Bloggers' Corner


my recent blogging endeavours

Creating your own, unique email id - Microsoft's Live Domain

Family loses its sole breadwinner along with his organs


Techtree Reviewer
Ok now since I had a nice five days gap between my exams, I decided to do something else apart from studying. So I've started my own blog. This is my first tech related post on it. Please read it and comment how you find it. Suggestions and criticism are welcome.:)

Opera Mini, and how it can be a pain in the ass

Opera Mini. Widely hailed as one of the best web browsers and one of the best free software for mobile phones on any platform. One that revolutionized internet surfing on mobile phones and generated millions of fans all over the world. It proved that free software need not be crappy, especially ones made on the Java platform. Currently in v4 and completing several million downloads in a short span, its a runaway success. So why, do you ask, is it a pain in my ass? Read more.

My blog isn't quite complete yet. There are many things I want to do to it regarding its overall look but don't find much time. I'll take care of that after my exams get over. Please bear with its spartan look till then.


that template is prettyyy ollddd :D you have to search for some cool blogger templates

nice blog ;) left some comments :p


Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@Digital dude - Thanks :)

@Krazzy - Plz enable anonymous comments,so that visitors can also comment.


When I click the option of new template I'm show the same few default templates. What if I want to add my own?

search for 'blogger templates' and download the ones you like they will be either in .zip (in that case just unzip it in your pc) or directly in .xml

and goto the 'Edit HTML' tab in layout section and upload the .xml file ;)


and you can use any free image host or google pages to host the template images any, then edit the url for the images in the .xml file and upload again

you can refer this *



Tribal Boy
Sorry, I know I am violating the thread rule. Apologies - in advance !

My blog is not much into technology, but it is not too personal too.

Have a look - *

I do not post frequently, I am new to blog, trying to post more.

Please feel free to criticize me, as I would love to know how to improve my blogging skills

Note : I am not planning to earn anything from blog, I am not planning to make it a tech-blog too. Just a plain one.


Techtree Reviewer
Cool G5, Done. Also thanks for bringing it to my notice. I thought it was ON by default.

DigitalDude, Thanks for the info. Will do that.

Edit: Uploaded a new template. Somebody check it out tell me what you think about it.
Last edited:


 Macboy
Sorry, I know I am violating the thread rule. Apologies - in advance !

My blog is not much into technology, but it is not too personal too.

Have a look - *

I do not post frequently, I am new to blog, trying to post more.

Please feel free to criticize me, as I would love to know how to improve my blogging skills

Note : I am not planning to earn anything from blog, I am not planning to make it a tech-blog too. Just a plain one.
I'm a regular reader of your blog. Please don't stop writing. Guys, this guy has got some crazy sh1t going on. Worth the read.



u mite wan2 consider having a contact me thingy setup on ur site

ie, if u dont mind being contacted by people other than thru comments :)
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