[Complaint] Rashi Peripheral Cheating with XFX Graphic Card Warranty - ReSolved

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Human Spambot
Seriously, consumer forum is the only possible solution. Just tell them in the face that you will be going to consumer forum. It will add the fear factor. And be tough don't go easy on them.


Adam young
you try this first Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Centre


i tried to register the complaint in that forum but the acer brand is not listed under the laptop section in complaint application without that i can't register the complaint.what should i do now?thank you.


Master KOD3R
I dun think going to consumer court or pestering their office with repetitive calls is gonna solve the problem.Wat we can n should do is spread the word n stop ppl buying from Rashi.Only then they will take customers seriously!!
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
It takes Re 1/- to register a complaint & tell them your brother is a lawyer in ____ district forum(fill ____ with your area's district forum :D )
List of District Forums:
Click Here


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Staff member
Thanks guys for your responses.

Now as I said earlier it would be very difficult for me to go to consumer court ( my parents just don't want to and they are always saying to concentrate more on studying ).

and I'm sorry for that but I'll keep it in my mind and I've found another consumer forum :
Consumer Court

I don't any contact mail id or no. of xfx sales manager and I don't believe xfx will do much - plz read this post again why I'm saying this

Now as you guys know service center guys don't care much about packaging/manual/cables - they just accept the product and the product gets replaced.

But if you want to send it to the company ( here xfx ) they require original equipment, components, manuals, cables, documents, and packaging.

So they ( XFX ) don't accept a faulty product from customers without box pack but they do accept it from a distributor of their product -- so what a distributor of their product will say to them is much more important than a customer.

Now coming to the point - Rashi offers 3 years replacement warranty all over the country on xfx gfx cards and as far as I've read in this forum some members got their products replaced by Rashi ( two even got replaced damaged gfx card ).

read these by clear_lot


and this one by redlofredlof


So what a distributor ( Rashi ) sends to company ( XFX ) gets replaced without even verifying but a customer will not get this privilege ever from a company ( read xfx ).

Now coming to the my point :

So it's looks like Rashi is replacing xfx gfx cards but for some unknown reason their Kolkata branch is not willing to offer any kind of proper service for xfx gfx cards or demanding money to replace a gfx card

( they took Rs.1600 from a guy when his replacement product arrived ) but on delhi branch clear_lot got his gfx card replaced without even spending a single penny.

So Rashi is not offering same level of service through all it's regional centers and the kolkata branch is really cheating with people.

I've mailed all these to their central support center - asusrma@rptechindia.com

and got this reply from rajkumar.rajak@rptechindia.com on 29th Oct

Dear sir
We will check with Branch & update to you

and they have CCed the mail to these addresses :


he is the guy in charge their and ignored me when I complained him about the service center guy at the counter ( His name is Sambhu ) and manas.biswas told me sambhu will do all things regarding my gfx card and this guy sambhu is the one who claimed about "Fungus"

As of today I've not got any updates regarding the situation ( I've sent him two more mails on 3rd and 4th Nov ).

But as their central support office personnel ( ie Rajkumar ) said he will check with branch and update with the status me - I will wait for another week and if I don't get a reply I will send this thread link to them for sure.
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Adam young
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
It takes Re 1/- to register a complaint & tell them your brother is a lawyer in ____ district forum(fill ____ with your area's district forum :D )
List of District Forums:
Click Here

thank you for the list of district forum.Do i need to tell them that my brother is a lawyer in .......district forum?why? can't i do without saying like that?


Adam young
guys i am getting confused.that "my brother advocate thing" should i tell it to the acer or the people in court?if it is for people in court,then why should they get feared?


Staff member
guys i am getting confused.that "my brother advocate thing" should i tell it to the acer or the people in court?if it is for people in court,then why should they get feared?

lol...to the one you want to intimidate and appear as a redoubtable consumer with an ominous bearing.


Super Moderator
Staff member
There's no reply on update status as usual. ( Still waiting for it ).

BTW, Guys I think you've confused some points :

1. It's not that Rashi has not accepted the gfx card - Rashi has accepted it after physical verification and testing it on their rig and after one week Rashi is claiming that they have found fungus in it. ( the service center guy just took a pen and wrote the word fungus on the printed RMA paper and just told me to take the card back )

2. In this one week period they must have done something wrong with the gfx card and physically damaged it - ( construction works were going on inside their office at that time ). and that's why they were telling me take the card back.

