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The new MacBook!

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Techtree Reviewer
aryayush said:
Yes, it does but you cannot use it to install it on a PC, in case that is what you intend to do.
What happens when you put the OS X DVD in your PC and try to install it?


Aspiring Novelist
I haven't ever tried it myself but it probably won't even boot. I do know that Apple has a hardware check in place that stops the installation from proceeding if you are not using an Apple Mac. I don't have a PC so I can't check it out for you. :)

goobimama said:
[Where's that "Add reputation" button when you need it!]
LOL! Thanks! :)



by Aayush Arya
Dec 20, 2007

This is an acronym that most Mac users are very well aware of. Ever since the launch of Mac OS X in 2001, Mac users have been chanting this phrase and hoping that Apple will take note of it and fix the Finder with each subsequent upgrade. It seems that Apple had been ignoring the pleas of their user base till now. But with the launch of Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard, Apple has made an attempt to right their wrongs.

When the “new” Finder was unveiled by Steve Jobs at WWDC 2007, the Apple blogosphere was in a state of conflict. While some people welcomed the change with open arms and optimistically hoped that this would finally be the magical solution to all their woes, others were not quite so convinced by what they thought was only a new pretty face that would probably just introduce of slew of new bugs, leaving the existing ones in their place.

Leopard is here and after having used it for the past twenty days, I think that both the opinions were partly correct. While the new Finder does take care of most of the problems with the pre-Leopard Finder, the frequent appearance of the spinning beach ball being one of them, it does introduce a set of new bugs for us to contend with. Here’s a list of the few bugs that I have noticed to date and am pretty annoyed with.

Cover Flow

When you are in the Cover Flow view and are in the process of renaming an item, if you press and hold the left/right direction key, the Finder scrolls on to the other items, leaving the file half renamed. So now, while renaming, you have to hit the direction keys repeatedly in either direction to move the cursor. This is by far the most annoying bug in the Leopard Finder and it completely drives me up the wall.

Another little bug associated with the Cover Flow (and List) view is that when you create a new folder (⇧⌘N), it is created, but not set to be renamed by default like it should and does in other views. So you have to hit that extra Return key. Yeah, I know I’m picky but you can blame that on Apple’s perfectionism, not my own whims of fancy. When you set the bar so high for yourself, you have got to take the flak when you slip up. Read more...

[Via Apple Matters]
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@Aryayush-Thanks dude, for ur kind help.
I cant buy a Mac coz im a gamer and make minor or major hardware updates every 6 months or so.
if i like mac ill buy one for my brother.
and yes,budget can go a bit dad will get the 17" one only.
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 Macboy
So I see someone has started writing for Apple Matters as well..! Congrats man!

One feature I'd ask for is better interaction with the Open/Save dialog boxes. Why do they have to be 'you get what you see'? I'd like to move files around, rename them, quick look them.

Btw, did you know that running a spotlight search in an "Open" dialog box throws up files, while running the same in a "Save" dialog box throws up only folders :)
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 MacManiac
I've installed both VM Ware Fusion and Parallels Dekstop on my Mac. Performance wise both are pretty much same but then there is one very big difference. I have boot camp drivers CD and VM Ware fusion happily installs the boot camp drivers and and everything works fine except Airport Extreme while on Parallels Desktop the bootcamp drivers cd refuses to work. The CD when run says it encountered an error and refuses to install any drivers.

I am NFS fan and I have a lot of versions of NFS. I tried to install nfs3 :hot pursuit on both VM Ware and Parallels, the result both sucked !! I chose nfs 3 simply because I have and old PC Celeron 633Mhz, 256MB SDRAM and it ran nfs3 decently!!!

The result is clear: Virtual Machines are not at all for gaming. VMWare neatly installs bootcamp drivers and none of'em recognize Airport Extreme!!

Now as for the benchmarking done by CNET and MacTech, I guess they both contradict each other so badly that you feel like calling those tests as crap!! I have not tried Bootcamp but I don't understand how a Virtual machine which uses half the ram and only 1 processor perform better than Bootcamp that will have complete control over the machine ???
I have a gut feeling that XP will run much faster with Bootcamp than with any virtuliazation solution!!

aryayush said:
Trust me, I was like you. I was exactly like you. I've tried so many different installations of Linux that I've lost count. I'd used every beta of Vista before its release. I've installed and re-installed Windows more than hundred times. I did all that.

And then I bought my Mac. It was like I was finally home. I'd found what I'd been subconsciously searching for all along. Since then, I've lost all interest in trying other operating systems. Why bother when you have the best already! Most probably, a Mac will change you too. It'll make you realise the sheer futility of trying new operating systems all the time, again and again.
Exactly my story. I have a massive collection of Linux Distros and many customized versions of XP. All versions of Windows right from 3.
Now waiting for Leopard, finding it extremely difficult to get but will get it eventually!!

drgrudge said:
Btw, if anyone's interested, then let me know. If I send an email to a person who register then I get a second software free. Anyone?

