throw the burqa that hides us from the Sun! Now don't give me that superstition that evolution takes much time and hence I asked you to know about E.Coli experiment and new science "research" that evolution happens at faster rate than earlier thought just like we have surprises in the case of "faster expanding universe" and the "mysterious" dark energy to explain it. :oops:

Try understanding what mutation and adaptation are. They are a reality indeed. But observing two fossils and using mutation and adaptation as logic to say species evolved or grew limbs, organs etc is simply illogical!

Dude, what?

Mutation refers to the errors that occur during genetic duplication. Growing of limbs etc. are the results of mutation.

Redshift is absolutely measurable (Unless you wish to claim that we cannot measure the frequency of the light coming from more distant galaxies)

Here we see Red evolving into Yellow. Notice that at no single point does the colour stop being red. It slowly adapts to a yellower shade pixel by pixel, each nigh indistinguishable from the previous one, but in the end you have two different colours.


Recommended reading:



^Read my post again. It does not differ from mine except at this part,

dead5 said:
Growing of limbs etc. are the results of mutation.
Here I'm not talking of random probabilities.

Read -> Myths and Misconceptions | Evolution FAQ


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Point is pretty simple

Vedas are very old > Ok, that they lead to answers of the universe or a higher consciousness > assumption, ego and not verifiable or proven. It's simply illogical! :oops:


As usualy => incorrect!

Vedas are old -> ok
Lead to answers of the universe -> True and False
Why false ? -> Because they enable you to experience and gather the answers which "cannot be contained to a book, explained by words, minds or analyzed in the realm of space and time". It enables you to transcend beyond it! It is a science which "proven, measurable and verifiable" and those who do authorize that science after questioning, experiencing etc are called astik. Like I said, the infinite play of shakti cannot be contained in a book!

But Hey, we don't have any interest in the subject at all. We acknowledge it openly, but we will still judge as we like without even reading, let alone understanding, let alone experiencing! And so, the blind man tries to present his point of view on the entire gamut of color spectrum. How scientific!

The argument of "very old" is really wise indeed. Its like saying one's own father is ignorant because he is old! :oops:


The Dark Lord
Staff member
As usual => incorrect!

Lead to the answers of the universe -> false until proven true, none of which you have proven ever. You believe it with all your heart and mind, no doubt, but personal belief does not make logical evidence. It almost seems like you point to random links without reading them yourself - for example the last one you posted is completely pro evolution and debunks the very myths you are trying to propagate.

Unlike you, I actually try and see all view points, and am even reading some of the books you recommended currently, and so far at least (apart from purely religious bias) no logical reasoning person talks of them the way you do.

You use logic selectively, trying to find flaws in scientific theory using the very logic of scientific minds and their own findings, but then refuse to question your own unscientific beliefs using the same logic. You are here to try and win an argument, and nothing more, and it shows, and I'm happy, because even more people will read this and laugh at your very ideas and illogical beliefs, and that is Natural Selection at work, and yes it's been at work for billions of years.

The more an animal gets stuck in quicksand, the more it struggles and tries pointless things, and the faster it sinks.

As for fathers, grandfathers, and earlier generations, I don't know about where you're from, but the very nature of scientific knowledge is to increase with generations. Younger generations surpass the older ones. My grandfathers would have known almost nothing about modern science and theories or proofs of today unless they were in the field themselves, if they were alive, and I would have a lot of fun explaining it to them. I don't know how many adults sit around trying to figure out the universe by asking the general population of elders instead of scientists (age is immaterial, only knowledge and logic matter). Ah yes, but then that's the very problem with India, too much respect for age and traditions, instead of good will and knowledge.

How wise our elders are... honour killings, ordering that rapists marry the women they rape, order a 5 year old to be wedded to the son of the 40 year old who raped her, dowry, female infanticide, and clinging to seats of power. But all this will be "incorrect" just because it doesn't support your argument. :oops:


A must watch!


So 7 people voted for Amul Baby? :shock: Damn, he/she is really popular amongst the 'intellectuals'.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^wow pretty clear explanation on how money is siphoned out, sand mining, coal and 2g spectrum scams
E-governance to reduce corruption is a solid idea
Hydrogen fuel cells to solve power crisis - should take more time, dont accept that it is oil company conspiracy holding these technologies back
countering chinese taunts by controlling sea routes of containers... No comments

Ram killing Vaali... Dont accept his version, because what vaali did to sugriva, sugriva did to vaali using ram (take kingdom and wife).

