Sony Ericsson K850 Review by naveen_reloaded

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!! RecuZant By Birth !!

even then, JAVA apps run in Sandbox enviroment so many restrictions. But then again, I don't always need to view PDFs in Phone , just once in a while.

i donthink .. there will be official inbuilt app to view them.. if so i will be delighted...anyway does the job well , on mobile basis...

Wait, Yahoo go works with K850i in India?* REALLY....It doesn't work with my K750i...gr8, all my problem for Yahoo servies are solved if Yahoo Go works with K850i, I just need messenger for which I right now use Morange.

u need atleast java7 / java 8 to run it... (even had problem in my k800 but solved it by firmware update...

Do so, U will hate SE & Microsoft, why can't MS release a JAVA based Windows Live Mail app like GMail App.

will try it... after creating an account

Cool...haven't checked K850i yet in my own hands so wasn't able to check these features, I was comparing it to real player for N82.
k850 can read rm files tooo and i think its way too better... remmebr video files which comes inbuilt with nokia are VERY BIG files( mean to say converted with atmost setting not caring about file size... so they will show better picture clarity.. so dont fall for it...

WMA plays?
need to check it .. give me some time..

What about multitasking? Can you run (example) Morange & Opera mini both together at one time?

so far soo good.. but still kinda buggy at times... BUT NEVER HAD A CRASH OR REBOOT TILL NOW and battery is still 93% .... recharged for only one time .. ie first day... (refer the time with my first post...)


You gave been GXified
amd64_man2005 said:
@gx-dude..k850 can also play rm files...but from the file manager..u cant play them frm the meadia player...a new plugin is scheduled to arrive in the next firmware when the k850 will start supposrting more formats..

Cool, but who cares. For me, I only play MP4 files in mobile phone for which I even convert the DivX files using RiverPast to mp4 format at the appropriate resolution, which I already know plays fine in SE phones, I was talking about real player features like jump to a particular time in the movie, or pause & minimize the player. Tell me whether it can multi task like I asked or not?

i donthink .. there will be official inbuilt app to view them.. if so i will be delighted...anyway does the job well , on mobile basis...

Are that's good enough. Whose gonna read 3Ds Max bible in PDF in a phone anyway.

u need atleast java7 / java 8 to run it... (even had problem in my k800 but solved it by firmware update...

In simple terms, Yahoo Go works in K850i, right? That's it...all my yahoo services related problems solved...looks like I m parting from N82 :D

so far soo good.. but still kinda buggy at times... BUT NEVER HAD A CRASH OR REBOOT TILL NOW and battery is still 93% .... recharged for only one time .. ie first day... (refer the time with my first post...)

Means, I can run Opera mini as well as Morange (2 JAVA apps) at one time, right?

Hmm...I was wrong, if K850i can do all these then who needs Nokia N82 anyway....MyphoneExplorer is anyday better then Nokia PC Suite & for transferring files I can simply use the date cable or bluetooth.

Naveen, plz check these

1) Whether WMA format plays or not? Not a big problem though as I can always convert the audio file to MP4 but doing that I will loose the album art etc.

2) Does the media player shows album art?


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
In simple terms, Yahoo Go works in K850i, right? That's it...all my yahoo services related problems solved...looks like I m parting from N82 :D
no all i said it needs advanced java platform or say JVM(java virtual machine)

Means, I can run Opera mini as well as Morange (2 JAVA apps) at one time, right?

i know u cant run two apps in k750... coz i used it.. multitasking started with k800/790 itself...

and A200 is supposed to be specifically designed for multitasking .. remeber its way too better than k800 ( thats wht they say .. but have to wait for another firmware update)

Hmm...I was wrong, if K850i can do all these then who needs Nokia N82 anyway....MyphoneExplorer is anyday better then Nokia PC Suite & for transferring files I can simply use the date cable or bluetooth.

Naveen, plz check these

1) Whether WMA format plays or not? Not a big problem though as I can always convert the audio file to MP4 but doing that I will loose the album art etc.

