Update : Bluetooth issue fixed .. can send and receive files now.
added a new Wi-Fi card to the pc - now I can connect to the phone using wifi from pc ( phone set as a hotspot ) but if I need to connect to the PC from phone using wifi ( pc set as hotspot ) the phone sometime gets stuck at obtaining Ip and sometime even if it can connect to the pc I can't browse net using pc's net connection on phone .. facing somewhat similar issue like nick191.
Until recently I purchased a router, I was using my laptop as hotspot for another laptop, an android tablet n a smartphone. It used to work flawlessly with once or twice that error....I wud create a new access point everytime after that error.
It has something to do with the Settings on the PC. Something somewhere isn't right.
nick191: Lets do this one more time.
1. Disconnect your active Internet Connection (ZTE Wireless Terminal)
2. Create a new wlan connection by entering the commands in a Command Prompt with Administrator Privileges:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=myssid key=mywifikey keyUsage=persistent
3. Press Enter
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5. Connect to Internet (ZTE Wireless Terminal)
6. Post Screenshot of Change Adapter Settings window under Network & Sharing Center. Also , post the screenshots of Steps 1 to 5.
Till now , the Internet is not setup. We'll do the rest afterwards.