You seem to have problem with organs evolving. This is from Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins, answers all creationist questions on evolution
It has been authoritatively estimsted that eyes have evolved no fewer than forty times, and probably more than sixty times, infependently in various parts of the animal kingdom. In some cases these eyes use radically different principles. Nine distinct principles have been recognized among the forty to sixty independently evolved eyes


The whole problem with a discussion with the fans of evolution theory is that anything put up as a question is seen as an attempt by the "creationists" and hence a reply to the promoters of creationist ideology and again people 'tagged' without understanding their questions. :oops:

You can find my questions on evolution in the last 10 replies.


Democracy is a myth
^Your questions were answered by Raaboo. But he too asked few. Why not do a role-reversal here and this time you answer some? Huh?


All I was told was

- You are this and you are that
- I will ban you!
- Links to wikipedia
- Chanting, promotion and glorification of Evolution theory, without understanding the meaning behind, in reply to my question over Evolution
- Same with big bang
- Strawman Arguments e.g Prove me you exist? => " Hey you don't exist either, this debate is over then"
- Assumptions based on overdose of generalizations

...and then revealing that the wise guy was actually trolling because he/she assumed some "arrogance" in my posts, and further wasting my time by stating that he has no interest in the science of consciousness and has hardly read any of the works.

If you call that "answering", then sure you got your browny points, perhaps pending promotions & rewards for persistent sycophancies, and so I humbly surrender for my inability to "answer" in a similar manner. :oops:

I guess it should be marked in bolds that Fight Club is not for fragile babies, including the Gods of the Forum!


Sith Lord
Staff member
Its brownie points and what exactly is the problem with evolution?
Fossil records are just one clue, the evidence is in dna, in morphologies of living creatures, and in every organ and limb also. You hiccup? Thats from when your ancestors crawled out of water. You have goosebumps? Thats bristling to react to dangers from when we had loads of body hair. You can drink milk as an adult? Congrats! You are the only mammal that can do that.


Democracy is a myth
@MEdiator you sound like a whining baby now. Admit and accept that you lost the debate last time. Move on man. Stop trolling here.


@Anorion - Its going to be a repeat. By all means, you may answer these questions of mine "without" glorifying the "modern science", "how it works" and simply answering the context I ask you.

1. So we found different varieties of fossils and made an assumption that "evolution happened"? A land species which looked similar in structure to the air one and hey, we found a missing link? When was the first flight from land to air evolution happened? Is that recorded or an assumption connoting a time scale? Is that measurable, verifiable and proven? If thats the case, then perhaps humans should have evolved to be resistant to "mosquito bites" alone or does mutation, adaptation and survival of the fittest are completely silent on the diseases caused by food habits, deficiency of vitamins, minerals, protiens etc, heat, cold, insect bites etc?

Lets assume, the mosquitoes evolved too, why did not their eating habits evolve i.e blood, change to something like human pus or anything else?

2. Suppose, evolution (e.g water to land) does happen, is it necessary for the evolved species to lose its earlier abilities and habits like living under the water and eating habits? If its survival of the fittest, then we the evolved species and further evolved ones should have retained both the earlier and developed abilities to enable increased chances of survival!

3. Regarding half-eye or incremental make-up of limbs, no one has succefully explained as to why it came into being. Yes, I keep hearing an assumption "because the species need to see". But how and when was the first fragment of eye formed, what was its capability, in which species was it formed?

4. And so the big-bang happened. What was before that t=0? Where did that concentrated chunk of matter come from? Why did it concentrate in the first place? Remember, the "mysterious dark energy" which is trying to "explain" the faster expanding universe is contrary to the "contracting universe" side of the theory! This is what I call a research work, analogous to sample testing in marketing and not really a science! You observe and you "assume and make conclusions" and when those conclusions don't fit in the newly revealed play of Shakti, you do your homework again and make new "conclusions and assumptions" telling others "This is how modern science progresses"!

First, it was assumed that there is "contracting and expanding" universe. Now when universe is observed to be expanding, they deduce something called "dark energy" and used scientific words like "mysterious" to explain it. What is the guarantee that this universe will continue to expand even faster? Suppose by any chance a deceleration is observed, are we going to rip off the "dark energy" and go back to "contracting universe" or have a pudding of both?

