Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
niaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Pings are back but my modem isn't. :D :(

an I saw one guy with 4-5 pings, we didnt even get chance to kill him more than 2-3 times :/
As far as my game is concerned, I rule with any pings till 350ms. I perhaps pwn more if I've 150ms pings. :D

There are a handful of Hong Kong people who play namely Benjamin (he changes his UrT name & clan every day), Dominic and Eelin. But they all are very well tackled by me with 300ms pings. I'm used to playing at high pings. :) But having low pings is a treat for me. :D
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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Today my Kill:Death ratio was about 50:51 and then suddenly red team started spawn killing(obvious i was in blue) which ended me with 60:70 however nice gaming today..


die blizzard die! D3?

feast your eyes on some of my sr8 kills against not so noobs,:p,while listening to random playlists.

sometime you will see that I shot someplace else and it hit the target,blame it on the lag correction in demo viewing.I was playing ~210-240pings.:(
i am on linux live coz my win got ****ed up and last my ratio was about 7:1 from 49:7
one day i went up to 15:1 and got in spawn killing and ended up in 17:30


Slideshow Bob
Dammit 400+ pings on Hellsheaven!! I was barely able to play!!! Had a 23:33 ratio on Abbey when I left... :(


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I enjoyed the most today in my life..........:D

I was ruling in Team DM pwning everyone in my way with pop-c0rn spectating me, then we changed to Bomb. Our team got pwned like hell in the beginning - 006, Gangsta, Hustler, me. We needed ICO to play as he is the guy who survives and kicks everyone's a$$ in the end. He is a finisher but sadly he was missing. We had no momentum, no co-ordination. Usually, I'm among the top performers in Bomb mode, but today I wasn't. Got pwned like hell but it was fun. :D [DF]Gangsta was pwning the sh!t out of everyone, d43m0n, 9800GX2, Warthog with his laggy 400ms pings in Austria.

And Beta, I had said that and I repeat, .[d43m0n]. is the best player in Asia. Thats for sure. :D


Cyborg Agent
[d43m0n] was good for sure. I got killed by him many times and thought that I have got really bad. You realise how skill full he is when you get face to face with him. He just dodged all my attacks and killed me right back. I tried doing that a couple of times but died.
I especially found the woo!2k guys really really good. Against skilled players one has to completely rely on strategy and try to flank them from behind or sides or just spawn kill :p


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Well, these days I don't have any problem playing against .[d43m0n]. I just remember the old days back in April, May, June when I used to envy him why he is so good. Over the period of time, I also got better, but .[d43m0n]. is .[d43m0n]. He never talks. He is cool, calm and composed and plays his game sincerely. :)

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
.[d43mon]. is definitely the best player I've seen. I've played against him before, but I never really cared. Now, after speccing him, I'm convinced that he's a superb player. Actually, some of the best players on the server are: (not in any order)
[E]Omega Creed

There are many players with high stats, but stats aren't everything. Guru_PiTka, Wiseman, Terminnator all have good stats, and yes they're good, but they resort to tactics like spawn raping and they spray.

And technically, they aren't as good as the ones I've mentioned.

And BTW, [XxX]Ehsan[IRAN] is another great player I've played with. His pings are always 500+, but still he manages to play very good. And he's an awesome medic.
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
BTW Beta, you're good too. Your ratio is above 1.5 easily. In a month or two, you'll be excellent. I took a lot of time to adjust to the game but you and Krazzy Warrior quickly adjusted. One thing I really like about Krazzy Warrior is his grenades which actually kill me a lot of times.

lol @ Ehsan & his pings. When he was new, a lot of people were surprised to see a guy pwning everyone at high pings. But his connection is stable. Only the pings are high. Lags are almost negligible. BSNL sucks, we get a hell lot of yellow lags in between the game. :|
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