What is wrong with Raj Thackery..??

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In the zone
well raj baby has now 4 case registered and we will see him coming back to jail in near future too.VHP and Banjrang dal leaders be prepared because these goondas are next in line.
welldone maharashtra and welldone laloo prasad yadav god bless.
He is fighting for the Marathi Manoos. And if you ask me his argument is justified.

He categorically stated that generally announcements for the exams of such government jobs are put in all newspapers regional or national in all languages. But, the announcement of the railway recriutment programme failed to turn up in a single regional paper.

Yet, most of the examinees turned up (who happened to be North Indians). Thus, the MNS sensed foul play that even though the announcement was not made in the papers, still the north Indians knew about it and turned up, which is why he wants his query to be resolved.

Yes, the manner in which the entire incident unfolded is very upsetting, with rioting and pelting of stones as such, and that has to be dealt with in the most serious manner as nobody can hold the state/city to ransom. But, still I believe that Raj did make a valid point.


in your face..
There are ways of making points - Raj "Dickhead" Thakrey's is not one of those.

What he needs is a solid...


In the zone
wtf is wrong with all you people supporting Raj. Even if people came from north india or whereever to give the exam, can't the locals do the same, just sit in the exam, whosoever passes gets the job. Or are you telling me if North Indians will sit in exams they will pass and the locals will fail. Never heard of competition or what

Seriously i can understand if Raj can corrupt the minds of uneducated, unemployed youth, but if people who went to schools and colleges are talking his language, its pretty pathetic to say the least.

And you all so worried about Mumbai, tell me what you have done to make the city better, except thinking like "Ohh i think that garbage over there is thrown by a north indian, kick him out of city, and we have a clean city!!! Yeah i cracked the code".


Hanging, since 2004..
He is fighting for the Marathi Manoos. And if you ask me his argument is justified.

Argument is justified, but not the way the has opted to tackle the situation. I think Raj Thakrey is very clever politician and acting the way a politician does for his own benefit and not for the people or the country.

@ Krazzy, after reading your thoughts I seriously hope the mayan doomsday prophecy of world ending on Dec 21 2012 comes true. Coz human race is in deep sh1t and God has to press the reset button.

wtf is wrong with all you people supporting Raj. Even if people came from north india or whereever to give the exam, can't the locals do the same, just sit in the exam, whosoever passes gets the job. Or are you telling me if North Indians will sit in exams they will pass and the locals will fail. Never heard of competition or what

You missed this :
He categorically stated that generally announcements for the exams of such government jobs are put in all newspapers regional or national in all languages. But, the announcement of the railway recruitment programme failed to turn up in a single regional paper.

Still what is happening is not justified.
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Caballero de Real Madrid
I support Raj Thackeray. People outside Mumbai have no idea what's happening here so it is easy for them to comment. But the truth is this city has reached it's limit. It cannot accept any more. Any jobless Tom, Dick and Harry anywhere in India decides to go to Mumbai, buys a train ticket, lands here, works here, then few months calls his family, relatives, friends, dogs, here and everyone is happy.

That would've been fine earlier. Not any more. The city is bursting at it's limits now. Enough is enough. It took Raj Thackeray to realize this situation. He took the 'lathon ke bhooth baton se nahi maante' route so everyone is complaining. But that's the only way left. That's the only language understood.

I support him. Raj FTW! Raj for President!

Even I support Raj Thakrey........
I've seriously thought about the matter and came to a solution.

Raj Thakrey should ask the PM and President to declare Mumbai a separate country. That way people have to have passports to enter it. He can easily decide who to accept and who to not at the VISA processing time.
Then to be a permanent inhabitant of Mumbai u've to get a green card (or Raj Card:rolleyes:) which he'll only give if he wishes.
Again if ur VISA is expired u'll be automatically kicked out of here, no need to thrashing, beating, tod-fod etc...PEACE

U both realise india is the nation and MH is a state right?

and in india we can go to whatever state we wish r8?

u 2 really need to open up your minds...