Do you really think that universe is that predictable that it will continue to abide by your observations and conclusions?

5. If you really think, this Universe is finite, then what is beyond this Universe? What is the shape of this finite. Is this finite rotating and revolving around something higher (lets call it X1)? What is the shape of that X1? Is that finite also rotating and revolving around something higher (lets call it X2)? Do you really think this recursive question/series is finite alone?

6. Do you really think that the modern science has understood "gravity" completely? Can you explain why gravity happens? Can you further explain that which enables gravity to be "measurable, provable and verifiable"? Can you further dissect those terminologies to be "measurable, provale and verifiable" and so on?

7. Please prove that you exist!

8. The whole problem with evolution is that it has a start beyond which it doesn't explain anything about life, then we go back to big-bang and again t=0 beyond which we do not know anything. That start remains an assumption itself hardly "measurable, verifiable and provable". Its not a problem with the evolution also, but the mentality of those pretending to be scientific by chanting science theories without understanding them. Earlier, the "modern research" undermined ghee, so the herd started saying "ewwww". Now when its being repackaged, approved by "newer researches" and sold as "clarified butter", the herd is looking it in awe!


Who ever is interested can answer these ignored questions of mine in their own simple terms, without glorifying and promoting the modern science, making strawman's and then saying "Hey, even Vedas talk about Hiranyagarbha". Hiranyagarbha does not mean the same thing as Big-Bang! :oops:

PS - I'm anti-creationist ideology!

@Rhitwick - Yeah, I lost man. You can now run to your God, you sycophancy with, for a free kandy and a pat on the back! Why I'm picturing of Amul baby now? :oops:
Last edited:


Sith Lord
Staff member
yep, repeat telecast. thought I answered some of these questions already.

1. we didnt just find different fossils, we found simple fossils in old rocks and complex fossils in new rocks. fossils are not the only basis for studying evolution, it can be done through dna and comparing the embryos of animals as well. yes we can use fossil records and dna to guess when the transition from land to air for birds happened. keep in mind that bats and also evolved flight. we are still figuring out if feathers evolved before flight and it had any function. this is when a missing link is discovered that proves things one way or the other. most of the record is there, and fossil records consist mostly of links, not missing links.

1.1 the relationship between any two organisms in the ecosystem remains the same, because the rate of evolution of one is not more than the other. flower and bee, cheetah and deer, man and mosquito - tend to be in the same relative position despite hard efforts to evolve. It's called red queen theory from alice in wonderland where the red queen makes alice run, but alice stays in the same place. why mosquitoes did not evolve to drink human pus, well, humans dont have pus flowing all through the body, they dont need to do that. maybe they need to get to the next level in exoskeleton hardness and zapper evasion, but pus digestion is surely low in the list of priorities.

2. whales are best example of this. they went from water to land back to water. on land, they did retain some traits of their water ancestors, and when they went back to water, then they evolved out of land traits, because they didnt need any of it. maybe they decide to come back to land, they will evolve all of it again. No, they will not evolve into flying whales that can dominate earth, water and air, because then they would be kaiju and we would need to build giant robots to destroy them. There are costs involved with every decision. just because it might seem better for mosquitoes to have eyes the size of humans (they can obviously see better!) it would not happen because then they would pay the cost of being seen too easily and not being able to fly.

3. Yep this has been explained clearly. Any book by Richard Dawkins has an explanation of this. Basically, one light sensitive cell is better than no eye. Just that there is light and there is no light is an advantage. then two photosensitive cells are better than one... then three... four. From there it begins building up across generations. peripheral or binocular vision, seeing in colours, being more accurate all come in small steps over hundreds of thousands of years. some fish have evolved extra eyes despite already having eyes. the first fragment of the eye, has formed independently in 40-60 species.

4. Hindu scriptures have concept of Bindu to explain it. t=0 is where our universe and science starts. what was before in no way affects our continuum, and we can only wildly speculate what was there, but not prove it, even with maths. the framework of science is the universe as we know it, what may or may not be before is question that cannot be answered using scientific methods.

5. universe is medhu vada shaped. only the outer hard layer, not the interiors. imagine the outermost layer of the medhu vada as a universe. where does it start? where does it end? it is finite without beginning or end :) draw a line with sketchpen along surface to see what would happen if you went in a straight line forever (pls not to eat afterward)

6. nope, not understood completely, efforts are on though and consolidating macro and micro observations into one theory is the agenda.

