what should be india's national language?

what should be india's national language.

  • english

    Votes: 61 34.5%
  • hindi

    Votes: 98 55.4%
  • your own mother tongue.

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
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Here are some objections against
Hindi (or any single language) as a national language
We must promote ALL Indian languages as well as english becuase English is a neutral language .
otherwise we should replace English with a NEUTRAL language like Prakrit
Here are some objections against Hindi:
1.You cannot take the language of one state and promote it as the national
language. This is the opinion of many people I have spoken to.
It creates an artificial politically induced lopsided development and is against
the concept of fedaralism. (I will give you an example shortly )
Tomorrow if we have only Hindi medium schools throughout India , people from 4 hindi speaking states
due to their natural fluency in the language will get higher marks than me. Plus I have to learn an additional
language (Telegu) (which he doesn't) for which I have to sacrifice another subject . This is a double advantage
for a hindi speaker and a double disadvantage for a non-hindi speaker. Within years , people from 4 states will
take away all the Engineering and Medical seats and all jobs if the private sector is forced to operate in Hindi .
This will happen right from Kashmir to kanyakumari. This is not based on merit but a politically engineered
This is the end of the day for merit based education in India.
I do agree that English is difficult but it is equally difficult for everybody. That is the point here.
The only problem is that English creates an urban rural divide, but the onus to solve this rests with
the state government. Many states like Karnataka and andhra have already taken steps to
solve this. Where's the legal remedy if you take the language of one state and allow it
to replace English ? This is a perfect recipe for disaster and can even wipe out other
languages in the long run.

Otherwise create a new neutral language.
2. Another danger of having one language as the national language are that is encourages
one linguistic group to believe that they are superior to others and are always
in a position to take over the rest of the country. They are also forced
to live in a fools paradise -as a written language Hindi is anyway dead outside the
Hindi speaking states.So, what's the point?
This is against the principle of National integration based on mutual repsect.
2A. Imposing the language of the majority on minorites without their consent creates a situation
which can potentially bring it in conflict with international law
However, as a short term strategy , Hindi is ok because it has atleast enabled people from different parts of
India to
communicate with one another right from Bangalore to Guwahati (much more comfortably than in
English), but it won't spread beyond a point.
However , better educated people right from Mumbai to Delhi did not take Hindi seriously excepting as a
second language.
Hindi is however the official language of the central government.
See this website which explains the legal position clearly.
Understanding the legal implications, the founding fathers of this nation
added the necessary safeguards. It had to be accepted as the national language
by all state goverments. Thus, began a national brainwashing campaign.
3. Some people want to make hindi an international language. If we make Assamese an
international language, we have to make it a national language first. What happens
to all other Indian languages then?
4. Again there have been much better solutions propsed i.e Simplified Prakrit as a link
language which have been
proposed since a very long time . Perhaps Hindi, being similar to Urdu was just a minority
appeasement strategy. Who knows ?
(Read Ramachandra Guha's articles on this subject)
5. Can you show me any other non-hindi speaking state which accepts Hindi as one of the official
languages of the state ? None. If tomorrow , West Bengal opens Hindi medium schools in every village
in Bengal , half of Bihar will be in Bengal . That is the end of Bengali culture which even the British or
the Muslims and the british did not touch. We cannot allow the language of one state to replace English as this would
the spirit of the Indian constitution.
It is not just the culture but also the economy of the state that will be destroyed.

