The reason I didn't answer it becoz ur posts are becoming more childish over time. I'm not a homeopath myself, but it seems u still haven't understood that homeopathy employs the use of poisons also to cure.legolas said:If I dilute say a 32N (normality) of HCN (hydrogen cyanide) by a million times, say, a ppm (parts per million), then will become so strong that if I drink it, I will die??
Use of snake poison
Sire, we are not interested in the "most satisfying" explanation that it expanded and then contracted, "where when how??". Like I asked science doesn't reveal boundaries, it doesn't explain universe, it doesn't know what lies beyond universe. Are there more universes like this one?? Simply puttng, it really doesn't know what universe is!! But we still see it in our textbooks that universe is this and that, it has this and that!!legolas said:As regarding the big bang theory, you must also have read about "pulsating theory" in the same context, and you must have also read about, "corpuscular theory of light", "huygen's wave theory", "Quantum theory's dual nature of light". These are theories which suggest how the concept came into existence and which is the most satisfying explanation for the current concept.
So now that u know that textbooks contain stories and theories, u tried to fix attention that they are "most satisfying"?? But still they r theories. I didn't know that laws which theroretically were defined as "universal,absolute etc" can be practically "limited" at the same time and now we have people arguing that some of the theories r most satisfying. Let me ask, do u really understand what a theory is?? Even things like "dark matter", "dark energy" are "most satisfying" to make things work out.
"That law is not well
understood and only seems to hold for closed systems, just like the law of entropy." : scientist/reviewer of final theory on law of conservation of mass-energy!!
If u r telling me to be real, then u shud know that people really do not know what is homepathy and if it a science or not. They really don't know "how" the scientific medicines are developed and if they r tested on "animals" also. People generally take medicine on doctor's prescription and as a faith that doctor is correct. Doctor on the other hand monitors his patient. If the patient doesn't improve like he wanted then he gives him something else. So was the previous medicine ineffective?? This is what many people percieve to be!!legolas said:I am not questioning the concept of homeopathy regarding the guy's imagination of how the drugs become stronger when diluted, as much as stupid it appears to me, science would have welcomed if it contains proper argument. Please please please make a note of this!!!
The only strong point of homeopathy you have is that, for certain ailments, homeopathy has better statistics than allopathy. Would this be a convincing argument if you advertise this to people with all the other mentioned facts about homeopathy too. Do you think people will believe this??? honestly?
So, please stop comparing scientific concepts which still claim only as the best understanding to science so far and which always welcomes better theories in those regards as a counter-argument for homeopathy. That is not my argument at all. I hoped you understood about this. But I am sorry, I don't think you did. Did you understand now??
So please take a look in the reality. If I mentioned patients, that homepathy is a success, it has been used for 100s of years etc and explaining that science is still researching on it, then most will certainly look towards its success. On the other hand if u tell a scientificically tested medicine has huge side effects, has a history of causing deaths, some are tested on animals to develop medicine for humans, then u can certainly guess what the patient will think!
And I'm repeating this for another zth time that I'm not comparing, but simply telling from the start that science has not been able to explain homepathy yet and if the critics like to call it a crap, then they shud look towards reality a lil bit more. I'm certainly not calling science a "joke", that wud be silly of me. So don't get ur blood pressure high and it wud be wise to see things in a more real ways.
That is why I said, just as if alcohol was invented today it would be declared illegal just as ecstasy is NOW (in spite of the fact that the number of deaths produced by alcohol consumption is 100s of thousands in the UK itself, based on a BBC documentary, where as in the UK, ecstasy based deaths are only 1. Alcohol is placed on the 4th most harmful drug with cigarettes at 9th and ecstasy at 18 (with 20 being the least harmful and 1 being most harmful).
Again a repeat. It has passed through the age when most of the laws and theories were being formulated. Interested scientists have researched a lot, but still haven't come to a conclusion. Some have even formed theories.legolas said:Similarly, if a similar concept (as homeopathy) was to be introduced today, with these claims of "internal or vital energy" and claims based on "statistics" ( even though they wouldn't have any coz they would be just introducing), the people are gotten in awareness by the media that much now-a-days that they will start questioning its claim. Homeopathy's only strong point and its sustainence comes from the fact that it was introduced long time back when people did not question its validity.
If thats what u call "outcome of understanding" then why r there so many deaths taken place with the use of many modern medicine?? I wonder why r u making me repeat again n u have have nuthing else to say now??legolas said:I hope what I am arguing against is made clear enough so that you dont start comparing that homeopathy was better with the deaths in cholera being 19% during a calamity bla bla... because the vaccination by which most harmful diseases are cured as in, small pox, measles, polio and many other (which I am not aware of) and the lives the so called "modern science" has saved is innumerable. This is what is called the outcome of understanding. So, stop quoting numbers and start claiming its validity.
