hey found out the reason gpuz is showing 100mhz/80 in 6121. This card is designed to save power. so it uses less clock speeds for small applications that are not system intensive. for eg aero on win 7. it needs only 100mhz to show aero theme in win 7.thus it can save power. If u run a game,the graphics driver automatically increase the clock speeds so that the game runs better.
u can see this if u start gpuz while running crysis or cod etc... u can disable this dynamic clocking thing by using any overclocking software. u dont need to overclock....but just apply standard settings. now ur gpu will always run at full speed and power.
Even if you run a taxing game in the background, and set GPU-Z to record the maximum clock speeds, it still won't show more than 216MHz for the memory speed, though it will record 725MHz for the GPU clock.
Now, for the overclocking thing, I have read it, but it does not work with the switchable graphics of these HP laptops. These software require the AMD GPU to be set as primary, and it can't be done using CCC. There is no way to completely disable the onboard graphics using any software. None that I have heard of.