The Whining/Complaint Thread

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left this forum longback
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

[Q*OTE=sl*gger]lets see what *h*tiya looks like[/Q*OTE]

@sl*gger: what man!:p what did yo* wrote their?


Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

he he he !!!

was *he*king o*t how **rse words look like on the for*m now

now tho i've *hanged the letters to real asteriks


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

what an awesome administration we have here :lol: i told yo* g*ys, don't go after the moderators, it's the big g*ys that make this messier ;)


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

^^ tr*e man, whoever designed this theme has absol*tely no sense of elegan*e and as filledvoid said he sho*ld be made to sit in front of this horrible & hideo*s theme then when he has s*ffered eno*gh he sho*ld be barred from opening even notepad for designing a webpage :x

and as for the admins, g*ys this might be raaabo land b*t * s*re have made it into a **** land, no emoti*ons, * all over the pla*e sin*e afternoon and no *orre*tive meas*re add to that this tort*ro*s theme.

9point9 *r 0point9


Thinking Different
What da hell!

This forum has seen its days long ago. After JDM gave away the controls to 9Dot9.

9Dot9 is a crap. Even a 5 yr old will be able to run the forum better. Same with the mag and same with the forum. Digit will be history soon. R.I.P.


Juke Box Hero
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

this for*m has gone bonkers!!! :D :D :D

smileys also gone with the wind

lets see what *h*tiya looks like

BTW is it j*st me or has the for*m started looking like a red light area
Wtf? Are you outta your mind? How dare you post like this? Then when I ban you, go crying to the admins, are no different than any of the members including me, so start behaving like one, and you better grow up. This is my stark warning!!

The forum maybe in whatever state, that doesn't mean you are let by such things.
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Thinking Different
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

Wtf? Are you outta your mind? How dare you post like this? Then when I ban you, go crying to the admins, are no different than any of the members including me, so start behaving like one, and you better grow up. This is my stark warning!!

The forum maybe in whatever state, that doesn't mean you are let by such things.

Sure we understand. And soon you will understand that Digit will soon be referring to a character between 0-9 and nothing else. Then you will be a mod screaming (and screaming and screaming).* at people who will only be laughing (and laughing and laughing).* at you.

Everybody (except the mods and admins) knows that Digit forum is a crap and most poorly managed. All the mods do is to ban people here. Believe me this forum used to be a much better place before you-know-who took over from JDM.

If you have some time to listen, I have an advice for you. Don't make yourself a matter of joke.

If this offends somemod/someadmin/somepolitician, then as I already said, YOU (read mod) are cordially invited to ban me. (If I want, I will register again, and if you want you will ban me again.).*

By the way, the * here are put intentionally.


Techtree Reviewer
This forum looks disgusting. First they put on a hideous red theme. Then they put ads in it left, right and centre (as if they weren't earning enough from the magazine already that they felt the need to put ads on the forum too). And then it's the stupid ***. What's wrong with these people?! What have they done to my beloved forum? I hate this place now.


The Devil's Advocate
guys guys i think they are preparing for their next month's cover story - How to screw up a good forum :D


i kept usin the chip forum pw to login........only to realise this is the thinkdigit forum

not sure what code wud work.....but the forum designers migt wan2 try

<div align="center"></div>

to bring the forum body to the center instead of pushing it to the left and leaving a hideaous white band on the right


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Re: The Whining/*omplaint Thread

Everybody (except the mods and admins) knows that Digit forum is a crap and most poorly managed. All the mods do is to ban people here. Believe me this forum used to be a much better place before you-know-who took over from JDM.
If that's what you think of the MODs, then you have no idea what all we do, and its better for you to just shut up.

If you have some time to listen, I have an advice for you. Don't make yourself a matter of joke.
Thanks for the advice, but please keep your smart@ss advice to yourself.

If this offends somemod/someadmin/somepolitician, then as I already said, YOU (read mod) are cordially invited to ban me. (If I want, I will register again, and if you want you will ban me again.).*
This has offended me personally, and i am tempted to ban you (and i can very well play the you-register-i-ban game with you), but im not banning you. You are just not worth the effort.

If you are not happy with the management of the forum, you are more than welcome to leave, but please spare us the B.S.

We know we have a problem at hand (with the theme and all), and we have already raised the issue with the admins in the MOD section, if only you could have the courtesy and patience to WAIT.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think I'm the only one who liked this theme.....:D

But on the contrary, I liked the forum mainly due to its independence from the site........Now this is ruined.......:(


I liked the forum mainly due to its independence from the site........Now this is ruined.......:(


the absence of the menu bar on top like that on the site made the forum look like a protected space...seperated from the rest of the world [yeah right!!!] where we could hang out in peace

their effort to bring uniformity has resulted in the forum losing its close knit feeling it had earlier


This is the worst theme and we have no option to bear this ridiculous theme
and they have left large space at the right to get large adsense ads displayed...
Digit mark my words:
No one is going to click the ads and u won't earn anything :mad:

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Just remove the ads.
I have no grudges with the theme, after all I would just like to read & reply to the threads.
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