What is wrong with Raj Thackery..??

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Techtree Reviewer
I'd love to hear your opinion when people in other states start doing the same to people who have migrated from Maharashtra.

I don't care what they do. It's their state. They can do whatever they want. I'm not taking Maharashtrian's side. I'm just worried about the future of Mumbai, being born and brought up here and being it's citizen. The way things are going, if people from outside keep coming, the city will surely burst. And then finally the people who were born here and lived here all their life will then leave the city, looking at the pathetic condition of the city. I'd rather prefer if they stick around and fight these outsiders.

I hope you people know the story of the camel, it's owner and the tent. The tent owner feels the poor camel is outside the tent and freezing so he brings him in the tent a bit. Then some more. Then some more. Finally the whole camel is inside the tent and with very littly space left, finally the camel owner decides to go out of the tent and sleeps in the cold.

I hope you people realize what I'm trying to say here. If you don't I'll say in tech language:This hard drive is full. If you want to save your data, find some other drive. Not this one. Or you'll just corrupt the data already present on it.


Slideshow Bob
IIf you don't I'll say in tech language:This hard drive is full. If you want to save your data, find some other drive. Not this one. Or you'll just corrupt the data already present on it.

Riiiiight!! This city is full, please delete anyone you can...


Krazzy I can understand your sentiments, Bengaluru, someone told me once, has only 30% Kannadigas, but no regulation of flow will work. Regulation of anything has never worked in this country as we are masters at finding workarounds, legal and illegal. And if violence is unleashed against non marathis then Mumbai will just collapse as most of the business is from outside. Politicians should develop the city and make satellite cities around Mumbai with high speed train links etc. They always choose the easy way out, whip up sentiments and make people riot.


Techtree Reviewer
See this is what happens when you just 'talk' to people. They'll never get your point. That's why he didn't waste time talking to people. He acted. That's what makes him different from other politicians. Others just talk but rarely (read: never) act. Raj doesn't give a damn what other's might think. He just does what he wants.

No more talking from me too. He'll be free tomorrow. Doing what he does best. Ciao. :)

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In the zone
Here Also Raj?????
Man i sick of watching him on all news channels.

He is clever politician just taking advantage of conditions and making his party strong.Same as other parties have done in past.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Staff member
Stupid common man will never come up, while these politicians ruin and ravage every single bit of laws and regulations.

If we have people supporting him in this thread then no doubt we can see a new country withing some years.


The Devil's Advocate
Even I support Raj Thakrey........
I've seriously thought about the matter and came to a solution.

Raj Thakrey should ask the PM and President to declare Mumbai a separate country. That way people have to have passports to enter it. He can easily decide who to accept and who to not at the VISA processing time.
Then to be a permanent inhabitant of Mumbai u've to get a green card (or Raj Card:rolleyes:) which he'll only give if he wishes.
Again if ur VISA is expired u'll be automatically kicked out of here, no need to thrashing, beating, tod-fod etc...PEACE
That will not happen. If that were to happen all this For marathi crap that he is using for his political gains will be no more.

@krazzy Bombay is not Marathi land. Bombay happens to be the city of dreams. If Raj is so friggin pro-marathi/Bombay or whatever why doesn't he join a NGO and better the infrastructure? he won't becasue the pro-marathis shield he is using is a public hog wash. Uncle Bal did it in '95 and now that MNS had a horrible show in the last elections he is using the same pro-marathi blabber used by Shiv Sena back then.

Here is the thing, Maharashtraisn will support him and the govt. and otehrs can't do much about it 'coz if they do that would send a signal that Congress-NCP are anti-marathi thereby resulting in their loss and Raj's gain. So nothing can be done

IMAO, Raj is ruining Bombay and making it another small 3 tier city of inner Maharshtra, it's gonna be a huge loss for us as Bombay will lose it's glimmer that what has kept this city moving and alive.


Can you hear it..??
Raj doesn't give a damn what other's might think. He just does what he wants.