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Aspiring Novelist
goobimama said:
So I see someone has started writing for Apple Matters as well..! Congrats man!
Thanks, man! The delay was all from their side. I've already have material that will last me three weeks and then we'll have Macworld which will probably bring a lot of new things to write about. :)

I've got a new offer as well... blogging for iPhone Matters. :p :D

goobimama said:
One feature I'd ask for is better interaction with the Open/Save dialog boxes. Why do they have to be 'you get what you see'? I'd like to move files around, rename them, quick look them.
Yeah, this is on my own wishlist too. But the article is about bugs and flaws, so I did not include this one. It is quite lengthy already. :)

goobimama said:
Btw, did you know that running a spotlight search in an "Open" dialog box throws up files, while running the same in a "Save" dialog box throws up only folders :)
Oh WOW! Awesome! This is one thing I did not know.

Think not so secret

You might call it the shot heard round the Internet: this morning’s news that Apple rumor site Think Secret would cease publication as part of a settlement with Apple. Think Secret’s part of the deal? It’s not forced to reveal the sources that leaked information to the site almost three years ago. This is a complicated issue that started a long time ago in what seems like a galaxy far, far away, so let’s take a quick spin in the DeLorean.

The reports that started everything were originally published on December 28, 2004. Think Secret said that Apple would unveil a $499 headless iMac and an office productivity suite at Macworld Expo 2005. On January 5 2005, less than a week before Jobs’s keynote, Apple skipped directly past its usual tactic of issuing a cease-and-desist notice and sued Think Secret (and twenty-four other unnamed individuals) for misappropriating trade secrets. Read more...

[Via MacUser]

This one hasn't been authored by me (but by the editor) but it is a great read. Shows you why he's the editor and I'm just a "lowly blogger". :p


Another Brick in the Wall
jamesbond007 -
They both contradict each other, so I asked here for opinion. You say VMware worked for you and 2 other say otherwise. Seems I got to install both and see which one is for me.

Thanks. But go ahead and register there if you want that software. I should have submitted the email instantly. :)


 Macboy
jamesbond007 said:
I have a gut feeling that XP will run much faster with Bootcamp than with any virtuliazation solution!!
Well of course it will! That goes without saying. You get full 3D acceleration for games (including DX10 for those using Vista).

The reason why games don't work yet with virtualisation is because the DirectX 9 support that most games need is non existent. I think even DX8 support is really flaky. So until that gets settled, even a Mac Pro won't be able to play games via Virtualisation.


Wire muncher!
^^^ The present state of virtualization doesn't give full access to the gfx hardware. This is the reason why you see only a generic PCI/AGP as the display adaptor in system info and hence you won't get Aero or Compiz in virtualized OS. Hope some drastic advancements happen in this field.

BTW, bootcamp is NOT virtualization! Windows runs natively coz windows sees the mac as a native x86 based machine.
Ok,tmrw me n my Dad r going to apple store to buy a mac.
just talked to him,he said that he wants a light notebook not a heavy weighing one.and as ayush told the 17" one is,i am confused.
is there any diff btw 15.4" and 17" one in specifications??if not then i think the 15.4" one wud be better.
is there any model no. or any specific name for these 2 models ??


Another Brick in the Wall
They are called 15" MBP or 17" MBP. Of course there is difference. Visit Apple site for info.

In the 15" category, there are 2 models. Choose according your budget and needs. One is $2000 and the other is $2400.

IMO expect RAM, Proccy and HDD size no difference. If you don't mind 120 GB HDD and 2 GB RAM, go for $2000 model. You can add RAM anytime later.

ex3n1us m4x1mus
^^ Take a look at the tech specs here ( * )

Comparison at the bottom of the page.

Does anyone here want to guess when the Apple India Store will be back online ?
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 MacManiac
so we have another Mac user by Monday!!!

BTW I installed Everest Ultimate Edition on both VMWare Fusion and Parallels Desktop to benchmarking and to my amazement, MacBook stood first in all the memory test beating even the quad cores, I know benchmarking isn't perfect in Virtuliazation envirn but still Mac gets not 10th not 3rd not 2nd but first place ... boy this is just too unbelievable !!!!


 Macboy
@Sunny: Do get yourself an external drive along with it for use with Time Machine. A 500GB external costs somewhere around 7k and will be excellent for backups.
that mac is for my dad.
not mine.i can use it when he's at home.
Ill get to use it for plenty of time though.
if i like it ill get oen for my bro then we both can use it.
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