Similarly if the the state goverment of Andhra pradesh opens Hindi medium schools in
Vijayawada , it has to open Gujarathi and Marathi medium schools also. That is why
no state government in India allows schools in any language other than the local
language plus English. On what basis should Hindi medium schools be allowed in Vijayawada
and not Malayalam medium schools ? Based on the law of numbers ?
Again, Hindi is the "official language" of the Central government . in Andhra Pradesh,
for example, only Telegu, urdu and English have been given official status .So doesn't
Hindi undermine the federal spirit of the Indian constitution again ? Education is not even a
central subject as per the indian constitution.
6.Can you also show me one hindi sign board anywhere in India outside a Hindi speaking state?
I have yet to come across one in my entire life except in a central government office.
7. Again can you show me one private sector company in India which operates in Hindi ?
The private sector considers Hindi to be another regional language like kannada - period.
If the private sector tries to switch over to Hindi people of other language groups will
So , why force it on the private sector ?
8. Again, all private initiatives give importance to all Indian languages eg Google search etc.
9.Finally, even if you try to spread keep spreading hindi, human nature being what it is,
the chances are that it will fail.So what is the point in spreading it at all if you are ultimately not
It may suceed partially, but understand, it is only compensating for the weaknesses of English as a link
language. The language of one community will never unite permanently
Alternatively , you may teach basic Hindi / Hinglish in every state as a spoken language
either in the English script or in the script of the local language, since we do
need one spoken colloquial throught the country.Let us remember only unity in diversity
integrates India in the long run. Hinglish (eg Kal 7'0' clock 100% aaungaa ,sir ) is the local dialect
in many non-hindi speaking states because it is very simple to learn , but it has no legal status
or a written form anywhere.
10. No upto date sociologist will accept the theory that a country needs one national language to stay
united. If you suggest this idea to anybody anywhere in the world, it will become the international
joke of the century. This is remniscent of early Hindi nationalism (1947-1956).
We can take legal action against them in a court of law and this is the stupidest idea in the History of
human civiization.Even the muslims and the British did not touch Indian languages three of which
(Tamil, Telegu and Kannada are more than two thousand years old).
However Hindi will become one of the countries most important spoken lingua francas in
the long run based on the law of demand and supply. HINDI and other languages FOR CULTURAL EVENTS, MAKING FRIENDS,
what is happening, "Automatically" based on the law of demand and supply.
11. Again , if India replaces English with Hindi or Malayalam (without a broad
consensus) . India will break up in 20 years I can also give
this to you in writing. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO PROVE ME WRONG. Look at Kashmir.
Why on earth will any Kashmiri educate his children in Hindi, and enslave his children
to people of another state and spoil
the next generations future when Hindi is hardly even a written language anywhere in India
Just because he speaks Hindi to his carpenter or watchman and
watches Hindi movies , it doesn't mean anything. One needs to do a qualitative analysis.
The dream of a Software Engineer from Hyderabad is to go to the USA , not to Lucknow.
12. Again in mulitlingual countries there has always been demand for an neutral language
Eg Bhutan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Singapore etc. Exception Canada: but canada has always promoted
13.Tomorrow, if we remove English and replace it with Tamil, Tamil medium schools will
open all over andhra pradesh, and we will be subservient to the people of another state.
If we replace English with Hindi , don't you think the danger to Andhra pradesh's economy
is even greater because Hindi speakers are 8 times greater in number.
Can the reader please carefully think through this?
What benefits will the replacement of English with Hindi bring to the economy of Andhra
Pradesh ? .none, when Hindi has no written form outside the Hindi belt. In the eyes of
any international expert, will this lead to National integration ? Certainly not.
In some ads in Hindi channels , the Kathakali dance of Kerela is shown in the Hindi
language and a complete mockery of the dance is made. Isn't this a disrespect for Indian
culture ?
14. Furthermore, Hindi is just
another Indian language which can be picked up without any difficulty.
Hindi and urdu are virtually the same language.
So it is enough if we make it the third language?
15. Again nehruvian socialist cultural policies are horrendously outdated. They focus only
on the Mughal empire and British empire and provide an Ideal excuse for the BJP
to promote Hindutva. How can this sustain national integration in the long run?
The greatness of India is its Unity in Diversity . Follow a unity in Diversity
model . Examples countries following this model are
(a) Switzerland
(b) Singapore
(c) Canada
Each state can select link languages based on popular demand (English and other languages maybe may be)
and compensate other languages for the loss in other ways - spend more money on other
languages since Hindi has already spread and will continue to do so based on the law of
demand and supply. Only Unity in Diversity and a healthy mutual respect for
various Indian cultures sustains National
integration in the long run. You can check out the Switzerland model if you want. You
might also want to know how Unity in Diversity helped Canada from disintegrating.
The Unified Rajbhasha Model was required before liberalization but now common sense
would only indicate based on experience everywhere that a unity in diversity model
is more appropriate.

