Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here


18 Till I Die............
I have made changes but it's not coming as it used o do earlier, dunno the reason. But's its more clear now.


Security freak
mehulved said:
Here's my fluxy, terrible as ever
Bah...the question is NOT how pretty it is (use glass monitor on KDE superkaramba if you want a pretty monitor), but more accurately: is it functional?

Yes, gx, I'm stating an opinion here...feel free to poke fun at me for my non-color-coordinated desktop if you wish =) haha

But seriously, perhaps I'll sit down and write a mod to conky to "consolidate" connections like what you're seeing here (multiple connections to "" port 80). If I can find the time...heh


This isn't so bad for color coordination...


18 Till I Die............
Yeah it is functional and it is light, that is why I use it. I have never given much importance to the looks.

The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
btw, which file manager is preferred to be used with fluxbox? anything except rox-filer?
secondly is there anything i can do to fix the fonts in fluxbox? they look terrible specially in opera, when i run it with flux as wm.


18 Till I Die............
mc? I rarely need a file manager, so I don't really use one.
Check * it has some nice resources on fluxbox. And check the links at the bottom.


Security freak
Chester said:
btw, which file manager is preferred to be used with fluxbox? anything except rox-filer?
secondly is there anything i can do to fix the fonts in fluxbox? they look terrible specially in opera, when i run it with flux as wm.

Did you compile Fluxbox with support for FreeType/FreeType2 and imlib? (well, if you can set a background, then I'm assuming imlib is compiled in...heh)

You can use any filemanager you want (Nautilus, Konqueror, Gentoo (the filemanager, not the OS heh), etc...). Check that link mehulved, gave you...there's a lot of good pointers in there.

The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
yeah that link was really helpful, thanks to mehul :)

well it was a precompiled package, fbsetbg was there already so yeah i could set the background, still i can't get over the font problem and conky flickers everytime it updates the stats, kinda annoying, any fix for that? it says failed to start double buffer continuing with single buffer :S

its the first time i've seen this kind of tabbing implementation and i must say its cewl and slit too is really nice thingy to play with.
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Security freak
Chester said:
yeah that link was really helpful, thanks to mehul :)

well it was a precompiled package, fbsetbg was there already so yeah i could set the background, still i can't get over the font problem and conky flickers everytime it updates the stats, kinda annoying, any fix for that? it says failed to start double buffer continuing with single buffer :S

its the first time i've seen this kind of tabbing implementation and i must say its cewl and slit too is really nice thingy to play with.

What's the output of "glxinfo | grep direct"?


18 Till I Die............
Check the RAM usage, It's just after a reboot though, so no apps were running, still pretty nice when compared to KDE/GNOME.

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent

Here is mine as usual :p Can't add anything untill I update my system :(


18 Till I Die............
Wallpaper - City Of Dreams
Theme - 0xAR
conkyrc - slight modification of the one given by rocket357
Opera skin - Collision
Firefox skin - Blue Ice
Good enough to last for a some time now.


Security freak

My current desktop...first saw the background used as the default for BackTrack (pre-2.0), and found the original (link was posted on another forum somewhere...I forget).


Wire muncher!
august 2007




Security freak
Ok, so I couldn't help but check out what xearth is capable I have here a screenshot for you to see:


Nothing terribly special (and I feel bad for copying gary4gar...heh), so I decided to spice it up a bit...I wrote a script to plot the machines I'm connected to in XEarth...check out the conky connection display and the XEarth locations...

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