Homeopathy, if u really have any idea, works on laws of similars and hence about similar symptoms and conditions. U define poison as something that can harm or kill someone. But how does homeopathy use even a poison to cure?? It doesn't believe in concentration, but dilution. And if modern science can't find that out then I think it needs another remodification to form another set of theories, laws to fit/justify itself!!legolas said:My comment was based on the documentary "The Enemies of Reason Part 2" year 2007 by Richard Dawkins where he monitors a Chief doctor of Homeopathy in the UK where he questions a patient and then prescribes NaCl for her Knee pain and when Richard Dawkins asks him "how can NaCl cure her knee pain, and even if it does, why can't she herself have the common salt? on what basis do you prescribe this?", the chief doctor replied "The truth is no one knows, I don't know it." I don't have to refer any site after hearing this!! Would you?
Are my repeated request to read having any effect on u?? First I put that only as a link, then I put it as a para where @kalpik honoured me for the biggest post titlelegolas said:I don't know about you, but, rather than saying, God created the world in 7 days, which is flawed in 2 ways,
1) Ridiculing God's power by saying he needs 7 days to create it
2) Asking the question, who created God?
Philosophy or better put religion explains, God just created it. Again, I don't know about you, but, it just doesn't convince me.
I find a better explanation from science offers, if not, a hope that a better explanation will be offered.
Atleast u have the guts to admit u didn't read something. But neways I too didn't believe in the milk episode and thats whats all is written in the previous post of mine. Please take a look.srivirus said:I haven’t read The Final Theory, but from whatever I could gather (from reviews and articles), author seems to have used situations where phenomena do not appeal to common sense to debunk modern physics. That is plain puerile. It seems like he’s using argument from personal incredulity to debunk modern physics. Common sense would tell you wrong things many times. Some centuries ago, common sense would've told people that the earth was flat. Then, common sense would've also told people that the earth was at the centre of the Universe. Some time back, common sense would’ve told me (and I’m sure many others) that when you invert a glass filled with water covered by a paper, the water will fall to the ground, or that when you lie on a bed of nails, you’d be pierced through. But science tells otherwise, with reasons. Common sense told many people some years ago that it was a miracle that Ganesha statues drank milk, but science gave them a rational explanation as to why it happens. If you put an argument from common sense, I can prove 1=2 using flawed algebra or calculus, but people can find that it fits with common sense (heck, i've befuddled my engineering classmates).
@srivirus: I wud request u to give a little more thought on what u post. And thats what modern science has been doing, it has invented hypothetical terms to make things work out. I hope u read my whole post from the start and not just the part I quote on u.srivirus said:Coming to dark matter, well, from whatever I know of the concept of dark matter and dark energy from watching some programmes on NatGeo and the Discovery Channel, I’ll try to explain it vaguely here. The concepts of dark matter and dark energy were propounded to explain deficiencies in mass and energy because of various equations and observed facts, differences in calculated and observed values (if I’m not wrong). And from what I’ve read, these “hypothetical” concepts do indeed fit and explain things scientifically (and mathematically).
What u explained about energy and mass isn't new to me. Science is trying to explain something practical, something that holds true using hypothetical terms to make things work out. Similar is the case with homeopathy. There is no explanation, but principles and methods. And it works!! Will u find it "not crap" if I insert some hypthetical terms. There r theories being put forward already. My continuing further in this post with u will bring nuthing new.srivirus said:If you feel that something hypothetical like dark matter is being forced into the picture and is a flaw, I’ll give you an instance where a flaw in calculation and observation actually explained a process (of course, I would not be able to explain dark energy here, because I’m no theoretical physicist and I have not studied it, nor can I associate myself with its studies, hehe, its being done by some of the brightest minds on this planet, I have only read articles and seen TV shows on it). But, a defect (as you would put it) on these lines was used to explain radioactive processes like nuclear fission. The formation of energy from nuclear fission is explained as conversion of mass into energy. Something that was explained in my Standard 12 physics I’ll put here:
In the textbook, the explanation was something like: there was a difference in the observed and calculated mass of the heavy atom and the byproducts of fission. I’ll try to explain it here (please bear)
If A is the mass number (sum of neutrons and protons) of a radioactive isotope, and if Z is it’s atomic number (number of electrons or protons), then the total mass of the atom would be:
M = Z(mp + me) + (A - Z)mn
here, mp, me and mn represent mass of proton, electron and neutron respectively.
The mass should’ve been the same before and after fission. But after the process of fission, a deficiency in mass, termed mass defect (Δm), was observed, i.e., the mass of the original atom and the byproducts were not equal. But Einstein’s theory came to the rescue here. When the mass-energy equation E = mc² was applied here, it explained the conversion of the mass defect into energy (I think gamma rays). This was actually observed and proved through experiments. The mass defect here was used to explain binding energy in the atom (basically, its explaining the nuclear force which binds the electrons, protons and neutrons together in the atom). And it accounts for the large amounts of energy released during fission. At least that’s what my tiny brain can explain.
Don't let this discussion ruin ur work. Take ur time. But I wud really find it nice and kind if u read all of my post+the links 'I' put forward+the links 'u' put forward!!srivirus said:PS: It might be a while before I make a post on this thread again, because I’ll be damn busy for the next couple of weeks. I got a project to complete and I got about a little over two weeks to do it (procrastination again, you see), and the reason I’ll be using the net will mostly be for literature for my project. So until next time, take care