What is wrong with Raj Thackery..??

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Techtree Reviewer
Tell me, why do pro-maharashtra people teach there kids in CBSE, teach them english if they care about Maratha manus that much.

You don't have to go to a Marathi medium school to learn Marathi. All schools in Maharashtra teach Marathi. I myself went to an English medium school, still I can perfecty read and write in Marathi. But on the other hand English in Marathi medium schools is quite crappy. So if one goes to an English medium school, he gets the best of both worlds. Understood?


In the zone
And how is that related to Raj? Even the students who were assaulted by the MNS activists went back and thrashed Bihar station. They obviously didn't have the guts to fight back the activists but somehow found it easier to break down a station since it wasn't going to fight back. All you Gandhiji's monkeys preaching non-violence have apparently ignored this fact. And even now that someone has noticed it, he is blaming Raj for it. Just think about it. Fighting against violence in Mumbai by creating more violence in Bihar. Smart people, these Biharees. Very smart.

Great going dude. Here is a crowbar for you. You have something stuck at the wrong end that needs to be pulled out with it.

Till now i thought you were just crazy but now you are crossing those limits also. How stupid can you get, didn't your Raj started this all,All the sense less voilence. So whom should be blamed George Bush

Does he and his goons have the guts to step in Bihar and UP, and do the same thing they are doing in Mumbai. And talk about bravery of those guys who were surrounded by MNS goons all over the place, you expect them to fight them and get killed.

And about them thrashing the station, i dont support that, but didnt MNS guys did the same in Pune and Mumbai yesterday, throwing stones at people in buses and creating havoc.

And infact you didnt notice they burned the train boggie which was supposedly occupied by peopl from Maharashtra, luckily no one got hurt .So isnt this the aftermath of what started by Raj.

And yeah change your name form Krazzy to I_am_Stupid_As_Hell, cos that's how you are behaving.


Democracy is a myth

So, according to u, Raj's next step means after he successfully drives away "the" outsiders he will concentrate on Thaneitis, Neralists etc, then further villages.

Good going. Got ur point. Thanks for opening my eyes on this NOBLE idea.


Techtree Reviewer
A few bhaiyyas get their ass kicked in Mumbai run back to Bihar and are now burning trains there. Yeah you are right. It's all Raj's fault.

It's basically like this. A guy kicks you in the balls in the playground. But you are too much of a pussy to fight back. So what do you do? You run home and burn down your teddy bear. And the burning teddy bear is now actually the fault of the guy in the playground, not your's, even though YOU set the fire to YOUR teddy bear. Ha ha. What a bunch of losers! Maybe next they'll burn the entire Bihar and it'll still be Raj's fault.


Can you hear it..??
A pure tale of an unsuccessful budding politician's desperate measures
to see himself climbing up the ladder


...Open your eyes.. This is what happening out there ..This will speak




Yes Krazzy, a few bhayyas got kick in their ass.. But realise that this is your own people you are thrashing ..Is this the "method" to find jobs for locals or to help a choking city... It is sad that you are not understanding how serious this issue is..

You cant divide the country into bits and pieces. The English gained an upperhand in the
country years back because we had 1000's of smaller kingdoms. This kind of divisions will
stop whatever growth we are having in this country,

Mumbai is one of most the well known cities and these incidents are going to tranish our image. And I repeat today's Mumbai wasnt developed by local people but by Indians across the country. Any Indian can walk to any corner of India for a job. No LOC's inside a country...
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But the truth is this city has reached it's limit. It cannot accept any more.
Are you sure? Do you have data for this?

Any jobless Tom, Dick and Harry anywhere in India decides to go to Mumbai, buys a train ticket, lands here, works here, then few months calls his family, relatives, friends, dogs, here and everyone is happy.
It's India, anyone can move anywhere.

Thing is everybody who comes here from outside just care about themselves. Nobody cares about this city. There are not infinite jobs here. There isn't infinite place to stay.
You people are ignoring the core issue. It is not jobs, it is the paucity of land. There is no shortage of jobs in Mumbai, but there is of land.
You are contradicting your own statement here..

