All Metalheads here


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Its a custom made one. Since not many 8 string guitarists around, they have to make them when ordered and probably no ready stock. That's why its expensive.


Wise Old Owl
Its a custom made one. Since not many 8 string guitarists around, they have to make them when ordered and probably no ready stock. That's why its expensive.

hmmm,that d be the reason

once i put this in the tv during our college tour and made everyone laugh and scare at the same days
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Wise Old Owl
jazz fusion rock song.loved the whole 'erotic cakes"

a jazz song that wont dissappoint a rock music lover:mrgreen:

love miles' glasses..hehhe:lol:
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Wise Old Owl
^Yeah..even i couldnt see it lol..y is it like that?i always put [YOUTUBE]URL(without v= and wwwdotyoutubedotcom)and another /Youtube in "["s and get a white screen.why so?

yeah fixd atlast
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
this is like pure noise to me :|

appreciate the speed though

A drummer is supposed to be a time-machine. His job is purely rhythmic and as you know, rhythm and melody are two different things. So, a drummer is known for his technical prowess and how accurately he can replicate complex time signatures. This one is fairly complex and not everyone can appreciate it, so I don't blame you. ;)


Wise Old Owl

hahhhah great:D

Is Metal Fading Into Obscurity | Guitar Columns @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

yeah the "true metal" conspiracy.they say that those who listen to metalcore,nu metal and alternetive are posers:oops:.[i dont support this]some bands....cough...nile...cough promote this bullsh!t.I remember "PUrple BLood" being the first rock band in my place[there was avial and motherjane,but they somewhat introduced metal side of music]that college band was a sucess.not something 'spectacular' but was good.metalcore/experimental industrial metal being their genre.everything was fine,everyone saw a metal band as a metal band.last year i was talking to 'retired':D bassist in a death metal band,i asked him about purple blood.
''i hate them''he said
''they are metalcore":shock:
atleast they looked like real rockstars:cool:.

also i get suggestions when i post some videos in FB,from kids[who sucked into the metal overnight]like ''dont listen to that bro" :shock:
''listen to true metal bro" b.s....this isn't something i''ll appreciate,since it is pure "RACISM"in terms of music:wink:.if these people doesnt like it they shouldnt listen to it and i dont hate any band or music,i IGNORE it.People who think like this should know where we came from,we should know our roots,from where this whole music has evolved in to.Also there are some others such as ''pure rock fans'',they ask why do they growl when it supposed to be singing.what they should ask themselves ''if guitars can be distorted why don't the vocals?"just see it as distorted vocals and it needs skills for growling as well as singing.Also there is a chance that youll find death metal whatever to be boring,then listen to what you like,that genre ain't for you.


BIOS Terminator
Couldn't resist to share this (Source: internet). Your thoughts on it?

Heavy Metal (and its scope of sub-genres) is more than just a style of music. For many, around the planet, it’s a lifestyle; so much so, that once you have been bitten by the jaws of the metallic beast, you are a metalhead for life. Being a metalhead is not necessarily a phase or an appearance; if you’re a metalhead, it is a part of your identity – from balls to bones.
So, if it transcends music, what are the characteristics then that clearly define what a metalhead is? It would be effortless to be cynical and make a list of fashionable styles that metalheads and headbangers have pursued in over the years, but it also goes beyond hairstyles, corpse paint, and body modification.
Being a metalhead, as mentioned, is a lifestyle; it is an attitude that reflects your world view that is fueled by the music – and vice versa. What makes this way of thinking? What defines this identity? Let’s take a look at 10 things that uniquely identify and define metalheads:

1. Defiance
From the very first days in the era of bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin,Deep Purple & Budgie, right through the contemporary era of countless metal bands and styles, one personality attribute held by metal fans has always been an attitude of defiance. This defiance is often mischaracterized as teenage rebellion, and while that can be a contributing influence, it rises above adolescent angst. The defiance of metalheads stands out as a strong expression of distinctiveness: “Screw you; I’m going to do this my way” (or as appropriately and eloquently affirmed by Rage against the Machine: “**** you; I won’t do what you tell me”). It is a refusal to conform to the sheep mindset of mainstream society. In years gone by, this used to be misinterpreted by ‘the moral majority’ as a menace or a threat. In actual fact, it is an empowerment of independence, which in turn invigorates determination. \,,/

