Really enjoyed CTFand Bomb mode today.Thanks for hosting gagan.!
Thanks for hosting Gagan.
You're welcome.

Get ready for more fun tonight @ 8:30pm too.

I can easily host for 7 people, when the 8th guy will enter, only then you people *may* experience lag.
BTW, maps like Firing Range and Dressing Room aren't my cup of tea if it ain't knife only. I don't understand why people like those maps.
We played Team Survivor on them.

In Dressing Room, I was nading all over the map with the HK69.
my brother(younger cousin) ruined the fun by swaping teams while i was afk i dunno how he got the rcon password but he somehow messed it up.
I told you the password of my local server.

You entered in your Rcon. You went out and your brother swappped the teams.

I'll have to change it for sure now.
yesterday I played whole day. But only found Krazy there.(at hells)
Good to see that you're enjoying the game.
BTW you had told me about White_hog or Jean_white. They both are the same. He is surely good but he is a coward. I only know how to say things directly thats why I'm calling him so. A coward because I've played him many times. And whenever his ratio gets bad due to some hard-core ownage by me or .[d43m0n]., what he does is DISCONNECT & CONNECT again.

So that he can have a fresh ratio. Today, he again did the same thing.
It is very very easy to get a very good ratio from the start but building a good score out of a terrible ratio is where the real skill lies. Indeed he plays very well, but this is a complaint which I've with most of the new kids @ Hellsheaven.
But missed to play at night.
Next time.
Next time is today @ 8:30pm. Be sure to check the IP.
Hey yeah had a lot of fun, and had positive ratios for the first time. Enjoyed the first few games. The afghan map was huge, the bomb runs were the most fun - that's when the most people were there. There was this stretch where I was playing for a long time with just one other person (I think Bacillus, but am not too sure), but soon a few more joined and firing range happened. That was a little messed up because of the lag. Too many people on the screen at the same time, so I was looking down and running to the door. Will play again today, or whenever, but a little later in the night. Had fun! this is great.
I'll be expecting you today too.