3. As they have claimed false things about that card, physically damaged it - I've not took the gfx card back from them yet and it's still with them, in their service center. I only have the RMA paper.

4. I've not taken any picture of this card and I don't have the box with me. But the Warranty period of 1095 days is clearly printed on the RMA paper though.

5. So if I take the faulty card back from Rashi they will just wash off their hands from this and as Rashi has physically damaged it XFX will not accept this gfx card from me.

6. As Rashi has accepted the gfx card after thorough verification ( it's all printed on the RMA paper ) and later physically damaged it in their service center - it's Rashi's sole responsibility to get me a equivalent or upgraded and working gfx card.

Why it's taking ages for Rsshi to let me know about update status - they can not check with their branch office even in a week or it's just that Rashi kolkata branch office is just ignoring it's central office!

Big companies and distributor's or any other defaulters always stop responding - I think they don't have enough courage to face a customers/consumers real claim.

BTW, if they are not going to give me a reply on this upcoming week I will send them the thread link and will quote all the points of this post itself.

So I request you guys to comment more so that Rashi can how much people is annoyed with their after sales service and it will sure create some pressure on them.


@ sukesh1090 - one friendly suggestion - create a separate thread regarding your Acer issue and it will draw much more attention - clearly mention there what kind of issues you have faced in Chronological format and you will be even able to mail the link to concerning authorities and it will create some pressure on them for sure. BTW, don't forget to PM the thread link to me.
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^^ Topgear , we have compromise ourselves that we live in India ! we cannot take much steps ! though they are international brands - we have adjust with the DISTRIBUTOR ,PATIENCE is only thing we can do !

Sorry to say !


@top gear
Can it be, the denial of warranty, related to the fact that xfx does not manufacture nvidia cards any more. And also there aren't any 8600's available in stock.


Adam young
sorry, sorry topgear as u told i created a new tread but when i submitted it,it showed that my thread will be posted after approved by any moderator:?:.do the rules has been changed?sorry.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Akismet would have taken it as spam. I've approved it.

Moderators please see my thread in the Lounge regarding this.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@top gear
Can it be, the denial of warranty, related to the fact that xfx does not manufacture nvidia cards any more. And also there aren't any 8600's available in stock.

No it's not like this.

It's just denial of warranty by Rashi.

XFX is still providing replacement for 8600 series cards

Here this guy clear_lot has got his faulty 8600GT replaced on last month ( though it took 40 days to get this ):




So I just want what claer_lot has got and Rashi should provide same level of service through all of it's branches.

BTW, sent a mail to rajkumar of rptech and CCed the mail to to their central support.

On that mail I've gave them the thread link so they can see for real what is really going on. I think this time it will get their attention.

Here's what I've sent on the mail yesterday and still got no reply ( as usual ) :

Dear sir,

More than a week has passed since I got your reply and still I have
not got any news on the update status.

I've sent you two more mails on 3rd and 4th November regarding the
update status of this issue and as usual I've got no reply from you
or you kolkata branch.

So how long it will really take to resolve this issue ? I'm getting impatience.

I'm a moderator for Digit forum, and respective member some other tech
communities and I've logged the entire "issue" in a proper manner.
Currently we are discussing the whole "issue" in here :


Rashi ( kolkata ) has accepted the gfx card after thorough
verification. It's all printed on the RMA paper and after a week your
service center guy just can not write anything he wish on a printed
RMA paper without my acknowledgement and can not deny to offer
replacement for their own fault - so it's Rashi's sole
responsibility to get me a equivalent or upgraded and working graphic
card as a replacement.

I'm completely disappointed and unsatisfied with the way your Kolkata
branch is behaving with me regarding this RMA issue. It's just wasting
my valuable times.

If you are just going to ignore me and don't give me a reply I will
lodge a complain in consumer court and consumer forum..

But I still do believe you and I think you will take some proper
action to resolve this issue immediately so that I can get a
equivalent or upgraded and working graphic card as a replacement.

Now it looks like not only their branch but Rashi is cheating with me regarding this XFX 8600GT ( RMA No. 19430 ) warranty so I've changed thread title to : Rashi Peripheral Cheating with XFX Graphic Card Warranty
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Super Moderator
Staff member
consumer courts are much better .. you get decision in weeks..

so just threaten them and if it doesn't work ,actually take them to court( i was going too) and they'll pee in their pants

Agreed. Been involved in a project pertaining to Consumer Courts - They deliver justice right in time (unless it's some biggy like Airtel Bharti). Moreover you can quote this thread as a reference situation (and others) while taking the names of many cheated people as petitioners too. It's allowed.

