Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
I played today my ratio 30:15 in abbey but in uptown i was stuck to 25:32..

My Kill:Death ratio 44:38 :D
I am rocking nowdays...ask fishface..

who is this [DF]FishFace ..he was also playing over there...his net ratio was also 20:25...
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Ambassador of Buzz
Amazingly at around 1 pm today, i was getting 140-150ms pings at Hells... :D
Whereas today morning around 7.. the pings were 500+ ms...


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Can any one suggest some good weapons to use in UrT. Maximum time I use the first weapon with single zoom capability or the gun with 100 shots.

Please suggest weapons according to the Maps.
Well, I am a player who wants extreme perfection while playing as I <3 headshots. Because of this reason I prefer G36. It can aim perfectly with its scope and has a slow spread. But using it in close encounters against Lr300 & M4 players is somewhat a disadvantage as G36 fires 25% slower than them.

If you are a spray and run type, then Lr300 & M4 will be good for you.

Ak103 has the highest damage, but it also fires slower than Lr300 & M4. The firing speed has been compromised for more damage. If you attack a non-kevlar wearing guy with Ak103, you'll hit him for 51% damage @ torso. Which also lures me to use it sometimes. It spreads fast.

Lastly the Negev. Has the highest amount of bullets in 1 magazine, 90 bullets compared to 30 in G36, M4, Lr300 and Ak103. It hits for 20% damage (low compared to others) @ kevlar and 50% damage at head. Long reload time has been compromised because of the higher bullets in one round/magazine.

When using snipers, you can preferably carry Mp5k and Ump45 or evenas a secondary weapon while playing with G36, M4, Lr300 & G36. Mp5k = mini Negev as I feel.

Lastly, Ump45 which is also used as a secondary weapon. It is preferred by me. It fires slower than Mp5k but hits for more damage which is equivalent to G36, Lr300 & M4.

Let's wait and see if Gagan can...
Great news for you all. I got my router replaced..........:D:D:D:D:D:D

Now I can host for you all at any time. :eek:

And yes, I hate those fancy bindings. :mad: They make things look very complicated. :mad: Those are only beneficial if we want to teach English to ICO. :p


Thanks for this detailed reply. It will help me a lot. By time I am feeling comfortable with the sniper in some maps but don't know which sniper was that.

Try to Host the game on Sunday Noon(as I will be in my office and no tension of bandwidth) and post the time in advance.


Cyborg Agent
Is the 1 vs 1 tournament already underway? I just got a mail informing about it. But when I went to their website, it turned out that my game should have been yesterday. Checkout the schedule guys.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
^^Nope it won't be. He'll post the IP address here. You can connect by
Pressing ~ to bring down the console
Then type /connect <IP address> and you'll be there.
Do try to come earlier though!


Sith Lord
Staff member
hey post the ip here. I will be joining you guys today. Started playing a few days ago. So far I have had ratios like 4:20 or 3:16. No wait. Where did that come from? Something like that. You get the idea. my best score was something like 16:28 (I used to fail in maths.) that was in a huge map where I sat with a sniper. Some server on bangalore seems to be pretty active. Loads of spanish guys around though. I play as [DF]Anorion. Hope to see you guys there.

PS. I am playing right now, will check back after a few games for the ip post.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
It's 8 by my watch. I'm waiting for Gagan to post the IP.

hey post the ip here. I will be joining you guys today. Started playing a few days ago. So far I have had ratios like 4:20 or 3:16. No wait. Where did that come from? Something like that. You get the idea. my best score was something like 16:28 or something like that (I used to fail in maths.) that was in a huge map where I sat with a sniper. Some server on bangalore seems to be pretty active. Loads of spanish guys around though. I play as [DF]Anorion. Hope to see you guys there.

I can't wait to play with a member of the Digit team. :D
BTW, I guess you were talking about the BLR Bangalore Server. That server is named that way because the owner lives in B'lore. But the server is actually hosted in the U.S.

Update: Gagan will be hosting the server at 9 PM. All you guys be there.
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