You do know that geographically Mumbai has it's limits? Or are you under an impression that Mumbai city is a magical land with infinite space and has the capacity to accomodate the entire population of India? A jar that can store infinite cookies?
Maybe, but not sure.. because afaik Mumabi is a Magical city - City of dreams. Anything is possible here.. :)

The biggest surprise is that most of the people commenting here aren't even citizens of Mumbai. They don't have a phucking clue what the situation is here. You want to know how crowded Mumbai is already?
I know, I live in Mumbai

I beleive the Government should do something like this. Reserve 9/10 jobs here for the locals, one's who have spent more than 10 or 15 years or born here to be called as the locals while only 1/10 of the jobs reserved for people from outside Mumbai.
Crazziest idea.. NO more reservations please...

I dont understand, now tell me what exactly your problem is? Is it
-> Space
-> Jobs
-> Traffic
-> North Indians
-> Outsiders
-> All of the above

Just FYI, simple rule on this earth is 'Survival of the fittest'
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hey guys stop going at krazzy...we've all tried to make krazzy think logically and with common sense but when he isn't even interested in it what can you do ??

you can only point out to someone that he is eating $hit ... even after you point it out if he isn't willing to even check if its what you are saying or not then you cant do much about it... let that person eat $hit... maybe once he does put it in his mouth he can realize !!

btw, krazzy, you din answer one question {askked by someone earlier } i'm sure you'd wanna answer this :

can u say that ur entire generations before you are born and lived in mumbai.someone should have come to mumbai for their dreams at some point of life. r8?
i suggest you ask your parents or grand parents before you jump onto answering this !!


krazzy, what do u do man ??
<u a student or u work somewhere or are u one of the hooligans who beat up some poor people all in the name of being pro raj>
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In the zone
A few bhaiyyas get their ass kicked in Mumbai run back to Bihar and are now burning trains there. Yeah you are right. It's all Raj's fault.

It's basically like this. A guy kicks you in the balls in the playground. But you are too much of a pussy to fight back. So what do you do? You run home and burn down your teddy bear. And the burning teddy bear is now actually the fault of the guy in the playground, not your's, even though YOU set the fire to YOUR teddy bear. Ha ha. What a bunch of losers! Maybe next they'll burn the entire Bihar and it'll still be Raj's fault.

See we have the HERO if the millennium here, Mr Raj, he sends scores of goons to beat up a small group of people, in his hometown. And then people like Mr Krazzy( aka I_am_Still_Stupid_As_Hell) say, that those people were pussies not to fight back.

If your Raj is so brave tell him to hold a rally in Bihar, UP, or even delhi, and tell them face on not to come to Mumbai. And as according to you, as your Raj is brave and all, he shouldnt have any problem right, after all he is not a pussy right.

And I already said, what they did in railway station in Bihar was unlawful, and i dont support it all.

Few things avoid using bhaiyyas,beharis kind of words, before it gets any worse. Its clearly visible that you are deprived of a stable mind but don't make it obvious.


If your Raj is so brave tell him to hold a rally in Bihar, UP, or even delhi, and tell them face on not to come to Mumbai. And as according to you, as your Raj is brave and all, he shouldnt have any problem right, after all he is not a pussy right.

yes Raj is no pussy... hes got b@ll$ of STEEL :D
<and i'm sure krazzy would even vouch for it :razz:>


In the zone
Krazzy dude, lets drop this. Fighting with each other, wont let us anywhere. We can carry on like this on n on. You have your thinking and i have mine.

So, you like Raj, you support his ideas, fair enough.

I like to kick his arse and think he is a complete jerk, all with me.

Peace :)


Techtree Reviewer
Are you sure? Do you have data for this?

Maybe, but not sure.. because afaik Mumabi is a Magical city - City of dreams. Anything is possible here.. :)

I dont understand, now tell me what exactly your problem is? Is it
-> Space
-> Jobs
-> Traffic
-> North Indians
-> Outsiders
-> All of the above

Is there any need for any data to tell this? I thought the cookie jar example explains it quite well.

