@Klaw- I can understand. But if you want to play the game, then you'll need to find alternative servers. Why don't you try @my sexy BO.gotta server?
Right now, nobody's playing there.
BTW, check out this link for a list of servers located in France.- *www.gametracker.com/search/q3/FR/
They should give good pings, theoretically at least.
This evening when I was in Hells, there was a player white hog or something. he is damm good player. his ratio is above 3:1 always and his pings are less then 50. He just blazed me every time. Once in a map he had killed around 30 and he himself dead only thrice and in that three I had murdered him ONCE. That is a achievement for me bec he is so fast so mobile that very diffcult to aim. And I am playing with pings higher than 350.
But please can any one tell me which weapons to use at which map.
Going by stats, [woo!2k]White_hog is a good player and he's a pretty decent medic, but there are many players better than him y'know.
And regarding the weapons, just use your head. In long distance maps with lots of hiding places like Riyadh, it's best to use sniper rifles. In short distance maps, it's better to use assault rifles like the AK 103, LR 300, M4 etc. And each player is comfortable with a weapon of his choice, you'll just have to find one which you like and stick with it.