2. Escapism
The beginning journey for a headbanger is usually amplified by a sense of either isolation or loneliness or both. Heavy Metal usually becomes a source for the young metalhead as a source of escapism. Metal fans not only embrace the music for the talent or the technical ability of musicians, and not only for the excitement of the sound; but also because of the sentiment that one can escape the dull and the mundane, or the stress of life and into the music itself. The music reflects this common attitude through its lyrics & musical pattern. Metalheads internationally embrace the music style because of the way it can boost an individual personality over and beyond problematic issues of life. It is a style of music that makes the listener feel empowered. \,,/

3. The Common Unification
As identified, young metalheads often feel a strong perception of isolation in early adolescent life; and metal music can give them an attraction to this aspect of feeling like an outcast compared to other people. This isolation often makes an individual feel “strange” or “different”; and the genre of metal highlights this in a manner that says to the listener, “You feel weird and unusual, but you are not – you’re not alone. There are others like you.” There comes a point in the life journey of every metal fan where their paths cross with other metalheads; and this is where the feeling of remoteness dissipates. At this point, there is a feeling of unity between metalheads; where each individual clearly understands where the other comes from. The isolation has advanced into a sense of belonging. This characteristic can even be seen worldwide; especially at the Wacken festival in Germany, where metalheads from around the Earth get together to celebrate metal and what it means to be a metalhead. It is a great example of how unifying the culture can be. \,,/

4. Attire
While it is not necessarily a uniform, the way a metalhead dresses identifies them as a headbanger. There have been trends over the years, but the common elements often incorporate band shirts, and the color black. It does not matter so much what a metalhead wears, and it is not automatically a fashion statement – it is more of a visual expression of the attitude they feel. The apparel of a metalhead is a symbol of what metal embodies to them. But most significantly, metalheads do not just like metal; they look metal. \,,/

5. Strongly Opinionated
Metal freaks, by and large, have very strong opinions about a wide range of subjects; none more so than that which they are most avid about: metal itself. There has been for decades, and perhaps will be for decades to come, an enduring argument or debate amongst metalheads about what bands are “true metal”. These opinions are very strong and amplified, but one common characteristic about metalheads is that they seem to understand that others will have varying views. This expression of opinion is another means by which a metalhead can assert what defines metal to them, and what defines themselves as individuals and as metal fans. \,,/

6. A Respect for the Heritage
Modern metalheads often identify themselves by the style of sub-genre they gravitate towards the most. But whether a headbanger considers them more of a black metal fan, or a thrash metal fan, there is a level of regard that these fans have for the bands that were the influences for the bands they listen to. For example, an Iron Maiden fan may not be a fan of Deep Purple; but they have an appreciation of Deep Purple for being an inspiration to members of Iron Maiden. There’s an understanding amongst current metalheads that if it was not for these earlier acts, they wouldn’t be experiencing the music as it is today. \,,/

7. An Understanding of Belief
Metal has long been criticized as blasphemous or anti-religion, but this stance has proven to be a catalyst for metalheads being well-versed and competent in understanding a variety of aspects of religion, faith, and belief. Whether a metal fan identifies themselves as an atheist, a Christian, a Satanist, or any other number of faiths, you will frequently find that metalheads are very well educated on many aspects of their chosen belief system or philosophy; as well as more often than not other religious beliefs as well. \,,/

8. Determination
One common aspect between metalheads is that they often have a strong feeling of determination to reach for the skies and achieve their goals and dreams. There was once a perception that your average headbanger was not very academic or accomplished. While this determination has been used by many metalheads to follow academic pursuits; it need not just be applied to schooling or careers. It hearkens back to that feeling of defiance discussed earlier; that regardless of what obstacles are in your way, you will get there in the end. \,,/