In the zone
tarey_g said:
You missed this :

Still its not the fault of every north indian, its all politics run by the railway minister, he is doing that to get votes in Bihar and now Mr Raj is walking on the same path. So what's the difference between him and Lalu Prasad Yadav whom he criticizes in every breath. This whole damn thing is a political scam, local man is suffering and stupid politicians are enjoying.


Can you hear it..??
He is fighting for the Marathi Manoos. And if you ask me his argument is justified.

He categorically stated that generally announcements for the exams of such government jobs are put in all newspapers regional or national in all languages. But, the announcement of the railway recriutment programme failed to turn up in a single regional paper.

Yet, most of the examinees turned up (who happened to be North Indians). Thus, the MNS sensed foul play that even though the announcement was not made in the papers, still the north Indians knew about it and turned up, which is why he wants his query to be resolved.

That is a reason good enough to beat some one to death whose only aim was to
find a job, earn bread for his family.

This Raj goon has a lot of money and he is living in luxury. And he believes beating some fruit vendor or taxi driver will be a feather on his cap.

Splitting one's homeland..is he a human..?? A reuqest to his parents...Just give your betaa
a slap on the face and tell him to live a fruit vendor's or taxi driver's
life a single day in an alien land, away from the family. Then he'll understand.

What he is doing for the past few months is a crime that he will pay for sure


Democracy is a myth
U both realise india is the nation and MH is a state right?

and in india we can go to whatever state we wish r8?

u 2 really need to open up your minds...

Hey Jerin have u taken my idea seriously...........I'm not serious about it:D

Its the outcome of a very frustrated mind. I found this absurd idea is only way "Raj" can do wat he wants to do.

That is a reason good enough to beat some one to death whose only aim was to
find a job, earn bread for his family.

This Raj goon has a lot of money and he is living in luxury. And he believes beating some fruit vendor or taxi driver will be a feather on his cap.

Splitting one's homeland..is he a human..?? A reuqest to his parents...Just give your betaa
a slap on the face and tell him to live a fruit vendor's or taxi driver's
life a single day in an alien land, away from the family. Then he'll understand.

What he is doing for the past few months is a crime that he will pay for sure
Dude didnt you read? :???:
I support the cause not the means.
If he is responsible for those deaths, then he should be penalised.
But, his cause should also be addressed.
Lalu Yadav drew huge criticisism from the Rajya Sabha about the "no ads in regional papers" issue and also for the fact that an overwhelming majority of those recruited irrespective of which state they are appearing from are Biharis.
Please dont start flaming..lets keep this thread as a debate of opinions :)


Can you hear it..??
Dude didnt you read? :???:
I support the cause not the means.
If he is responsible for those deaths, then he should be penalised.
But, his cause should also be addressed.
Lalu Yadav drew huge criticisism from the Rajya Sabha about the "no ads in regional papers" issue and also for the fact that an overwhelming majority of those recruited irrespective of which state they are appearing from are Biharis.
Please dont start flaming..lets keep this thread as a debate of opinions :)

yes Wisecrab...but..the cause you stating is a COOKED UP story for his personal gains.
First be an Indian.. Stop injecting hatred among the people.He is making use of uneducated and poor people for the same.

If someone else is getting your job it is because he/she is much better than you.
Think how opportunities and employment can be created, how choking city can be saved
by better development plans ....think wisely and creatively rather than doing this kind
of uncivilized actions
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I hope you people realize what I'm trying to say here. If you don't I'll say in tech language:This hard drive is full. If you want to save your data, find some other drive. Not this one. Or you'll just corrupt the data already present on it
Well said..supported by me, another proud but now a bit tainted Mumbaikar (the pride is tainted here :D)
His story is not cooked up. It is confirmed by Sahara Mumbai ( a reputed channel for reporting local news)
Anyway screw that, I'm happy that atleast we can celebrate Diwali with some safety


Techtree Reviewer
All those who are fine with the idea of people outside of Mumbai coming here for jobs or whatever please answer my questions.