And the whole 'City of Dreams' bullshit is the root cause of all the problem. Wake up. You are not Alice. And this is definitely not your wonderland.

As for what my point is, I've gone through it plenty of times already in plain English, understandable to anyone who can read this language. Please don't make me go through that again.
Yes Krazzy, a few bhayyas got kick in their ass.. But realise that this is your own people you are thrashing ..Is this the "method" to find jobs for locals or to help a choking city... It is sad that you are not understanding how serious this issue is..

I already told you. I'm not a fan of this method of working. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
hey guys stop going at krazzy...we've all tried to make krazzy think logically and with common sense but when he isn't even interested in it what can you do ??

you can only point out to someone that he is eating $hit ... even after you point it out if he isn't willing to even check if its what you are saying or not then you cant do much about it... let that person eat $hit... maybe once he does put it in his mouth he can realize !!

btw, krazzy, you din answer one question {askked by someone earlier } i'm sure you'd wanna answer this :

i suggest you ask your parents or grand parents before you jump onto answering this !!


krazzy, what do u do man ??
<u a student or u work somewhere or are u one of the hooligans who beat up some poor people all in the name of being pro raj>

I don't understand why everyone has a problem with me voicing my opinions. We all are entitled to ours. I never said anything against you or your opinions. You guys hate Raj, go ahead, I never stopped you or even said anything to you. But when I supported him you all jumped on me. If this thread was made just to bash him then it should've been made clear in the beginning so that people with opposing views wouldn't have bothered to post. But now that I have everyone is picking on me.

The thing is I'm keeping my opinions, whatever they may be to myself. You guys on the other hand are forcing your's on me, trying to show me the light and stuff.

As they say, opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. Just that some stink more than other's. Still everyone thinks their's is the cleanest. No problem. Just keep it away from my face and I'm happy.

As for the family background thing, my past 5 generations lived here. Before that I've no idea.
See we have the HERO if the millennium here, Mr Raj, he sends scores of goons to beat up a small group of people, in his hometown. And then people like Mr Krazzy( aka I_am_Still_Stupid_As_Hell) say, that those people were pussies not to fight back.

If your Raj is so brave tell him to hold a rally in Bihar, UP, or even delhi, and tell them face on not to come to Mumbai. And as according to you, as your Raj is brave and all, he shouldnt have any problem right, after all he is not a pussy right.

And I already said, what they did in railway station in Bihar was unlawful, and i dont support it all.

You missed the point. It isn't the MNS. It is the stupidity of the Biharees taking out their anger at the wrong place at the wrong time. What would burning trains of demolishing stations do? That too in Bihar, which is like miles away from Mumbai or Raj? They are just destroying their property for no reason and it wouldn't have any effect on anyone else.


In the zone
You missed the point. It isn't the MNS. It is the stupidity of the Biharees taking out their anger at the wrong place at the wrong time. What would burning trains of demolishing stations do? That too in Bihar, which is like miles away from Mumbai or Raj? They are just destroying their property for no reason and it wouldn't have any effect on anyone else.

Agreed, Point taken. I never said that they are doing the right thing and its very stupid on their part, of destroying the very station they landed and used by them for travel. All i said, its a result of chain reaction, which was started in Mumbai.

PS: Well then MNS people also destroyed property in Mumbai yesterday, the very city they want to protect from all. So, that too make them stupid right. And leader of stupids will be called ;), well nothing more to say.


Techtree Reviewer
PS: Well then MNS people also destroyed property in Mumbai yesterday, the very city they want to protect from all. So, that too make them stupid right. And leader of stupids will be called ;), well nothing more to say.

According to a couple of news channels who were reporting yesterday, many of the people demolishing property were just vandals taking advantage of the situation and had nothing to do with MNS. Even today one news channel reported that several 'activists' were actually just vandals and Raj supporters and not MNS people. For example if you were in Mumbai yesterday and wanted to beat someone badly, then you could've easily done that under the guise of an MNS activist. ;)


In the zone
^^^ Can be true :). other parties and petty goons taking advantage of situation. I will keep in mind when the next Raj arrest happens, need to settle(kick arse included) differences with some one, will be there in pune. Nice tip

Just got this in mail

Why Indian Cricket is Improving ......