2) Does the media player shows album art?

java platform is closing in on all smart phone functionality and supposed A300/500 platform coupled with java 9/10 will replace them...
myphone explorer is good for everything .. but i prefer normal file transfer ode to transfer huge files

Answer 1.) IT PLAYS WMA..... !!!!!!

2.) i think u dont get it... put the album art i the respective folder... itwill show u while it plays the file...
for me its showing ... i didnt do anything...

remember... i forgot to mention about trackID ...... it JUST DETECTED MY TAMIL SONG WHICH I PLAYD FROM MY SYSTEM..... JUST CANT BELIEVE IT...


You gave been GXified
no all i said it needs advanced java platform or say JVM(java virtual machine)

Can you check whether Yahoo Go works or not, just open the webpage & it will tell u whether it is supported or not

i know u cant run two apps in k750... coz i used it.. multitasking started with k800/790 itself

Means it works...right

myphone explorer is good for everything .. but i prefer normal file transfer ode to transfer huge files

I rely on MyPhoneExplorer for Contact list editing, SMSing etc, & use normal Windows Explorer for copying files.

Answer 1.) IT PLAYS WMA..... !!!!!!

2.) i think u dont get it... put the album art i the respective folder... itwill show u while it plays the file...
for me its showing ... i didnt do anything...

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee....I got my next phone now, now no need to convert songs to mp4, just sync via WMP & all done along with tags & album art.

N82 sux, K850i rox./...period. It does everything I want it to do & the inbuilt Netfront browser is close to Native opera, good enough for downloading small attachments.

Naveen, do send me that PDF Viewer application.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Can you check whether Yahoo Go works or not, just open the webpage & it will tell u whether it is supported or not

i dont get u ???

Means it works...right
works on k800 ( with latest firmware ) and k850...

I rely on MyPhoneExplorer for Contact list editing, SMSing etc, & use normal Windows Explorer for copying files.

ya... has vista version have come ???

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee....I got my next phone now, now no need to convert songs to mp4, just sync via WMP & all done along with tags & album art.

i never used to have mp4... mp3 works fine for me..andalso wma...

N82 sux, K850i rox./...period. It does everything I want it to do & the inbuilt Netfront browser is close to Native opera, good enough for downloading small attachments.

Naveen, do send me that PDF Viewer application.

please check the pm...

SE ROCKS... no denial...


You gave been GXified
Back from Power Cut...naveen do these for me, I hope you have GPRS enabled in your SIM. These are the things which i use the most in my phone among others.

1) I checked the website of Yahoo Go, it said support for K850i is coming soon, but good thing that at least it is coming to K850i. Just go to * to check whether K850i can use Yahoo Go right now or not.

2) Connect your phone to the computer via the data cable & select either Mass Storage or Music Transfer mode depending on whichever works, then start WMP & wait for it to detect your phone or the memory card of Phone.

Once this is done, Go to Tools -> Options -> Device tab & select your memory card there. Then select "Convert media" & select 128 KBps bitrate with WMA. Then go to Sync tab of WMP & sync just one file which has an album art associated with it.

Ideally, WMP 11 should convert your song to WMA format for playback in PMPs & copy it with proper folder hierarchy & album art JPG in the memory card. Then when u go to play it in your phone it will play with album art showing. Is this happening? Ideally you need not copy the files manually via Windows Explorer & then the folder.jpg for album art. It should sync itself via WMP 11.

It might copy the files with proper folder hierarchy in the root path of the memory card from where you need to copy the folders to the Music folder of memory card, but should work this way with proper album tags & album art synced.

Also, is Megabass there in K850i?

3) Convert a Video to mp4 with the following settings

Resolution - 320X240
Video bitrate - 256 kbps
Audio Bitrate - 64Kbps
Frame rate - default of the original video

You can use any convertar for this, both 3gp & MP4 will do. Check whether it plays fine in full screen or not & if it does...check whether there are any frames skipping. The thing that I want to find out is whether it can jump to a particular time easily. Like if I play a video & suppose it is at 10 minute 23 seconds, then if I close the player, can i fast forward to the same time where I left.