You do know that geographically Mumbai has it's limits? Or are you under an impression that Mumbai city is a magical land with infinite space and has the capacity to accomodate the entire population of India? A jar that can store infinite cookies?

Well if you say "Yes" then sorry to burst your bubble but that isn't the case. This jar is already up to it's brim and you people are basically advocating the idea of filling it with more cookies even though it cannot take in any more. Hats off to you guys.

The biggest surprise is that most of the people commenting here aren't even citizens of Mumbai. They don't have a phucking clue what the situation is here. You want to know how crowded Mumbai is already? Try catching a local train during office hours. I wanted to use the 'Can of Sardines' analogy here, but even that falls short of explaining the condition of our local trains. And no, the answer is not more trains. There are more than enough already, still they cannot cope up with all the people. And that's just the people travelling in trains, which would be probably around 1/5 th of Mumbai's population. There are others who use buses, taxis and other vehicles. Just like India, Mumbai is experiencing a population explosion. Although the situation is much worse here due to the small area.

And you people are fine with more people coming here. I guess it's my chance to say this now: Grow up. Seriously.


Can you hear it..??
Krazzy I completely understand.... But is violence and uncivilized behaviour the answer..?? It is just that simple a question
Well said :)
Thos who are not in Mumbai think that its just a hoobla over nothing and Raj is trying to divide the nation.
But he is definitely right about the fact that Mumbai cant take it anymore. We are not a jar filled to the brim but infact a jar which is about the break and is spilling over.

I support the cause not the means
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Democracy is a myth
The biggest surprise is that most of the people commenting here aren't even citizens of Mumbai. They don't have a phucking clue what the situation is here. You want to know how crowded Mumbai is already? Try catching a local train during office hours. I wanted to use the 'Can of Sardines' analogy here, but even that falls short of explaining the condition of our local trains. And no, the answer is not more trains. There are more than enough already, still they cannot cope up with all the people. And that's just the people travelling in trains, which would be probably around 1/5 th of Mumbai's population. There are others who use buses, taxis and other vehicles. Just like India, Mumbai is experiencing a population explosion. Although the situation is much worse here due to the small area.

I think ur main issue is traffic??

Any other issue in support of Raj's action against some innocent people, cause only traffic problem can't be a strong reason for wat he did and wat he is doing for a few months.

U want to say something like that, only because u could not catch that 12.05 train, u get out and break the taxis outside the station, thats the solution of growing population of Mumbai!!!???

Again I'm trying to make u understand one point that ,
Darwin already told "Survival of the fittest"


Techtree Reviewer
OK first of all I really don't care about Raj much. Till a year ago I hardly knew much about him. Even I think violence is not the right way. The only reason I support him is because till now he is the only one who fully realized the gravity of the situation while others had their head up their respective asses that even the mightiest of crowbar cannot pry out. I do agree he took the wrong route to solve this problem, but as I said any other method would not have worked.

What will happen now is that the Government has probably got his point so they'll work out something (hopefully) to solve the problem. If he had just talked to them they wouldn't have done anything. But now they'll definitely do something to avoid any more chaos. Even if that happens I'll believe Raj was successful. I don't think he every wanted to hurt anybody only for pleasure. He wanted to get his point across and this was the only way of doing it. If the Government gets their act together, he'll never have to do such things in the future.

I beleive the Government should do something like this. Reserve 9/10 jobs here for the locals, one's who have spent more than 10 or 15 years or born here to be called as the locals while only 1/10 of the jobs reserved for people from outside Mumbai. If that happens outsiders would not have much of a reason to come here. Plus people of other states should start providing their people with some jobs instead of relying on the big Metros. If the jobs are available in one's home state, then nobody has to go anywhere else.
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