Take this oft-repeated statement

"Over centralization destroyed India, now liberalization
is reuniting India"

Here is one model you might want to adopt since Hindi has already spread.
The following is my suggestion:
Amend the constitution and
(a) Make all Indian languages National languages as a token of acknowledgement of
the rich diversity of the sub-continent and the
equality of all cultures
(b) Declare English as the recommended Official link language (But leave the choice
to the states)
(c) some states can choose Hindi or other languages as a cultural link language if required.
* Hindi enables poorer people across India to communicate with each other since 40% of
Indians speak Hindi versus 5% english (ideally this should also have been
Prakrit) , but that is about it : as a
written language hindi is already dead outside of the Hindi belt. In my opinion
people need to learn the mother tongue first followed by English and Basic Hindi
(optional). Hindi is is mainly useful the wholesale , retail trade and the
entertainment industry and for some amount of emotional bonding. It not only imposes
load on some states but gives more preferences for 4 states with repsect to
job) and some states States , of course get to
decide their own cultural policy . This
(a) Role of the mother tongue
(b) Role of English
(c) Role of other Regional languages
This will ensure that the local culture gets first preference.
We need to encourage a Unity in Diversity model . I however support a basic knowledge
of ONE Indian language throughout the country
i.e Hindi (as English requires a formal education). It but let the realization come
voluntarily, let it not be imposed. Ideally
a neutral language such a spoken Prakrit
would have been better but now that Hindi has already spread
throughout most of India , it will keep spreading based on the Law of supply and
demand .We can no longer avoid it.
Several formulas are also available to judge
languages based on Historical significance,
Cultural importance, uniqueness, number of speakers etc ( A lot
of research has been done of this in the
past few years and while maintianing
national integration, such formulas can help
determine the budget spend on other Indian
languages). Dilopmas such as
1. master of all Indian languages
2. Master of Classical indian languages
3. Master of South indian languages
4. Master of Sanksrit, Gujarati, Hindi etc
5. Master of North eastern languages
can be awarded by the central government. Members of each language group can be represented
in a new body that is created to promote Indian languages.This will also give a place
to people from all language groups at the central government and promote national unity.

Alternatively , the centre need not promote any language. Leave it to the states.
This model is followed in the European union. However, certain Central government
organizations like the Indian army can use Hindi as one of their working languages.
What about Simplified Prakrit ?
This is a neutral language. It can be considered as a long term replacement for English.
You can take maximum words from speakers of minority languages to integrate them
better into the mainstream . However take the concurrance of all state governments
Mauritius model
Mauritius encourages people to retain their own customs and languages but encourages
them to interaact and integrate
New Three language formula ?
Change the three language formula as follows:-
For state board schools
1. States language compulsary first language
2. English compulsary second language
3. An other living indian language for 2-3 years
for English medium
1. English compulsary first language
2. An other living indian language for 10 years
3. Any other indian / foreign language for 2-3 years
States can override this law by making states language compulsary in certain cases
This will
(a) Protect mother tongue in case of transferable jobs
(b) Help indian languages spread evenly and uniformly
(c) Allow the learning of Indian languages to follow demand and supply
(d) Allow languages such as Urdu to be taught
(e) Allow people to travel throughout the country and integrate without losing
their identity
(f) Allow for composite and conversational courses
(g) Allow states to teach each others languages in a fixed number of schools through
mutual agreement
(h) Allow parents to petition for teaching of mother tongue in schools if the
school is willing
(i) Allow for better national integration in the long run without causing ill-feelings
This will still ensure that most Indians have a basic knowledge of Hindi/Prakrit etc, if required

