Finally Upgraded to Gingerbread!
So yesterday I
finally did something which was long due. I flashed a custom ROM and said bye to my beloved stock ROM, which was not bad. And I am here to share my experience from a noob point of view for anyone who would still want to upgrade!
Following are the phases of my upgradation...
Denial to upgrade
Yes, I did like the stock ROM. It had nice icons. Nifty camera, which IMO is still better than what most custom ROM offers. FM player was also really good where we could have saved stations. It also had a good licensed navigation app called, NMap. The good thing about the stock Froyo was that it was stable. All the necessary apps were bundled together and everything just worked out of the box.
With all these good things there was possibly no other reason to upgrade to a custom ROM other than to improve battery life and to taste the new cookies launched by Google and to eat them with the
sprinkles of chocolate chips being coated by enthusiastic DEVs.
I had already rooted my Android with
gingerbreak, and custom recovery called
TWRP was already flashed. The thing which I did before flashing was to take
Nandroid backup, in case anything goes wrong, I would be able to revert back to stock. Well, it didn't pan out like the way I had planned, as you will figure out later.
So, I downloaded
Oxygen ROM ( to kick start customizing the OS. I copied it to the card, and then booted into recovery. I flashed the zip file and then rebooted the phone. The phone didn't show the beautiful logo of LG and it was replaced by a static LG logo. Well, I had no problem with that as long as I get to the home screen. But to my dismay even after 15 min, I was not taken to the home screen. Instead was stuck in what I think is referred as boot loop. So I had to pull out battery. I tried to re-flash Oxygen two more times. But not worked!
I was in panic now. And so I thought to get back to the stock ROM after restoring Nandroid. BUT, no my shock restoring the Nandroid backup through TWRP was not working! Flashing was successful, but couldn't boot into stock. Sam gave a recommendation to use
AmonRa recovery. I tried to flash Nandroid through AmonRa but this recovery was even unable to restore the Nandroid! I was devastated to know that I may never be able to use stock again. Oh well.. it was no use to mourn then! So I moved on...
Next ROM which I tried was,
ARC ( It flashed pretty quickly and I was finally at the home screen. But to my dismay I was greeted with a force close of the launcher which the ROM had used. I tried to get around to it but couldn't do so. It was too obtrusive. I tested that I could receive calls in this mode, but couldn't make calls since I don't had access to dial pad. Now this particular problem could have been solved using
ADB tool from a PC. But I just didn't felt like the need to do that, since the ARC ROM was looking like a safe mode equivalent of Windows! Big black fonts. No sharpness of color.
Later I managed to download a third ROM. It was
PerfectPeso (PerfectPeso v1.2 - OBB It flashed successfully on the first try and I was finally at the home screen of the ROM. I took a deep breath. But problems were not over. I was unable to connect with the Google account. And after quite a research, today morning, I was able to solve the problem when I installed
Gapps from the web. Now my mobile is synced to the cloud, and there's a lot of synchronizing to do, which it's currently on.
I am finally using Ginger Bread, and despite of frightening experience, it was an unforgettable and nerve wrecking experience! Even though I may not be able to get back to the stock, I am still happy. And I can try to get used to GB now. There are a lot of things which are bugging me in this ROM, but I am saving it to share those sometime later...
Special Thanks to Sam for helping me keep my patience while I was going through the “torture”