7. I think therefore I am

8. The first few seconds after big bang, we know exactly what happened. What happened before, already explained, does not concern us in any way. Militant atheism, trampling people's beliefs, agreed that it's not cool. At the same time arguing against them without forming reasonable arguments is pretty much the same thing. dont worry about what some western reports may have to say about ayurveda or ghee or turmeric... those are just fringe reports, probably with their own marketing agenda, not to be taken seriously irrespective of whether or not they prove anything.


Democracy is a myth
@Rhitwick - Yeah, I lost man. You can now run to your God, you sycophancy with, for a free kandy and a pat on the back! Why I'm picturing of Amul baby now? :oops:
Dude, seriously?!

Its not me, its you who has found GOD by your 'phony' science. And the way you are seeing 'Amul baby' everywhere, may be that is the God you've found!


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Also, that's all you chose to read in my posts. You are just arguing for no reason, and many of us actually have lives. I just became a father, and my son and wife are more important, not to mention forum being hacked and fixing that. How hard is it to understand simple english? If you say prove that I exist, I say first you prove that you do, and give you the explanation of me existing. You claim circular time to try and prove reincarnation, I say prove it. No reply. You try and debunk evolution, and then give a link to a site that PROVES evolution and actually answers all the same doubts you're raising, so it's obvious you are just clutching at straws, and you will never see it, but everyone else can, and that's all that matters. Happy ranting away, dig the hole deeper :oops:


^You are confused. I didn't give the site on evolution faq to "prove evolution", but simply to show the basic premises of evolution theory on which it is based. The evolutionists should know the evolution theory in detail atleast before they speak and hence my link on evolution faq! Its a simple point, where the person should atleast know the fundamental aspects of evolution before speaking for it. I have earlier gave links to Quran also, will you now call me pro-Quran or confusion with Quran? :oops:

Anyways, Congratulations for becoming a father. May you have a blessed life and a bright future for your family. :)

@Anorion :

1. I'm quite aware of what we found. The DNA you talk about is the very basis that also debunks evolution in the modern times, let alone the embryos of the animals. But you have still not connected to the central point of the question. How can we say with certainty that the two fossils with similar traits "infer" evolution? Here, the "missing link" is nothing but again an assumption based on "what we want to picture". Figuring out weather the feather evolved before/after will still lead to an assumption, if you ponder deep over the matter and hence my analogy over two similar looking boys where a human mind can make an assumption that they might be brothers.

Having records of the fossils to argue over evolution, hence, is the biggest folly or superstition to assuming that there was evolution.

But since you have brought DNA into the picture you may read the updates :

James Watkins: Does DNA disprove evolution?

You can find yourself how one of the favourite arguments of evolutionists, i.e DNA, debunks evolution itself!

You singled out over my argument of human pus literally regarding mosquitoes. It could have been human fat, toxins etc.

2. Again, you are singling out my question to selective species i.e whales, where they cannot live fully on the land. I'm talking about the species which have supposedly evolved from the sea to land, have been fully enabled to live on land. Now is it necessary for the evolved species to lose its earlier abilities and habits like living under the water and eating habits? If its survival of the fittest, then we the evolved species and further evolved ones should have retained both the earlier and developed abilities to enable increased chances of survival!

Its not about "breathing" abilities "only" that I'm talking about, but overall abilities like mating, moving, percieving (perception of smell, sight, taste etc in water as compared to that on land), communicating etc.

3. I have not talked about advantages of eye. But what, how and when enabled the species of "develop" the single fragment of eye, the eyelid, the nerves behind and image percieving system from the eye? The very argument that talks of natural selection and survival of the fittest has immense traces of "intellgent design" behind and higher intelligence that evolutionists don't want to talk about.

So in the pursuit/evolution of the eye, what was formed first: The eye, the nerves behind, iris, pupil, the sensors?

Can we for 100% certainty say that this is "observable, measurable, verifible, proven"?

4. Please don't talk on subjects you have not interest in like "Bindu, Hinduism". You may publish verses that talk as such, with there proper verse numbers, pointing towards the sanskrit for me to verify.

Coming back, I agree with what you have stated for the rest in this point and this is where we establish the "limitation" of the modern science. We have basically narrowed our own thinking to what the modern science talks about and hence we cannot percieve what lies beyond! It is at this point where the concept of zero and infinite also come into the picture. here t=0 is not the "concept of zero" I'm talking about.