Here is some proof that India is moving to a unity in diversity model
(National Integration based on Mutual respect)



sujayrao2000 said:
Tomorrow if we have only Hindi medium schools throughout India , people from 4 hindi speaking states
due to their natural fluency in the language- will get higher marks than me. Plus I have to learn an additional
language (Telegu) (which he doesn't) for which I have to sacrifice another subject . This is a double advantage
for a hindi speaker and a double disadvantage for a non-hindi speaker. Within years , people from 4 states will
take away all the Engineering and Medical seats and all jobs if the private sector is forced to operate in Hindi .
This will happen right from Kashmir to kanyakumari. This is not based on merit but a politically engineered
For first highlighted part....How can u be so sure about higher marks? A nepali in my skool used to top in hindi. I being a non-compter science student (in 12th) used to get higher marks than most of the computers students in college. There are Indian teachers teaching English to students in Universities if Britain and US. Please think before u post!

For 2nd highlighted.....I dont think learning is ever a disadvantage!! I wud be glad to learn any other langauge if I'm given enough time. And a student as in ur example, has enough time when the language itself is a part of the course.

For the 3rd.....Things aren't implemented the next day they are decided. Was reservation implemented the next day of Arjun Singh's full fledged show of his "intellect"? They happen slowly and steadily until the situation is ripe and stable.

sujayrao2000 said:
Otherwise create a new neutral language.
Ya, A "brilliant" idea. Please take the initiative!

sujayrao2000 said:
Some people want to make hindi an international language. If we make Assamese an
international language, we have to make it a national language first.
What happens
to all other Indian languages then?
And who exactly decides about making a particular language as an international language. A leader, a country.....who? Please enlighten me. English is an international language. Did french,chinese,germans etc make it national langauge before "making" it an international language???? Please elaborate!

sujayrao2000 said:
Again there have been much better solutions propsed i.e Simplified Prakrit as a link
language which have been
proposed since a very long time . Perhaps Hindi, being similar to Urdu was just a minority
appeasement strategy.
Who knows ?
(Read Ramachandra Guha's articles on this subject)
In that context, Sanskrit is the best solution since it is the mother of almost all the Indian languages. ISn't it?

sujatyrao2000 said:
Similarly if the the state goverment of Andhra pradesh opens Hindi medium schools in
Vijayawada , it has to open Gujarathi and Marathi medium schools also. That is why
no state government in India allows schools in any language other than the local
language plus English. On what basis should Hindi medium schools be allowed in Vijayawada
and not Malayalam medium schools ? Based on the law of numbers ?
Again, Hindi is the "official language" of the Central government . in Andhra Pradesh,
for example, only Telegu, urdu and English have been given official status .So doesn't
Hindi undermine the federal spirit of the Indian constitution again ? Education is not even a
central subject as per the indian constitution.
6.Can you also show me one hindi sign board anywhere in India outside a Hindi speaking state?
I have yet to come across one in my entire life except in a central government office.
7. Again can you show me one private sector company in India which operates in Hindi ?
The private sector considers Hindi to be another regional language like kannada - period.
If the private sector tries to switch over to Hindi people of other language groups will
So , why force it on the private sector ?
This is related to offcial langauge and not National langauge. Please read the debate from start and u'll get all the points before repeating any further!

sujayrao said:
Again, all private initiatives give importance to all Indian languages eg Google search etc.
Thats good!

sujayrao2000 said:
Finally, even if you try to spread keep spreading hindi, human nature being what it is,
the chances are that it will fail.So what is the point in spreading it at all if you are ultimately not
Dont feel paranoid, no one's spreading it, though Britishers tried to spread the english language and now see which is the international language of the world!!! I'm sure if united Indians spread any of the Indian languages, then English will be replaced as an international language and indians will be successfull...no doubt about that. We have a nice population, isnt it?