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krazzy, no one is stopping you from expressing what you feel...you have an opinion about something then you can share it ...

some of us here feel that your opinion/ your point of view on the subject being discussed isn't exactly correct { that is our opinion...like you, even we do have our own opinion }

And as regards to the thread, it isn't bashing Raj.. its his policies that we are bashing..it is the policy of

1> beating up helpless people {for whatever the reason}
2> claiming that Mumbai is for only Mumbaikars and that an outsider isn't allowed to earn his livelihood in Mumbai { whatever happened to the country called India!! }

thats it !! we are not even bothered abt anything else.

We believe in a country called India which is sovereign and does not deny the right to livelihood to its citizens.. and since Mumbai {fortunately or unfortunately} is a part of India the same rule of law is applicable to each and every one of us {no such thing as a marathi cause or a hindi cause or a bihari cause...}

so i hope you understand the fact that we are absolutely not interested in bashing you or your beloved Raj.


Who me??
Looks like the mere mention of RT has created differences between Digitians. No wonder the entire country is livid on this $hit. We have had enough discussions on this topic now I request mods to lock this thread.

As a Bihari I don't feel I am superior or inferior to any one. Thankfully we have an able & honest administrator in Nitish Kumar who if given a second term will take Bihar places.


You gave been GXified
Krazzy...don't provoke by saying that Non-Mumbai people are pussy. The population of Non-Mumbai people is more in Mumbai then local people. If they also start fighting back, revolt then Mumbai will fall due to civil war. So don't say people should fight back in Mumbai, no one should fight at all.

I noticed one thing, even asked some friends working in Mumbai. These MNS goons are basically beating lower segment people like hawkers, small shopkeepers etc. They are not trying to kick rich people, or those working in Mumbai MNCs. If they do, then trust me....all these companies which pay tax to Maharashtra Goverment will revolt & Maharashtra goverment will loose a big revenue source.

This is just like Tata Moters pulling out of West Bangal. When they were trying to be there, Mamta Banarjee was revolting, but when Tata pulled out, Mamta Banarjee sued them for pulling out...lolz...she wasn't even in her right mind & was just trying to get vote. If following this the people of North India leave Mumbai, then trust me when I say this...Mumbai will come to a halt

Raj Thakray should instead concentrate on developing the other parts of aharashtra as good as Mumbai so that jobs can be created there too. Just look at Pune, Nagpur, Thane etc (sorry, these are the only place I know of :D). Nagpur has such nice roads, can't it be tranformed in a Roadways hub for all of Maharashtra which in turn will create more jobs.


In the zone
Well said :)
Thos who are not in Mumbai think that its just a hoobla over nothing and Raj is trying to divide the nation.
But he is definitely right about the fact that Mumbai cant take it anymore. We are not a jar filled to the brim but infact a jar which is about the break and is spilling over.

I support the cause not the means
u mean to say violence happening only in Mumbai? if i am right than it is happening in all over maharashtra. And all such job vacancies and exams r published in employment news if local people are not aware of those news paper than it is their problem
btw anti north mentality was always there in the mind of maharashtrians earlier they use to tease non marathis but now they r becoming violent
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Hanging, since 2004..
Recently one of my relatives went to Australia for job , govt there did not permit him to work directly in Melbourne (where he was planning to) but instead they allowed him in Perth. he has to work in Perth for at least 2 years to be qualified to seek jobs in Melbourne. Simple reason for this is that they don't want to make a single city hub for all working ppl and companies , instead the are distributing the industry evenly everywhere so something like Mumbai does not happen.

So its the govt who should come up with a better plan, why all(most) the IT companies are just in Pune, why every important thing is in Mumbai ? why dont they try to develop other cities in MH or any other state so such problem does not occur and other underdeveloped cities get benefit out of it.

i am no expert in these things , there may be many reasons that prevent such actions to be taken. So correct me if I am wrong with any funda here .
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