4) Check one thing, like that PDF reader you PMed me. When u try to open a PDF file placed in the others folder, it asks many times "Allow to read/write", this is what I hate about JAVA apps & SE phones, is there any way to give that app permanent permission in K850i?

I tried that PDF reader in my K750i, it worked but something I hated was that I had to click on ok many times for the Java application to read the user date. This is something where Symbian Apps prevail, just "Ok" once & done.

If these things work, then K850>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nokia N82 in all respect. Not only it's from Sony Ericsson I m a fanboy of , but also it looks better then N82.
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
1) I checked the website of Yahoo Go, it said support for K850i is coming soon, but good thing that at least it is coming to K850i. Just go to * to check whether K850i can use Yahoo Go right now or not.

ok if u go and search for that in indian site .. it will u that.. try us site..
* here u will have a side bar for putting ur phone no.. enter it.. and they will senda link to ur phone ...(assuming u have GPRS)
download and enjoy..
i have installed it in my phone but its buggy .. coz its still in beta..

2) Connect your phone to the computer via the data cable & select either Mass Storage or Music Transfer mode depending on whichever works, then start WMP & wait for it to detect your phone or the memory card of Phone.

Once this is done, Go to Tools -> Options -> Device tab & select your memory card there. Then select "Convert media" & select 128 KBps bitrate with WMA. Then go to Sync tab of WMP & sync just one file which has an album art associated with it.

Ideally, WMP 11 should convert your song to WMA format for playback in PMPs & copy it with proper folder hierarchy & album art JPG in the memory card. Then when u go to play it in your phone it will play with album art showing. Is this happening? Ideally you need not copy the files manually via Windows Explorer & then the folder.jpg for album art. It should sync itself via WMP 11.

It might copy the files with proper folder hierarchy in the root path of the memory card from where you need to copy the folders to the Music folder of memory card, but should work this way with proper album tags & album art synced.

Also, is Megabass there in K850i?

wow thats a big request.. please give me some time iwill do it...


3) Convert a Video to mp4 with the following settings

Resolution - 320X240
Video bitrate - 256 kbps
Audio Bitrate - 64Kbps
Frame rate - default of the original video

You can use any convertar for this, both 3gp & MP4 will do. Check whether it plays fine in full screen or not & if it does...check whether there are any frames skipping. The thing that I want to find out is whether it can jump to a particular time easily. Like if I play a video & suppose it is at 10 minute 23 seconds, then if I close the player, can i fast forward to the same time where I left.

U can convert with M3 video converter... yes it plays in full screenn

actually it has three option ..

1.)original size
2.)Full screen
3.)Auto fit

and yes u have resume function and now the D pad is ur FF, PLAY , STOP ,

4) Check one thing, like that PDF reader you PMed me. When u try to open a PDF file placed in the others folder, it asks many times "Allow to read/write", this is what I hate about JAVA apps & SE phones, is there any way to give that app permanent permission in K850i?


You gave been GXified
i have installed it in my phone but its buggy .. coz its still in beta..

My K750i is not supported * But it works with K850i, Yipeee

See, whether it is SE or Nokia, JAVA apps are always limited by the JAVA heap size of the phone. It's 1 MB in K750i, while in symbian OS like N82, an application has 128 MB RAM to use



U can convert with M3 video converter... yes it plays in full screenn

actually it has three option ..

1.)original size
2.)Full screen
3.)Auto fit

and yes u have resume function and now the D pad is ur FF, PLAY , STOP ,

I use riverpast to convert, that's not a problem. The thing is how good it plays. But like u said....looks I need to get my hands on K850i for testing purpose soon...

I was inclining towards W960i for my next phone, but it's very costly. Then came N82 but it's not a sexy looking phone, & now since K850i does it all....the decision is hard to make, K850i or W960i *'s see it all depends on my budget.