In a thoughtless state of meditation there is no thought and hence nothing manifesting. There is absolutely nothing. We cannot really find a measure, the depth, a relative framework. It cannot be called as existence as no singular thought can be experienced in that state, or in simple words nothing seems to be existing, nor can it be called as non-existence as the state itself is an experience!

Try to go beyond the realms of modern science, by deconditioning yourself from everything you know otherwise we will be stuck to what we have been taught and not to what we can observe and ponder ourselves.

5. Try to apply the same logic to earth and you'll yourself refute it. Yes, we can go out of earth. Do you really think we cannot go out of finite? If universe is finite, then what stops us from going out of that finite?

Where is the centre of that finite? Since everything is moving away from each other, where is the absolute frame of reference in terms of speed and position? You can measure your speed as to how you walk on earth. But that is relative to earth. Similarly, speed of earth can be found relative to sun, sun with galaxy, galaxy to something higher etc. Where/What is the "absolute" reference which doesn't need any higher reference?

Once you understand that, you'll also observe that speed of light is also in relative terms, something that not many scientists will tell you or you'll find on internet. Where can we find the absolute static, the absolute framework?

The terms "start" and "end" seem to create a communication gap, I guess. I'm not talking of start/end as in a finite shape or a circle where the measurement or analysis is being done by traversing over the circumference. Obviously, there is no start or end in that regard. But a finite shape, circle/ellipse etc does have a diameter, radious, centre etc. You can infer the "start/end" to the diameter then, in the context of my question, and furthering on the center of the universe with absolute framework/static point.

6. I'm glad you didn't say modern science "will" find it.

7. Can you prove that it is "you" who think?

Again, I would like you to re-read my earlier questions a bit more carefully.

mediator said:
1. So we found different varieties of fossils and made an assumption that "evolution happened"? A land species which looked similar in structure to the air one and hey, we found a missing link? When was the first flight from land to air evolution happened? Is that recorded or an assumption connoting a time scale? Is that measurable, verifiable and proven? If thats the case, then perhaps humans should have evolved to be resistant to "mosquito bites" alone or does mutation, adaptation and survival of the fittest are completely silent on the diseases caused by food habits, deficiency of vitamins, minerals, protiens etc, heat, cold, insect bites etc?

Lets assume, the mosquitoes evolved too, why did not their eating habits evolve i.e blood, change to something like human pus or anything else?

2. Suppose, evolution (e.g water to land) does happen, is it necessary for the evolved species to lose its earlier abilities and habits like living under the water and eating habits? If its survival of the fittest, then we the evolved species and further evolved ones should have retained both the earlier and developed abilities to enable increased chances of survival!

3. Regarding half-eye or incremental make-up of limbs, no one has succefully explained as to why it came into being. Yes, I keep hearing an assumption "because the species need to see". But how and when was the first fragment of eye formed, what was its capability, in which species was it formed?

4. And so the big-bang happened. What was before that t=0? Where did that concentrated chunk of matter come from? Why did it concentrate in the first place? Remember, the "mysterious dark energy" which is trying to "explain" the faster expanding universe is contrary to the "contracting universe" side of the theory! This is what I call a research work, analogous to sample testing in marketing and not really a science! You observe and you "assume and make conclusions" and when those conclusions don't fit in the newly revealed play of Shakti, you do your homework again and make new "conclusions and assumptions" telling others "This is how modern science progresses"!

First, it was assumed that there is "contracting and expanding" universe. Now when universe is observed to be expanding, they deduce something called "dark energy" and used scientific words like "mysterious" to explain it. What is the guarantee that this universe will continue to expand even faster? Suppose by any chance a deceleration is observed, are we going to rip off the "dark energy" and go back to "contracting universe" or have a pudding of both?

Do you really think that universe is that predictable that it will continue to abide by your observations and conclusions?

5. If you really think, this Universe is finite, then what is beyond this Universe? What is the shape of this finite. Is this finite rotating and revolving around something higher (lets call it X1)? What is the shape of that X1? Is that finite also rotating and revolving around something higher (lets call it X2)? Do you really think this recursive question/series is finite alone?

6. Do you really think that the modern science has understood "gravity" completely? Can you explain why gravity happens? Can you further explain that which enables gravity to be "measurable, provable and verifiable"? Can you further dissect those terminologies to be "measurable, provale and verifiable" and so on?

