Hmm, that explains it. So that means radio would take more battery on a custom ROM. Good that radio on mobile is not my primary source of entertainment.

But I wish the radio could turn bluetooth off also, when I close it down. (Yes, it let it turned ON).
Patience is virtue!

Actually I am arranging for some useless SIM's. You know this, that I don't rely much on chance.
Nandroid backup explained in plain English ahead...
First of all you don't want to "flash" stock rom now. You want to backup the stock rom. Nandroid backup is the BEST way to take a backup of your stock ROM. And you can take a nandroid backup using any of the recoveries available like TWRP and AmonRa recovery. Also, sometimes the term, "nandroid" is not mentioned in the recovery. You may find just the tems, "Backup/Restore" in such recoveries.
I would recommend to take a nandroid backup using atleast TWO recoveries.
You know.. just in case!
TWRP takes backup in a folder named, "TWRP" in the card. Whearas, AmonRA recovery does that in a folder named, "nandroid". After taking the backup, you can save them onto your computer, so that in case anything happens to card, your backup's remain safe.