Bloggers' Corner


A Year Closer To Heaven
This is cool! I had no idea we had this thread running over here.

If you are a gamer and have some spare time on your hands, then head over to The ANGRY Pixel.

Comments, criticism and PayPal transfers most welcome!!


Are these legal?

Stuff available for free RS downloads

David Bach - The Automatic Millionaire

1,TESTOUT MCAD 70-315 - Developing Web Apps with C#
& Visual Studio.NET - 1CD

2, TESTOUT MCAD 70-316 - Developing Windows Apps with C# & Visual
Studio.NET- 2CDs

Ian Rankin - Bleeding Hearts

and many many more......

all these on the front page of a blog on thinkdigit's list

looks like an oversight

well i shall be mailing Raaabo as soon as get my TB fixed


Tribal Boy

Agree with Goobi in that. Very difficult to find and click on 'more' button.

Usually the blog post title is a link and that is very easy for visitors.

On a second look, I see it is not the blog url but list of blog entries, still I think it is a good idea to make it links (I see they are ok in the actual blog url)
Last edited:


 Macboy
Time for some free publicity :D

The truth about the Macbook Air being hacked in 2 minutes...

If you read any news related to technology, you must have come across this headline, "Macbook Air Pwned in 2 minutes". Well the truth is a little deeper than that.

First of all it doesn't have anything to do with the Macbook Air. No one mentioned that it was a Lenovo X28382 or a Acer PZQRT45-c for the other models. It is what software it is running and not the hardware configuration.

Secondly, it wasn't OS X that was vulnerable. It was Safari. Agreed Safari is very much a part of OS X, but it still is a separate software on it's part. It has now been patched btw.

Thirdly, it wasn't really hacked in 2 minutes! No sir.
No one was able to execute code on any of the systems on Wednesday, the first day of the contest, when hacks were limited to over-the-network techniques on the operating systems themselves. But on the second day, the rules changed to allow attacks delivered by tricking someone to visit a maliciously crafted Web site, or open an the full entry


The Devil's Advocate
dude windows was hacked after they allowed third party softwares and tht too the crappy flash, so dont twist words such as it is a separate software :D, it got pwned if not in 2 mins then in 20 :lol: its the same thing


Web developer
^^ Could we maybe be able to click the post title instead of hunting for the "more" button?

Thanks Milind. I'll do that ASAP.


Agree with Goobi in that. Very difficult to find and click on 'more' button.

Usually the blog post title is a link and that is very easy for visitors.

On a second look, I see it is not the blog url but list of blog entries, still I think it is a good idea to make it links (I see they are ok in the actual blog url)

Thanks Din sir.
Yes the main page is not the blog. It'll list the blog entries & hot forum posts.

Anything else? Interface, look & theme? I want something else as logo & will change it when I get it(Hint, Hint Milind :D ) or if I create it myself.
Ideas about blog posts?


Web developer
I've changed it like you guys said & also changed alignment of more buttons as suggested by Milind. They look better now :) Thanks Milind & Din sir.


DNS Bajaj : Graphical representation of domain records delegation

DNS Bajaj : Graphical representation of domain records delegation

DNS Bajaj (pronounced DNS by Eye) is an online service that generates a graphical representation of the propagation of Domain records of your site through the Name servers handling your DNS. As the name suggests, it allows you to view the delegation of your domain through the Name servers in a graphical manner and helps pinpoint any errors that may have occurred in setting up your DNS....

Read the full post....


Cyborg Agent
well, ive already posted in review section but
Bose Triport Around ear Headphones

April 26, 2008
Recently my aunt gifted me a pair of Bose Triport headphones

Sadly these headphones didnt have noise cancellation, but if volume is more then half they cancel most ambient sounds
Read it here


Jaxtr : A VOIP-based social networking community

Jaxtr : A VOIP-based social networking community

The ever-growing list of Social Networking communities sees yet another aspirant - Jaxtr. However, what may help it stand out from the crowd, is the fact that has also employed a VOIP-based form of communication rather than just plain text. It also allows one to send free SMS-es to any cellphones/landlines in over 155 countries, India included. The community, which was in Beta testing, finally came out with a stable release this February 25th.

Signing up is simple - fill up a few info and you can start sending out SMS-es right away, even before your registered email id is verified. However one thing that I found extremely odd was that while registering, you need to enter the password only once.....

Read the full post....


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
A Lesson learnt from the new website - Don't trust your web design firm, get their work reviewed before you make it public

Website owner/webmaster special


Banned Hacked !!!! (Digit's site hacked, but hacker causes no harm) Hacked !!!! (Digit's site hacked, but hacker causes no harm)

It is a development that is sure to have far reaching ramifications on the credibility of the organisations concerned. It was recently revealed that an unauthorized individual had succeeded in gaining access to the administrator control panel of the site. The site in question is the online face of the Digit magazine, a popular and quite easily the highest selling Technology-oriented magazine in India. The ownership of the magazine had recently taken over by 9dot9 Media, a relatively new media group headed by Dr. Pramath Raj Sinha.

Read the full post....


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Simple PHP CAPTCHA without using databases

Special focus for people who build:
1. Contact form
2. Blog/CMS scripts
3. Any other application that requires form submission
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