Storm after Facebook, Google asked to screen content


Right off the assembly line
Indian government wants to screen Microsoft, Google, and other services...

Tech Tac Toe: Indian government wants to screen Microsoft, Google, and other services...follow dis link.. indian government has gone mad,, screenig FB!!!:cry:


Manchester United
Storm after Facebook, Google asked to screen content

Trying to restrict our freedom of speech. Apparently this was done after our great :rolleyes: Congress party president was maligned on FB. :))

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
*Toilet flush*
Give it a day or 2 to paid journos/medias in India to justify this in a full page article.


let then do their worst.

then we will do our worst and they will quake in their yellow colored dhotis.


I am not against Mr. Sibals ideas but practically it is not possible to screen every content on the social networking sites / or internet websites / blogs / etc.

But still we need a solution to this................... KILL the makers of PHOTOSHOP !! :grin: :grin:


Sibbal is saying that offensive content should not float on the social media sites but why people are sharing that content should also be noticed.


Well he had the choice of asking all politicians to stop corruption or have every comment on the Indian subcontinent monitored, reviewed and then posted. I don't blame him. He chose the easier one.


Re: Indian government wants to screen Microsoft, Google, and other services...

indian govt is foolish i guess how is it possible to limit and screen posted by X no of ids in 1 minute out of which Y nos are fake IDs indian govt just tells, total impractical..


hahah iimpossible so many fake ids so many postings per sec ,,, totally impossible why dont someone tell indian government about how big is facebook and how many ids a person can create and post such content,,,


Staff member
Sounds like a response from whiny kid. Such imbeciles better not be ruling party.


Someone can't handle the internet. I suggest he takes a few tips from Justin Bieber. Worst still all he did to be hated so much was "sing". :-D


It was Ok when SIbal asked sites to put down objectionable content invloving politicians. But Goverment wanting to screen content themselves to suit 'indian community standards' , maybe going over the line :|


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
We are all entitled to Freedom of speech. Whatever is posted online is nothing more than people expressing themselves. If some of it is true, such as cartoons regarding fuel hike, etc. then I say it better stay. Besides, newspapers carry satirical cartoons all the time.

Are we in China ?

Looks this is China's invasion plan :p
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