Thax for all the help dude


Rockin g33k
@naveen-so got hold of the cam as yet??

and turn off stereo widening in the music player..the sound quality is better that way....

@gx-go fr w960 if it permits..coz its the ultimate: :)

btw welcome to the k850i fan club :D


Techtree Reviewer
@gx_saurav, just because K850i meets your requirements suddenly it is better than N82? How come? Now somebody here will say 1100 meets all my requirements, so 1100>>>>>>>>>N82. This does not make any sense.

@amd64_man2005, regarding my previous post about hazy pictures, if you are getting the impression that I hate SE and everything and anything related to it, then you're wrong. I own a W710i for the past 8 months. Would you expect me to buy a phone from a company that I hate? About K850i, its a good phone I know that. But a good camera phone, that I cannot accept. K750i had the best two megapixel camera better than any 2mpix camera from Nokia. Same about 3.2mpix cameras where K790i beats every 3.2mpix Nokia phone. But SE has lost the 5mpix camera round to all its competitors whether from Nokia, Samsung or even LG. The camera test from GSMArena proved this. It got the least votes while N95 8gb got the most votes. This is the reality, not the one you keep repeatin. Accept it and learn to live with it.


Rockin g33k
^^^ see mobile-review...k850 comes on top...try some other websites...sumwhere nokia cums last,se wins,...sumwhere samsung wins,se cums last...

tht doesnt mean tht k850 is a loser..just bcos the gsm guys dint use the right settings...

btw if u go thru my posts i have clearl stated...the k850 has a sensitive sensor and u need certain settings to gt the best picture...i have adjusted the settings and thereby get sum awesum pics..go to m flickr site and please point out sum hazy pics...and thne i will show u sum nokia pics...


You gave been GXified
@gx_saurav, just because K850i meets your requirements suddenly it is better than N82? How come? Now somebody here will say 1100 meets all my requirements, so 1100>>>>>>>>>N82. This does not make any sense.

Well, for me atleast K850i is now better then N82. I do agree that feature wise N82 is better due to more RAM etc, but unless Nokia decides to release N82 in black colour, I prefer K850i.


Techtree Reviewer
@amd, GSMArena used the default settings on all phones. That is how devices are tested. And on default settings K850i produced comparatively worst shots. And the pics provided by naveen are hazy, especially the cycle pic. By changing the settings every cameras shots can be improved. Thats no big deal.

@gx, I know K850i is perfect for you but don't say things like N82 sux and all. Belive me it is an amazing device.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
@gx_saurav, just because K850i meets your requirements suddenly it is better than N82? How come? Now somebody here will say 1100 meets all my requirements, so 1100>>>>>>>>>N82. This does not make any sense.

come on .. dont just bash ..
he was expecting a phone to do his job neat and nice ... within the two phones .. and he regards.. K850 wins!!!

@amd64_man2005, regarding my previous post about hazy pictures, if you are getting the impression that I hate SE and everything and anything related to it, then you're wrong. I own a W710i for the past 8 months. Would you expect me to buy a phone from a company that I hate? About K850i, its a good phone I know that. But a good camera phone, that I cannot accept. K750i had the best two megapixel camera better than any 2mpix camera from Nokia. Same about 3.2mpix cameras where K790i beats every 3.2mpix Nokia phone. But SE has lost the 5mpix camera round to all its competitors whether from Nokia, Samsung or even LG. The camera test from GSMArena proved this. It got the least votes while N95 8gb got the most votes. This is the reality, not the one you keep repeatin. Accept it and learn to live with it.

well well well.....

i think u dont know certain things here..
ok i owned k750 very soon it got launched.. and same to k800(remember k800 is not released in india , oinly 790)

and i know about all the phones u talk about..
remmebr first .. all SE phones which are landmark launches such as k750 , k800 and now k850 are and were with buggy Firmware in the begining...

eg : k800

R8BA024- Latest one

i have nearly went thru all the firmwares...
i knew how k800 faired in the initial firmware nad came the best in the way...