It's about time someone knocked some sense right into Rashi.

Seriously, consumer forum is the only possible solution. Just tell them in the face that you will be going to consumer forum. It will add the fear factor. And be tough don't go easy on them.

I suggest you keep on your struggle for justice. If you chicken out they just cheat another customer. They should get whats comming to them asap!

you try this first Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Centre

Looks like now I've to consider this. Just registered in here :

Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Centre

will file a complain later.

I've sent a mail to Rashi and got reply on 29th Oct and still 15 days have not passed so I'll have to for a reply from Rashi a few more days before filing a complain in Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Centre

Remember the case of koshyjohn with HP - he filed a complain on june 208 and his issue resolved on nov 2008. So things like this just takes too much time.

I dun think going to consumer court or pestering their office with repetitive calls is gonna solve the problem.Wat we can n should do is spread the word n stop ppl buying from Rashi.Only then they will take customers seriously!!

Rashi are pathetic really. Consumer Court could be an option if you are willing (we do not need even lawyers to appeal there). However I guess that could be too much of a hassle too.
Anyway best of luck, hope you can get your card replaced soon.

The truth is big distributors like this don't care much about consumer courts ( unless somebody make them to care about ) but they do count tech magazines, on-line reviews etc.

Another funny thing is consumermate.com which is suppose to be protect consumer rights and help people choose the right brand and publishes warranty issue have not even replied.

Bhai Call Bombay office tell the hole story and what you are facing throw.And also complain the his international office and give the link of this thread.And if you want i can call to rasi Bombay on your behalf.Just file petition because you are the only one customer who facing this.The service centre guy who told you the "Fungus" thing really they illiterate person.Please complain in international office and bombay office and you file case on consumer court and good thing is you don't need a lawyer do that and warn Rasi bombay you are going to this.I am with you.

thanks for your kind offer of help and I'll let you know through a PM if needs be at some time later.

I've sent mail to their central office and got a reply and they told me they will check with kolkata branch and will update me about this ( on 29th Oct ) but now even the central office of Rashi has stopped replying and I've sent them three mails so far for the update status.

i already read this this 2'wice but i dont know wat to tell

@ Topgear

My friend - i already have in mind most of them are cheated by this RASHI only one thing to say lets all of them avoid this Rashi products @ any cost ! never buy those products all of them send mail to marketing manager on their perspective BRANDS " as we r not buying any of ur products regarding this rashi terms " this may look funny but TRUST me sure it ll work when we all stand together !

@ topgear - Its kick back time !

Topgear , we have compromise ourselves that we live in India ! we cannot take much steps ! though they are international brands - we have adjust with the DISTRIBUTOR ,PATIENCE is only thing we can do !

Sorry to say !

thanks for your comments but I think patience has it's limits and those cheaters always stop responding and don't have to know how to behave properly and sometime it becomes really hard to talk with them politely.

topgear best of luck with your rma process. keep up your spirit and dont get disheartened. justice will be there for sure.

and so its best to avoid what all is backed by rashi. asus, xfx and others please tell me?

Product service sometime varies from place to place. Rashi delhi and blore has replaced physically damaged gfx card but Rashi Kolkata is not even replacing a faulty gfx card without any kind of physical on it for some false claims of theirs and the starnge thing is their central support office is supporting this kind of deceiving behavior of their kolkata branch.

TopGear, have you done what the Sorcerer had suggested about registering your XFX accelerator and logging a technical ticket for support. It is quite obvious that Rashi (be it what ever regiional office) are laid back and lazy. Also they follow the mantra that 90% of the consumers / service seekers are fraudulent.

The card is is Rashi Kolkata service center and they might have physically damaged it. So I've not taken the card back.

Till the time hold your patience and persistence, we are here with you. Also update the Rashi Feedback Thread in the hardware sections. It has 'eyes' on it. The light will shine....soon.

Not much of a help, but most I can do. Best.

This is what I need from you guys - just be with me.


What i don't understand is how the heck can fungus be physical damage. Physical damage is said to have occured if there is a crack on the pcb. A part of the pcb being chipped off. Missing smd(surface mount device, like resistor, capacitor, IC etc), scratches on any part of the card, signs of tampering like worn out screws, tracks on pcb being cut and burn marks on the pcb.
When i gave my card back for warranty back in 2008 it had rust on its bracket and heat sink.
Here is what my card looked like(not the actual picture)
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