sujayrao2000 said:
Again , if India replaces English with Hindi or Malayalam (without a broad
consensus) . India will break up in 20 years I can also give
this to you in writing. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO PROVE ME WRONG. Look at Kashmir.
Why on earth will any Kashmiri educate his children in Hindi, and enslave his children
to people of another state and spoil
Well it seems u haven't either toured India like me or haven't even bothered to read the debate from start. You are already proven wrong. If u had read the debate u wudnt even have dared to give such a challenge, though I like such challenges!:)

Neways, @sujayrao2000 it seems u wasted quite a time in writing such nice little post. Throughout ur post u mentioned that one needs education to learn a language. Do u think most of the uneducated and illiterate americans and britons in the world had education?? How come they know english then? Most similar foreigners like french, germans too didn't have english education. How come they speak english then?? Even the S.Indian servant of my neighbour can speak hindi fluently and he is illiterate.
So u see u dont need a formal education to learn a language.

Aprox. 90% of ur post is REPEATED , though I liked only the "challenge statement" of urs! The rest I have replied. So i urge u not to waste ur time in repeating the points. Go thru the debate first. I hope u respect the ethics of debate and r sensible enough!!!

So please bring up some new points and talk something new in this thread which is almost to the peak level of its saturation! :)


Broken In
The people who speak Hindi will argue for it. The people who don't will argue against it. However, the fact remains that a language spoken by a small minority was elevated as a national language.


left this forum longback
I Completely agrees with @sujayrao2000.
Hindi speakers always will try to patronise their language and even want to argue that Hindi is the root of Tamil Language also:lol:
My Humble request after 6+ pages on this subjecy ...puh-leese Hindiwalle-DONT patronise ur language to south indians...Hindi must be limited to Maharastra.
I Believe Historically North India is linked towards pakistan,Afghan,Iran etc...so please Hindi ke Chamche log-go to these countries and make Hindi their official language.But not to SOuth India..:x

@planetcell-How can @sujayraos post pointless.He said the most correct things.It is You ppls feeling that your mother tongue is Hindi which makes you force on others. -We are ppl leaving in South India and we knows the condition better than you.for Heaven's sake Dont Bring your experiances of ppl speaking Crappi Hindi in Bangalore-that's not an example.

Most South Indians dont care about langs debate.they just want peace.so they dont want arguing to Hindiwalles.exception is Tamil Nadu.Now I feel Hindi must be removed from our Syllabus itself.(YOU Know in Kerala we r forced to learn Hindi from 4th Standard onwards upto 11th :mad: )
Most N.INdians comes to Bangalore and get an idea that South India=Bangalore(where Hindi Chauvinism is high)
@Sujay Rao have the courage to quote the real things.
In Tamil Nadu now also Anti-Hindi agitations are going on-remember


praka123 said:
I Completely agrees with @sujayrao2000.
Hindi speakers always will try to patronise their language and even want to argue that Hindi is the root of Tamil Language also
Who's trying to patronise? and who's saying hindi is root of tamil language? Please dont imagine things!

praka123 said:
My Humble request after 6+ pages on this subjecy ...puh-leese Hindiwalle-DONT patronise ur language to south indians...
And I urge S.indians to behave like Indians and have some sense of patriotism instead of making foreigners happy!
There's a good saying in Hindi "Gali ka kutta na ghar ka na khet ka". I hope S.indians know its meaning. Pardon me if I quoted that saying incorrectly.

praka123 said:
Hindi must be limited to Maharastra.
And English??