Very much true..He doesnt care what people want, or the country needs.... He just
simply does what he wants.. SELFISH GOON.. He is bringing black marks to Mumbai.
Do remember Mumbai wasnt built by local people but by many inhabitants from across the

The ideal solution to the problem is to bring some "encounter specialists" and
kill it at the budding stage. Else this will plague around ...
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In the zone
hey krazzy whats wrong with you?.
do you think mumbai can stay for a single day without north Indians-
office would shut down and so do all the autos.
raj is just like osama-you cant torture poor people and for reason what-
i live in pune and i know how do we feel against mns party.just look at Tokyo-its more populated and has a even smaller area. but there you wont see this kind of jackass behavior.
develop infrastructure-- make satellite cities-
just look at Delhi. you wont see stuff like this and yes mumbai doesn't belong to you-its really silly on your part.
just look at New York.full of all immigrants-no body comes for fun.they come because jobs are there.
i really wonder if people like you support raj-just imagine a situation-your little bro is out in Delhi or up or bihar and local people beat them up for no reason.

i equally blame Maharashtra cm.he is playing simple politics-raj would take all uneducated and some educated but brainwashed local people votes in his kitty--which otherwise would have voted for shivsena.

krazzy really grow up--its just a piece of advice-you would land in trouble later on.


Petty politics...! And it is indeed worrying that there are some educated people too who are gullible to his tactics.. But I hope, and do believe that there are very few "krazzy" people out there..

krazzy said:
I'd rather prefer if they stick around and fight these outsiders.


You'r Born Free
I agree with your concern but I donot agree with your judgement.
And do remember there are two paths wronge and right, its you who have to choose.

I never been to Mumbai and dont know much of ground reality. But you must be knowing about a section of Shiv Sena made earlier by Raj itself called Shiv Udyog Sena.
And do you know how many refugee of Bangladesh , Tibet, China, Burma live in this country.

And do you feel that you own a cause to kill somebody.


Techtree Reviewer
I am not pro-Marathi, nor I'm against North Indians. I'm against all those outside Mumbai who run to this city whenever they want a job. They could be anyone, not just north Indians. Why not do something at your own place? Why come here?

I have nothing against the people who are already here. I'm just saying that more should not come. If you think the more the merrier will work here you are sorely mistaken. It doesn't work that way. It just puts a strain on the city. There should be a limit somewhere; a line needs to be drawn. If people continue to flood this city, I'm saying thing again, the city will sink.

It is the responsibility of other states to provide jobs for their people. Mumbai has not taken the responsibility to provide job for every one out there. There are enough jobless people here already.

Anyway you people probably won't get my point, or rather you don't want to. You feel bad for all those people but don't give a damn about the city. Ultimately you'll regret it. Raj alone will never be able to stop all the outsiders. They'll continue to come. And one day when 'your' children or grandchildren, the children of people who have lived all their lives in this city, lose their jobs or don't have a place to stay in this city because of someone who came yesterday, then you'll regret it. Then you'll understand the importance of Raj's actions. Obviously it'll be too late then.

Anyway there is no point in further discussing this. You'll not get my point and I don't want to get your's. So let's just forget about it and talk about stuff where we all agree with. Our common interests, like technology, or girls [ :D ]. My apologies to anyone who I might've hurt, intentionally or unintentionally. Peace in the Silicon Valley. :)


You'r Born Free
[ :D ]. My apologies to anyone who I might've hurt, intentionally or unintentionally. Peace in the Silicon Valley. :)

Why anybody should be hurt. It was your opinion and you kept it. And a healthy discussion must be followed to draw a democratic conclusion.

User Name

In the zone
MNS had a horrible show in the last elections he is using the same pro-marathi blabber used by Shiv Sena back then.

Which Last elections ur talking abt?
MNS Founded in 2006.

As far as elections concerns MNS contested in only municipal corporation elections.
Raj Thackeray's MNNS won 12 seats in Nashik, eight in Pune, six in Mumbai and two in Amravati, it was clear the young man had emerged as a new force despite walking out of the shadow of Bal Thackeray.

Dont talk without knowledge. :D
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