9. An Appreciation of the Underground
To the conventional society, metal music is often defined by which metal bands have had the most success. Artists such as Metallica, Skid Row, Led Zeppelin & others are often held aloft by media (particularly music TV channels and radio stations) as the bands that are identified as Metal. While most metal fans have some form of appreciation of perhaps some phases of the above-mentioned bands, metalheads tend to gravitate towards those groups outside of commercialized success. There will always be Pantera fans and Slayer fans, and members of the KISS Army; but metal fans also support acts that have large followings, such as Opeth and Dream Theater, who have yet to enjoy a Metallica-level of success. There is also strong support for more obscure bands that are still on the rise; or perhaps those which may never cater to mainstream and commercial predilections. \,,/

10. Unswerving Loyalty
For the most part, metalheads all together embody an unswerving loyalty to the bands they follow and support. This is unmistakable in all levels of the music – from internationally successful metal acts; to local unsigned artists just starting out. Metal fans are passionate about the bands they support, and have helped many groups continue making music to this day: artists from the early establishing days of metal such as Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, and Motorhead keep on moving forward because of the support and dedication from their fan base. This degree of loyalty is also evident in unsigned, underground bands. In years gone by, it was once strong in the underground tape trading movement, where metal fans from around the world would trade tapes of their local acts with other metalheads from other countries. \,,/


Wise Old Owl
thanks for sharing:),pretty much explains everything about headbangers.For me,This "Music" has changed my whole life,changed my way of thinking,my beliefs and i dont think ill be the same person as of now,if i never listened to it in the first place and i m sure everyone who is a metal/rock fan will agree about this.

sometimes some of those ten things doesnt this one.These is a snap of band members from Indian Doom Metal band Dying Embrace and some one asked about his dresscode and he said being a businessman he is force to dress like that...


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so he doesnt dress like a headbanger at all but still he is a headbanger/metal fan and ive seen people in gigs who dress like sh!t,used to headbang much better than the well dressed guys[not making any point,there:)]So what really matters is the "Passion in music",nice article btw:)


Make Way the LORD is Here
A drummer is supposed to be a time-machine. His job is purely rhythmic and as you know, rhythm and melody are two different things. So, a drummer is known for his technical prowess and how accurately he can replicate complex time signatures. This one is fairly complex and not everyone can appreciate it, so I don't blame you. ;)

Now thats what i dont get. Drumming is not just timing, speed ,rhythm It's melody too. Danny Carey ,the Rev, Gavin Harrison are good examples of it. A good drummer is dynamic, can change the mood of the song staying in the same timing. Metal in some ways gives drummers a lot of freedom but it limits them too. It limits metal listeners too about what a drummer can do. When you listen to jazz you can notice how a drummer can be melodious too.

Joey seems technically awesome . he can play complex time signatures. Even i can play 5/4 and 7/4 but after playing it for a while i feel disoriented. So i can appreciate his skill big time. If you listen to tool you will know what i mean by melody and dynamism a drummer should show.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Now thats what i dont get. Drumming is not just timing, speed ,rhythm It's melody too. Danny Carey ,the Rev, Gavin Harrison are good examples of it. A good drummer is dynamic, can change the mood of the song staying in the same timing. Metal in some ways gives drummers a lot of freedom but it limits them too. It limits metal listeners too about what a drummer can do. When you listen to jazz you can notice how a drummer can be melodious too.

Joey seems technically awesome . he can play complex time signatures. Even i can play 5/4 and 7/4 but after playing it for a while i feel disoriented. So i can appreciate his skill big time. If you listen to tool you will know what i mean by melody and dynamism a drummer should show.

Melody in purcussion can be found in a Xylophone, I don't recall any other instrument. Perhaps you could put in a variety of cymbals or cowbells to diversify the sound, but in the end, timing is still everything.

Couldn't resist to share this (Source: internet). Your thoughts on it?

