SolidSnake said:
planetcall said:^^ If you mean by adopt english to accept it as national language then i completely disagree. I dont think you understood my statement well.
I mean to say that English is not our language by lineage. We as Indians have a rich heritage of languages and we should discuss over that only. We have our opinions but we should have it in the very periphery of our distinct identity. Our national language must reflect we Indians.
faraaz said:English is used more widely than Hindi, all our bureaucracy, documentation etc is in English, so WTF is the point of having Hindi as the national language?
Oh Yeah?But have u ever thought of people living in lakhs of small towns and vilaages in south india and northeast india who are having Hindi as a foreign language too?So You Ppl want to impose on south.ain't u...English is the Universal Language-with due respect to our local languages-We(south) want ENGLISH to be our national said:yes..we dont need to change our national language.And if u think practically ..this is impossible to make our national language as english.People from 10 big citices may accept english but..have u ever thought of people living in lakhs of small towns and vilaages.
Really? No one thinks that way, read the replies if you can , please. IIRC, no-one said they can't accept regional language, its just that some have created false perception.For those who argue that English is a foreign language couldn't be a national language - the fact is it hurts your pride to accept another language spoken by another group of people as your language.
Yes.Hindi is a foreign language for many parts of this country,you better understand that,English is the Language which historically united south Indian states for administrative purpose.THINK BEYOND...south is arguements stands for forcing hindi on india.English-can be accepted for communication.Why hate English saying a foreign?Nationalism Ohh? then cant u ppl able to think more than india-A world country-where people all are happy to communicate in English for all purposes eh?And U want Hindi to be forced on Non-Hindi speaking People....gr8 friend ur ideoligies are gr8SE><IE said:Really? No one thinks that way, read the replies if you can , please. IIRC, no-one said they can't accept regional language, its just that some have created false perception.
I said earlier, and would say again. "We don't hate regional language, we hate foreign language to be national language"
And how on earth can you compare english and hindi sayng both are foreign?