And also please have it in mind.. amny reviews on the net were carried with BETA K850 phone and not the final release...

and also remember k850 doesnt have any hardware flaws.. ie the real thing...

K850 will bethe best 5 MP cam phone given few firmware...(i am not saying this coz i own.. i know SE .. coz i have been using it for nearly 4 years...)

any other question ?????????

@ GX... better go for K850 itself... there is no difference with W960 more over opting K850 will give u 5 MP cam...

anyway its ur choice..


Rockin g33k
^^^^dude..w960 is uiq and is the best music phone ever....and 8 gb..even i would have opted fr tht if i was a bit cheap.. :)

@ krazy-well dude...nokias manual settings are a piece of ****..if u have tried it..u will kno tht they actually provide no difference.....even all the reviews say so...


You gave been GXified
See, if I get filthy rich then obviously I will go with W960i as it is the best for me. Nothing beats the touch screen & 8 GB HD in it. But if not, then K850i is juicy after today's discussion. N82 is not for me now as K850i "looks" much better & sexy.

By the way, I found a really detailed review of K850i UI


Techtree Reviewer
@naveen, i'm not bashing. You didn't understand what I wanted to say. gx said K850i rox and N82 sux. I can understand he was happy and all because K850i met all his needs. But why N82 sux? And about the firmwares, even N82 is on its first firmware, still it produces better shots. So if we follow your logic, both phones will keep getting better with every firmware. But would't N82 still be ahead?

@amd, which reviews are you talking about? I haven't read any such reviews. And believe me I read a lot of them. The new N-Series phones provide more setting than you can ever use. And they all work.

Thats it. Thats probably my last post in this thread. You guys can continue your little party. Btw naveen good review.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
^^^^dude..w960 is uiq and is the best music phone ever....and 8 gb..even i would have opted fr tht if i was a bit cheap.. :)

ya .. but for me 2 gb card would do the job... even if i have 8 gb.. wher e do i get all songs and willt take a life time to listen to it..
anyway i would keep movies.. but how much time i will seen it again and again..
please dont take be wrong amd64.. its just my opinion..and walkman same that of k850 except it has SenseMe feature.. (which i have mentioned in the review..)

again its just my view..

@ krazy-well dude...nokias manual settings are a piece of ****..if u have tried it..u will kno tht they actually provide no difference.....even all the reviews say so...

i just wonder even with carl zeis lens.. they would match SE`s cam quality...

all over thw world ... people see the small size pic(photo taken) of these phone .. but nobody ever want to see it enlarged....

perfect eg:


these are 100 % crop of full %MP photo from each each phones...

but if u see it in condensed , thuimbnail form.. all will think Right side is better....

so SE is always better than NOKIA... and with just simple Java platform .. it gives symbian a heck ofa day


Cyborg Agent
^^^ see mobile-review...k850 comes on top...try some other websites...sumwhere nokia cums last,se wins,...sumwhere samsung wins,se cums last...

tht doesnt mean tht k850 is a loser..just bcos the gsm guys dint use the right settings...

btw if u go thru my posts i have clearl stated...the k850 has a sensitive sensor and u need certain settings to gt the best picture...i have adjusted the settings and thereby get sum awesum pics..go to m flickr site and please point out sum hazy pics...and thne i will show u sum nokia pics...

dude .. why u hell burnt on proving k850i is better than n82 .. u can say so only when u have both the phones and compare the same shot taken by both in the same environment ..

the mobile review have not compared n82 and k850i ..

if u find k850i to fulfill ur requirements then great . that does not make n82 a bad phone ..

anyways had this debate earlier too . no point in it ..

have u checked this link ..-- *


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
ok somewhere in the middle it got started.. lets all stop this nokia- se fight...

ok amd64.. have u tries Xpic story.. kinda slideshow?
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