Heavy Metal (and its scope of sub-genres) is more than just a style of music. For many, around the planet, it’s a lifestyle; so much so, that once you have been bitten by the jaws of the metallic beast, you are a metalhead for life. Being a metalhead is not necessarily a phase or an appearance; if you’re a metalhead, it is a part of your identity – from balls to bones.
So, if it transcends music, what are the characteristics then that clearly define what a metalhead is? It would be effortless to be cynical and make a list of fashionable styles that metalheads and headbangers have pursued in over the years, but it also goes beyond hairstyles, corpse paint, and body modification.
Being a metalhead, as mentioned, is a lifestyle; it is an attitude that reflects your world view that is fueled by the music – and vice versa. What makes this way of thinking? What defines this identity? Let’s take a look at 10 things that uniquely identify and define metalheads:

1. Defiance
From the very first days in the era of bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin,Deep Purple & Budgie, right through the contemporary era of countless metal bands and styles, one personality attribute held by metal fans has always been an attitude of defiance. This defiance is often mischaracterized as teenage rebellion, and while that can be a contributing influence, it rises above adolescent angst. The defiance of metalheads stands out as a strong expression of distinctiveness: “Screw you; I’m going to do this my way” (or as appropriately and eloquently affirmed by Rage against the Machine: “**** you; I won’t do what you tell me”). It is a refusal to conform to the sheep mindset of mainstream society. In years gone by, this used to be misinterpreted by ‘the moral majority’ as a menace or a threat. In actual fact, it is an empowerment of independence, which in turn invigorates determination. \,,/

2. Escapism
The beginning journey for a headbanger is usually amplified by a sense of either isolation or loneliness or both. Heavy Metal usually becomes a source for the young metalhead as a source of escapism. Metal fans not only embrace the music for the talent or the technical ability of musicians, and not only for the excitement of the sound; but also because of the sentiment that one can escape the dull and the mundane, or the stress of life and into the music itself. The music reflects this common attitude through its lyrics & musical pattern. Metalheads internationally embrace the music style because of the way it can boost an individual personality over and beyond problematic issues of life. It is a style of music that makes the listener feel empowered. \,,/

3. The Common Unification
As identified, young metalheads often feel a strong perception of isolation in early adolescent life; and metal music can give them an attraction to this aspect of feeling like an outcast compared to other people. This isolation often makes an individual feel “strange” or “different”; and the genre of metal highlights this in a manner that says to the listener, “You feel weird and unusual, but you are not – you’re not alone. There are others like you.” There comes a point in the life journey of every metal fan where their paths cross with other metalheads; and this is where the feeling of remoteness dissipates. At this point, there is a feeling of unity between metalheads; where each individual clearly understands where the other comes from. The isolation has advanced into a sense of belonging. This characteristic can even be seen worldwide; especially at the Wacken festival in Germany, where metalheads from around the Earth get together to celebrate metal and what it means to be a metalhead. It is a great example of how unifying the culture can be. \,,/

4. Attire
While it is not necessarily a uniform, the way a metalhead dresses identifies them as a headbanger. There have been trends over the years, but the common elements often incorporate band shirts, and the color black. It does not matter so much what a metalhead wears, and it is not automatically a fashion statement – it is more of a visual expression of the attitude they feel. The apparel of a metalhead is a symbol of what metal embodies to them. But most significantly, metalheads do not just like metal; they look metal. \,,/

5. Strongly Opinionated
Metal freaks, by and large, have very strong opinions about a wide range of subjects; none more so than that which they are most avid about: metal itself. There has been for decades, and perhaps will be for decades to come, an enduring argument or debate amongst metalheads about what bands are “true metal”. These opinions are very strong and amplified, but one common characteristic about metalheads is that they seem to understand that others will have varying views. This expression of opinion is another means by which a metalhead can assert what defines metal to them, and what defines themselves as individuals and as metal fans. \,,/

6. A Respect for the Heritage
Modern metalheads often identify themselves by the style of sub-genre they gravitate towards the most. But whether a headbanger considers them more of a black metal fan, or a thrash metal fan, there is a level of regard that these fans have for the bands that were the influences for the bands they listen to. For example, an Iron Maiden fan may not be a fan of Deep Purple; but they have an appreciation of Deep Purple for being an inspiration to members of Iron Maiden. There’s an understanding amongst current metalheads that if it was not for these earlier acts, they wouldn’t be experiencing the music as it is today. \,,/