praka123 said:
I Believe Historically North India is linked towards pakistan,Afghan,Iran etc...so please Hindi ke Chamche log-go to these countries and make Hindi their official language.But not to SOuth India..
@praka123....whoeva u r, but please keep ur absurd thoughts n beliefs with u instead giving us a full fledged show of the height of ur absurdness. That wud help u.
Its seems ur highly paranoid. Dont worry, no one's imposing it on ur head! And I urge people like u to spare all other languages by freeing them from ur tamil accent!

praka123 said:
How can @sujayraos post pointless.He said the most correct things.It is You ppls feeling that your mother tongue is Hindi which makes you force on others. -We are ppl leaving in South India and we knows the condition better than you.
Its pointless coz most of the things are wrong and I gave reasons why it is so. For rest, the reasons have already been given in the past of this thread and then the post is almost completely a REPEAT! Can u tell me any point of his that is not a repeat and a reply from me that is not correct??

praka123 said:
for Heaven's sake Dont Bring your experiances of ppl speaking Crappi Hindi in Bangalore-that's not an example.
Well, I see how much respect ppl like u have for other languages now!! Are there more people like u in S.India??

praka123 said:
Most South Indians dont care about langs debate.they just want peace
But I see a S.Indian here who is uselessly and absurdly taking part in "langs debate" without giving any valid point and continuely flaming hindi language and hindi speaking people without any manners or ethics. It seems such S.Indians are the real threat to "peace"!!

praka123 said:
so they dont want arguing to Hindiwalles.exception is Tamil Nadu.Now I feel Hindi must be removed from our Syllabus itself.(YOU Know in Kerala we r forced to learn Hindi from 4th Standard onwards upto 11th )
Ya they dont wanna argue, coz I guess they have nothing to argue except for showing how paranoid they r and how "respectful" they r towards others and other languages!!

praka123 said:
Most N.INdians comes to Bangalore and get an idea that South India=Bangalore(where Hindi Chauvinism is high)
Hmmm, so there exists atleast one place in S.India where hindi "chauvinism" is high!! Thanks for that info.
S.Indians here are usually writing posts like => "S.Indians dont speak Hindi or dont like it".
But from ur post it seems, they dont like to or forget to reveal such info u provided and write the word "Most" in the beginning of such posts.

praka123 said:
In Tamil Nadu now also Anti-Hindi agitations are going on-remember
How sad! Ur so happy that anti-hindi agitations are going on and no one's even saying a word against English!! So patriotic!!

@praka123 it seems ur also a fresher in this debate. SO please feel free to read the debate from the start. Many of my posts in this debate were left untouched, so please reply to them!!


The Devil's Advocate
praka123 said:
Hindi must be limited to Maharastra.
hmmm.... hindi limited to maharashtra .... bengali limited to bihar .... punjabi limited to kashmir .... marathi limited to kerala .....

@mediator i appreciate ur patience in replying to one of the most absurd and pardon me but 1 of the most stupid things i hav ever heard or read

is hindi so hard for u to learn .... u dont want english u dont want hindi a stupid and absurd demand of a small state of people who hardly comprise any part of the world .... they want their language to be india's national language

praka y are u posting in english .... english isnt even of indian origin plz post ur stupid replies in ur S.Indian language so tht most ppl will not even take the pains of reading wat u type


mav3 said:
is hindi so hard for u to learn .... u dont want english u dont want hindi a stupid and absurd demand of a small state of people who hardly comprise any part of the world .... they want their language to be india's national language
Ahem, was this meant for me? :confused:


The Devil's Advocate
mediator said:
Ahem, was this meant for me? :confused:
no tht was for praka ....

india today is a democratic country ppl of all religions live herehowever as we all know bharat/india was hindustan .... i dont need to explain wat tht means .... 2moro if indians start demanding hindi or punjabi to be made as the national language of britain or US .... aise nahi hota mere bhaiyon .... hindustan ki rashtra bhasha hindi hi thi hai aur rehni chahiye .... and the problem with dempcracy is tht every 1 gets to speak and now 1billion ppl are speaking at the same time and no 1 wants to listen to the other .... ego problems ...