7. Please prove that you exist!


Democracy is a myth
@mediator, come on man, get a life. why do you need answers for same questions from each single member that opposed your views here?

Go out and help Modi to campaign for votes in Bihar.


Modi Rahul DNA and evolution...don't know what exactly is happening here.

1. So we found different varieties of fossils and made an assumption that "evolution happened"? A land species which looked similar in structure to the air one and hey, we found a missing link? When was the first flight from land to air evolution happened? Is that recorded or an assumption connoting a time scale? Is that measurable, verifiable and proven? If thats the case, then perhaps humans should have evolved to be resistant to "mosquito bites" alone or does mutation, adaptation and survival of the fittest are completely silent on the diseases caused by food habits, deficiency of vitamins, minerals, protiens etc, heat, cold, insect bites etc?

Lets assume, the mosquitoes evolved too, why did not their eating habits evolve i.e blood, change to something like human pus or anything else?

I found this line quite interesting. Especially with reference to mosquito resistance. Well, to start with evolution is a very slow process and it is difficult to tell exactly when the change has taken place but you, yourself have reminded me of an excellent example.

Now in Africa, sickle cell anemia is more prevalant than other regions. Although it is a defect it is not as fatal as malaria. But, in people suffering from sickle cell anaemia, the malarial parasite is unable to infect them properly due to the abnormal RBC (=sickle cell RBC). This has led to an increase in the number of sickle cell patients or prevalence since the disease in fact is life saving for them. Now this is not exactly evolution but throws light at ways natural selection works. You could say however that those Africans have evolved to be immune to malaria, although that is not the right term here.

Even explaining this in detail will take a lot of time and data. Now evolution takes place over millions of years. Imagine the time it would take to study every detail and change and find every intermediary species. It would take not one but many lifetimes and generations. Then trying to explain it to someone in complete detail is next to impossible. Explaining it to someone who does not believe in in evolution at all, is not only futile but a huge waste of time for either parties.

Also why would mosquito "Evolve" into drinking spring water or coca cola? I hope you are aware that there are many species of mosquitoes and that we have problems with only a few of those species which bear infectious agents. Even among them it is only the females since they need blood for the eggs. The males are happy to feed on plant juices. I wish you would do more research before making such statements.


@Sarath - You are simply picking a line and blowing it out of context.

The example of mosquito sucking blood was in context to someone who had already made a comment regarding such statement. Can you please take the pains to read the entire thread?

My statement regarding mosquito is regarding evolution of eating habits of species where mosquito example was kind of sattirical. It is infact related to the point 2 of my post #454. But it seems you found only this line worthwhile to talk on.

sarath said:
I found this line quite interesting. Especially with reference to mosquito resistance. Well, to start with evolution is a very slow process and it is difficult to tell exactly when the change has taken place but you, yourself have reminded me of an excellent example.

And again reminiscing as to what evolution means!

sarath said:
Even explaining this in detail will take a lot of time and data. Now evolution takes place over millions of years. Imagine the time it would take to study every detail and change and find every intermediary species. It would take not one but many lifetimes and generations. Then trying to explain it to someone in complete detail is next to impossible. Explaining it to someone who does not believe in in evolution at all, is not only futile but a huge waste of time for either parties.
Again, I guess, for the umpteenth time, I'll have to discuss the definition of science student.

A science student does not really "believe", but simply gathers facts, reads as to what is known, questions his own thoughts, what is known and what he understands, and if he finds flaws he presents it to the society or discusses it with other science students.

And hence, again a perfect instance where a religion is made out of a science theory i.e evolution, in context here, which must be discussed only by the believers!

Much as to what you have stated, has been discussed in similar context before, and disconnected to the questions I have asked, again to be glorying evolution and explaining its basics as if I'm unaware about it.

I'm questioning evolution, only because I have read evolution and analyzed from different angles. Had I "believed" in it, you wouldn't have found me here only otherwise.

If you can add to what @Anorion has stated, then it would be of some value otherwise like the god of the forum, you'd be wasting your time as well as mine! :oops:

Its sad to say that only @Anorion has tried to give genuine replies so far, whereas all the others have been acting like theists, glorifying, defining and chanting evolution instead of discussing it from their own primary frameworks and understanding or connecting to the questions being put forwards.
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