The Whining/Complaint Thread

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MMO Addict
Since the forum is going out of control, I have a proposal to the admin(s). Me and some of the forum members have decided to take over Digit forum by purchasing this forum. There is nothing like it if we get it for free.. :D.

So, I request the admin(s) to PM me your asking price. I'm sure we can come up with a good deal for greater good.

So, I request the admin(s) to PM me your asking price. I'm sure we can come up with a good deal for greater good.
I think they will never sell it, as it is not a personal forum rather a 9dot9 property. But things really need to change. They need to spend some time on forum management.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
I think they will never sell it, as it is not a personal forum rather a 9dot9 property. But things really need to change. They need to spend some time on forum management.

The forum is the is the property of Raaabo. He has paid from his pocket for the vBulletin license. But since the forum uses the same logo as Digit, he may not be the sole owner of the forum.

If at all, Raaabo decides to sell this forum, he may need to pay some royalty or licensing fees, which may be very high.

And cmon, the forum is not SO mismanaged to take things to this extent. Its a just a issue with one of the mods. It will be solved soon I hope.

and btw why is drgrudge showing up?


Well since it is clear that drgrudge is giving us the silent treatment let us give him the silent treatment back.

Do not respond to any posts he makes

if he says
The book's still not yet released...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!
, in order to show that he does not exist for you, just quote the person who had posted just before him and make your own post, even if your own post is not really a response to that post you quoted

by doing so you are telling that your post is being made immediately after the post of the person you quoted and drgrudge is drnonexistent
i have done something similar

if he asks
When are you going? Go early and report here. I don't want to waste my time... :p
, dont tell him when you are going.....go whenever you want and don't report it...let him waste his time

if he asks

Is Chetan's book available on stands? How must is it priced?
dont tell him if Chetan's book is available on stands or not....dont even tell him the price

you could also do the same with the Thinkdigit Interact section....if you feel that Thinkdigit does not listen to you then dont bother posting there.

I suggest delete all your posts from the Interact sections

Well you can not ban anybody from not posting, can you?

I have deleted all my posts from the Interact section

And whats the point of wasting time complaining here in this thread.

I suggest you all add a message in your digital signature that says you are fed up of drgrudge's style of tyrannical, autocratic, unjust, immoral mod behaviour.

Let him see it every thread he opens, up-down everywhere he sees he must see a message that says how displeased we are with his Mod style and we want him to apologise to eggman

Eggman seems to have a short and sweet slogan in his signature - the choice of URL is yours
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The Devil's Advocate
^^ I would have been with you if it were some other mod, but grudgy has helped me a lot so personally I won't be participating


Who stole my Alpaca!
^^ I would have been with you if it were some other mod, but grudgy has helped me a lot so personally I won't be participating

Out of curiosity, shouldn't new mods be given more slack since they are new at the job rather than nitpicking at every mistake they make? As for the boycott, don't you in some way feel that you are taking this bandwagon a bit too far?
^^ I would have been with you if it were some other mod, but grudgy has helped me a lot so personally I won't be participating
here here.
I wouldn't do it against ANY mod, and grudgy also falls in the list.
besides... he has helped me a lot, esp with regard to torrents

a much better way would be to let this topic die, forget the past, and take up the issue if and only if such an action is repeated.

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
OK. This is my first post in this thread.

I read whole thread and seriously guys, I think you are going too far now. Grudgy is not replying in this thread and you guys are saying he is coward. Why don't you take it other way? Why don't you take his silence as a good thing? May be he is realizing his mistake? Thats why he is not replying here?

I think you should also keep silent and leave this topic now. I hope you'll not face this condition again. If you read this thread again, you'll see how much insult and harsh comments lots of ppl have posted against him and he must be realizing now that you guys don't like his way of modding.

But thats ok. Give him another chance. If he repeats the thing which you guys didnt like, then do whatever you want but for GOD sake leave this discussion now.

When this forum was down I thought that it'll really help you guys in forgetting these unforgettable things but it didnt happen.

I request you all that pls stop it now and give grudgy another chance. Afterall he is also a member of this forum and we all make mistake.


More than 4 to 5 pages of stinging comments and posts is more than what grudgy deserves.. Like some sensible posts above have explained, it is time to stop this issue now. Forgive and forget guys..!
@slugger: I wouldn't do that to anyone.. mod or simple member..!!


Guess Who's Back
You guys were wrong about digit admins, they are very smart, the reason why they didn't reply was because they knew some member will make the issue die down, if they had posted here, some major thing would have happen , but both drgude & admins played smart by ignoring (i.e. not replying) & the issue is almost over, i am very happy that i am member of a forum that has smart admins & mods as this much, they know what do in every situation.


@anybody/ everybody

how many of you were told

.....I will put you in temporary ban :)

with a smiley at the end

does it make drgrudge any less of a human being if he just sends a pm to @eggman admitting he screwed up....dont make it public

just a small pm that says
I realise I screwed up the other day. I shouldnt have put you in shameful misery. I made a mistake and promise not to do so again. I hope we can go back to being cordial forum members again.

Peace :)

see, i even drafted the pm for you and it does not even contain the letters S-O-R-R-Y all u got 2 do is copy-paste it

whereas you guy are showing extreme magnanimity by forgving the dr*, thinkin he is sufferrin in silence, he is probably laffing his guts out thinkin

what a bunch of presence on the forum is such a comfortin factor for all forum members; i provide them such sense of fmiliarity that i may commit a murder or indulge in some carnal crimes and they will continue mollycoddling me


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
bhai log ab bas bhi karo! ye sala eggman bahut maza loot raha hai! mere ko bolta hai ki tu bhi drgrugdy ki phard. subah se msg kar raha hai ki thinkdigit wapas aaya ki nahi!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:
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