7. An Understanding of Belief
Metal has long been criticized as blasphemous or anti-religion, but this stance has proven to be a catalyst for metalheads being well-versed and competent in understanding a variety of aspects of religion, faith, and belief. Whether a metal fan identifies themselves as an atheist, a Christian, a Satanist, or any other number of faiths, you will frequently find that metalheads are very well educated on many aspects of their chosen belief system or philosophy; as well as more often than not other religious beliefs as well. \,,/

8. Determination
One common aspect between metalheads is that they often have a strong feeling of determination to reach for the skies and achieve their goals and dreams. There was once a perception that your average headbanger was not very academic or accomplished. While this determination has been used by many metalheads to follow academic pursuits; it need not just be applied to schooling or careers. It hearkens back to that feeling of defiance discussed earlier; that regardless of what obstacles are in your way, you will get there in the end. \,,/

9. An Appreciation of the Underground
To the conventional society, metal music is often defined by which metal bands have had the most success. Artists such as Metallica, Skid Row, Led Zeppelin & others are often held aloft by media (particularly music TV channels and radio stations) as the bands that are identified as Metal. While most metal fans have some form of appreciation of perhaps some phases of the above-mentioned bands, metalheads tend to gravitate towards those groups outside of commercialized success. There will always be Pantera fans and Slayer fans, and members of the KISS Army; but metal fans also support acts that have large followings, such as Opeth and Dream Theater, who have yet to enjoy a Metallica-level of success. There is also strong support for more obscure bands that are still on the rise; or perhaps those which may never cater to mainstream and commercial predilections. \,,/

10. Unswerving Loyalty
For the most part, metalheads all together embody an unswerving loyalty to the bands they follow and support. This is unmistakable in all levels of the music – from internationally successful metal acts; to local unsigned artists just starting out. Metal fans are passionate about the bands they support, and have helped many groups continue making music to this day: artists from the early establishing days of metal such as Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, and Motorhead keep on moving forward because of the support and dedication from their fan base. This degree of loyalty is also evident in unsigned, underground bands. In years gone by, it was once strong in the underground tape trading movement, where metal fans from around the world would trade tapes of their local acts with other metalheads from other countries. \,,/

I agree. I too got into this music because it was a different kind of music which transcends the mundane everyday life and all the common pop/hiphop music that I had grown sick of. I have explained my descent in to metal in short here

thanks for sharing:),pretty much explains everything about headbangers.For me,This "Music" has changed my whole life,changed my way of thinking,my beliefs and i dont think ill be the same person as of now,if i never listened to it in the first place and i m sure everyone who is a metal/rock fan will agree about this.

sometimes some of those ten things doesnt this one.These is a snap of band members from Indian Doom Metal band Dying Embrace and some one asked about his dresscode and he said being a businessman he is force to dress like that...


Uploaded with

so he doesnt dress like a headbanger at all but still he is a headbanger/metal fan and ive seen people in gigs who dress like sh!t,used to headbang much better than the well dressed guys[not making any point,there:)]So what really matters is the "Passion in music",nice article btw:)

lol....he looks like he's probably my dad's age.


Wise Old Owl
Lol..btw they re bangalore based band.they started the band in around late 80's or 90s or so,then we were just kids:)haha


Sith Lord
Staff member
posers headbang
metalheads chill, prolly sit on the ground and do homework, or read a book while the best band in the world plays on a stage


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
It's gonna be Raining Blood!!!!

SLAYER Coming to INDIA!!! \m/ \m/

TicketGenie - Slayer - Tour to India, October 20th, 2012

Who's going!!??

Update : Even Testament coming!!! Not sure if confirmed.


posers headbang
metalheads chill, prolly sit on the ground and do homework, or read a book while the best band in the world plays on a stage

I don't think so. I mean, if the song gets me going, I headbang like crazy. Like, when I went Bangalore for LOG's gig, I didn't give a **** about Bhayanak Maut or Skyharbor, but when LOG came on stage, I went in to a maddening rage.
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