The LG Optimus One Thread


Peak Oil is real!
Did you run any kernel cleaning scripts?
Clearing cache and Dalvik cache does not always clean everything.

no such script is available for our mobile. so it was cause of the kernel? i actually tried 2 different kernels. flashed around 5 times over a week and then problem started.

There was one small script which cleans the system folder if you are doing a fresh install... -- *

It wipes everything, system format. Maybe kernel cleaning scripts might be different...


The Power of x480
Staff member
Today, I experienced a pathetic battery life. Don't know what was the "actual" cause, but looks like most of the juice was taken by display!


The battery went from 95% to 10% in just about 4 hours! As you can see most of the time the display was on. Still isn't 4 hours too less!
I have observed that even if display if not on, still the battery was draining at quite a fast rate. Can this be the ROM's fault? (CM 7.2 A8).
I had 2G on all the time btw.

What I can't figure out is that Awake part. Isn't it obvious that if the phone is off, there will be no battery drain!


Retired Forum Mod
gps on? maps? facebook? & look at that signal bar. your mobile need some serious baseband treatment.

try caliberating battery


The Power of x480
Staff member
Ok.. tried the callibration app. Also removed the facebook app, which I suppose was one of the battery hoger.

Here's the update:

Above graph shows how the battery was dropped from 90 to 40% in about 8 hours at night, when even screen was not used! And then proceeded to 0% in next 4 hours! That's really terrible. :(

I checked Spare Part app, but was unable to identify the culprit. I will now try to uninstall every app one by one which I installed recently to check what is causing that.


Retired Forum Mod
Why is your mobile awake so much at the middle of the night?

5days standby :grin: 10% battery drained in 12hrs. used just for checking received sms


unused for 12hrs


I'm using it for 1 year, and overall its a good mobile. Also updated with gingerbread.I like the preloaded Ndrive app very much(worth around Rs. 2000).But the music features aren't good...speaker is average, average looks and processor is slightly outdated. I'm planning to buy SE Live With Walkman. what should be the resell value of my mobile(as good as new)?what do you say gys?


Peak Oil is real!
Ok.. tried the callibration app. Also removed the facebook app, which I suppose was one of the battery hoger.

Here's the update:

Above graph shows how the battery was dropped from 90 to 40% in about 8 hours at night, when even screen was not used! And then proceeded to 0% in next 4 hours! That's really terrible. :(

I checked Spare Part app, but was unable to identify the culprit. I will now try to uninstall every app one by one which I installed recently to check what is causing that.

You are on A8 ROM. Flash Fserve's Goldenleaf kernel immediately are recalibrate battery. I guarantee awesome improvement in battery life...


Retired Forum Mod
I'm using it for 1 year, and overall its a good mobile. Also updated with gingerbread.I like the preloaded Ndrive app very much(worth around Rs. 2000).But the music features aren't good...speaker is average, average looks and processor is slightly outdated. I'm planning to buy SE Live With Walkman. what should be the resell value of my mobile(as good as new)?what do you say gys?

upgrade to something bigger. 3.2" to 3.2"? resale value? 5-6k maybe.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Why is your mobile awake so much at the middle of the night?
5days standby :grin: 10% battery drained in 12hrs. used just for checking received sms
unused for 12hrs

Must be some wake lock apps. I didn't cared to find out which, as I have explained below.
Btw, awesome yaar! Only 10% in 12 hours!! :shock: That's really nice!

I'm using it for 1 year, and overall its a good mobile. Also updated with gingerbread.I like the preloaded Ndrive app very much(worth around Rs. 2000).But the music features aren't good...speaker is average, average looks and processor is slightly outdated. I'm planning to buy SE Live With Walkman. what should be the resell value of my mobile(as good as new)?what do you say gys?

Yes, ndrive was an application that I miss the most, since it was so awesome. Anyway, once I confirm the ROM which I would be using for a long time, I will try to get it back.
And you can post the details about your phone in bazaar section. If the condition is good, I "may" be willing to buy it for around Rs. 4k (after negotiations of course)... :D

You are on A8 ROM. Flash Fserve's Goldenleaf kernel immediately are recalibrate battery. I guarantee awesome improvement in battery life...

Well, I re-flashed PerfectPeso after I experienced such a drastic battery performance on A8. I didn't wanted to know what apps was causing wake locks, since I am using the same apps on PerfectPeso, which is not giving such battery performance. And also, A8 have many bugs and PerfectPeso have better interface as well as functionality!

Although I would do like to try A8 again, after flashing a new kernal. Can you elaborate on it a little.
Like, which kernal should I select from the list of So Many!! :( (*


Retired Forum Mod
was checking for battery backup. I don't get even 10hr backup during daily use :-(

I never knew that Flash is dependent on CPU.
I always thought that applications function and install based on the capability of the Operating System.

this is not a laptop desktop where you just throw anything and it'll run. arm v6, v7, etc have differences and so can't run just any app.


ok I'm trying to backup the dictionary from the official froyo rom and install it in the official GB rom.
However, the result is, I just can't do it.
I tried other apps and they work [aldiko to be exact]

I'm using titanium backup to do this.


Retired Forum Mod
ok I'm trying to backup the dictionary from the official froyo rom and install it in the official GB rom.
However, the result is, I just can't do it.
I tried other apps and they work [aldiko to be exact]

I'm using titanium backup to do this.

it gets restored or restoration fails? if you know how to setup Android SDK, you may try pushing the dictionary app into system/app but i feel there is some part in memory card too. which mayn't be compatible with GB
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