Bloggers' Corner


is NOT a PC/Mac
cool .......

how can v track or c ppl visiting my blog ?
Hey this thread is not for asking questions about blogging, I think this is for discussing about blog posts. :D Please create another thread in the QnA sec. :D

Webcast: 2008 International CES Keynote:

Windows 7 Leaked:: Screenshots
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Watch Bill Gates at CES 2008

Dell and Microsoft Launch (PRODUCT) RED Branded Products to Help Eliminate AIDS in Africa :
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 Macboy
Here's something for you windows (L)users

There's some things that really bug me to death when it comes to windows users. And I'm not talking about the stupid things they (yep, you are a 'they') do when using my Mac, that's a really long list. This is in their own territory.

1. Right Click > Refresh.
What the hell is wrong with this world? Are Windows users that stupid? I've seen people right-click the desktop and refresh it like countless times. Not even sure what it's for. And some prick had the nerve to use my mac, and say "there's no refresh for your desktop". (Refrains from cursing). Let me tell you this. It's a totally useless practice and just makes you look like a, well, something that's dumb.

2. Ejecting flash drives.
This one's not as stupid as the first one, but it is painful (for me to watch) nonetheless. While ejecting a flash drive in Win2000 and above, all you need to do is left-click on the button, and click on the small little baloon that pops up. Plain and simple.

Yet. I've seen tens of millions of people, double-clicking it, going through countless menus and finally ejecting the drive.......


Guess a bit late here !!

Let me Introduce !!

Sony Ericsson Flashing

Opened >> Jan 15th for public !

Daily Views from Jan 20th >> approx 1300 per day

Jan 15th to Jan 30th Views 18,887
Feb 1st to 14th 19253

Sony Ericsson Flashing, Modding, Patching, Hacking And More

Latest Happenings

People who make it happen !!

Authors >> Akshay
New Author Recruit >> PETER MAJOR from hungray

Moderators >> Joseph and Pratik

Marketting and Advertising on Orkut >> Pratik
Marketting and Advertising at Forums >> Rajeev and Akshay

So anyone any comments ?? .. please !

thanks !!
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 Macboy
I thought I'd revive this one. Will get me a little more publicity :)

Switch to Safari: A look at Safari for Windows
Many who have known this blog from back in the days, must know that I was a firefox boy. Well, at least until it screwed with me. However, back then I had no other alternative but to use Firefox on Windows.

Then came along Safari. In it's BETA versions of Windows, it was a little crashy and buggy so I never mentioned it. I did however use it all along. However, now, with the Safari 3.1 update, it's finally out of BETA. The browser is stable, super fast, extremely standards compliant, and I can finally say, you gotta switch to Safari.

If however you are a heavy extensions user (Power users they call themselves), and can't live without them, then Safari is not for you. If you prefer to customise your browser instead of surfing the web, then Safari is not for you. If you want a out-of-the-box ready to use browser, with some really awesome features, speedy, stable, then give Safari a shot. Here's a small list of reasons to 'go Safari' on


how can v track or c ppl visiting my blog ?

u wont b able to see their faces, but Google Analytics will tell you al LOT about the vistors to your blog - all for free

[tho i must warn you that looking at all the data can become boring if you blogging just for fun and not to improve traffic]

Here's something for you windows (L)users
1. Right Click > Refresh.
What the hell is wrong with this world? Are Windows users that stupid? I've seen people right-click the desktop and refresh it like countless times. Not even sure what it's for. And some prick had the nerve to use my mac, and say "there's no refresh for your desktop". (Refrains from cursing). Let me tell you this. It's a totally useless practice and just makes you look like a, well, something that's dumb.

operation timed out :rolleyes:
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
u wont b able to see their faces, but Google Analytics will tell you al LOT about the vistors to your blog - all for free

[tho i must warn you that looking at all the data can become boring if you blogging just for fun and not to improve traffic]

operation timed out :rolleyes:

agree with you...

can u help me.. i just now started to use this google analytical..

is it enough to give the starting domain name .. say * ??? will it include my individual blogs .. or should i have to give each blog page seperately to track...??

coz right now i didnt see any page visitors... but my on page visitors copunt keeps ticking...

i usually subm\mit individual links to social news sites...


just add the code in the blog template -

for you the site will be * (replace example with your own ;))

it will give you results from all pages visited

pages that are visited by people through links given by you at diff sites will be included under Traffic Sources Overview>Referring Sites

data starts coming in 2-3 days time


!! RecuZant By Birth !!

thnks ..

and another thing...
i am using "Thisway Blue"
and there is two vertical blue band... on both sides...
i want to utilies them.. say put up adds .. more...
is ther a wayto stretch or use those portion..

please help..


no ida wat "thisway blue" template looks like [googling dint help either]

bu go to Layout>Page Elements

See if the template allows you to add page elements in theverticle blue bands

if it does then just click on a box title Add a page element select the adsense option

once doen just drag it to the verticle blue band for placing the adsense ad

if it does not allow placing page elements there, then either - select another temp8 or edit the template to allow placment of page elemnts


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
i have added page elements and all ... its filled.. i want to utilise the space ...say now my blog is in the centre... with this two space... on either side...

i just want to make it as three column or wide blog...


for the blog to be a three column blog, the template must be threee column

the test - if you are able to place page elements on both right anf left, itmens that it is a 3-column template, else not
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