The Lord of Death
And the worst of it all is that southerners are in favor of accepting a "neutral" firangi language as our national language, but learning/speaking/accepting Hindi is a big no-no for them. Mind you, because of this very mentality we've had a thousand years of slavery. And yet, we refuse to learn from our bitter and shameful past.

If English is so widely accepted as India's national language, what's so wrong with a firangi PM or President? Let's just start licking white feet all over again. We're definitely very good at it, and quite used to, too.


left this forum longback
Whatever,You cant force Hindi-to South Indians.You call it Parangi Language.But English is the linking language for south indians mainly with other parts of India.
This is your slavery mentality of North based Hindi fanatics which makes South India move away from National stream.
@mav3:My state is much much better than ur ugly Untidy....i don wan 2 say more.also Ninakku Budhiyundengil ingane paraumoda ?neeyokke Malayali-Dakshina Indyakkar ennal entaa karuthiye?Nee Poyi....English padikkada-We dont want ur Gosaayi Hindi crap in SOuth India.Let us wait for LTTE to come.Let the whole Madras regiment back Tamil Nadu.Hindi cinema ad papers are used here more in toilet u stubborn Hindikkars?
@mediator:i cant go on reading ur hindi support crap.i am a user for longtime and i dont want ur advice also.mediator pls meditate urself for ur brain to get ideas unpartially..
Ninteyokke oru Hindi...Hindi Nahin Kindi:mad:
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The Devil's Advocate
Yamaraj said:
what's so wrong with a firangi PM
we almost had 1
praka123 said:
mediator pls meditate urself for ur brain to get ideas unpartially..
do u even know wat the word in bold means .... hindi is a language that has been in this land for a very long time .... but tell me 1 thing y are v calld hindustan y not keralastan or madrasi stan
praka123 said:
Hindi Nahin Kindi
.... the word in bold seems similar to a hindi word .... and besides wateva tht statement means it is reallly sounds very funny .... hindi kindi u chindi hahahah .... thst gonna be my new year statement for all my frenz .... hindi kindi u chindi :D
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praka123 said:
Whatever,You cant force Hindi-to South Indians.You call it Parangi Language.But English is the linking language for south indians mainly with other parts of India.
This is your slavery mentality of North based Hindi fanatics which makes South India move away from National stream.
@mav3:My state is much much better than ur ugly Untidy....i don wan 2 say more.also Ninakku Budhiyundengil ingane paraumoda paranaari?neeyokke Malayali-Dakshina Indyakkar ennal entaa karuthiye?Nee Poyi....English padikkada-We dont want ur Gosaayi Hindi crap in SOuth India.Let us wait for LTTE to come.Let the whole Madras regiment back up to Tamil Nadu.Hindi cinema ad papers are used here more in toilet u stubborn Hindikkars?
@mediator:i cant go on reading ur hindi support crap.i am a user for longtime and i dont want ur advice also.mediator pls meditate urself for ur brain to get ideas unpartially..
Ninteyokke oru Hindi...Hindi Nahin Kindi:mad:
@praka123.....ur really entertaining n amusing! Personal comments really dont bother me! But I guess u r an ace in giving personal comments only and cant debate sensibly.

Neways I told u to free other languages from ur tamil accent, but now ur bringing the whole language here?? You want English, but plzzz improve at ur English grammer first. People can understand typos, but not when the grammer is faulty. U say english connects us, so please debate in English and free this forum from ur tamil language. We Indians except S.Indians cant even decode the accent and ur now making it hard by inserting ur language here?
I guess thats why S.Indians feel isolated like u expressed. They cant debate even in English properly and finally come to their real behaviour when they r out of words by speaking in their tamil!!

Neways, everyline of ur post is full of sarcasm. Hehe, I meditate regularly and its ur turn now to start practising it. That wud help u to see the light!! :D
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