Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
OSX ish Fiesty Desky.. @ Infra dude look my taskbar ;)


This is the best can get @ 256 Mb ram and with onboard GPU ;)


Wire muncher!
i've posted abt simdock in the other thread: customize ur ubuntu desktop.

thats a great desktop! :) kudos... yeah thats the taskbat transparency i want in the theme i use (a darker leopard theme) hey can u do me a favour? can u upload the gtkrc and panel.rc files so that i can study them and figure out what i need to change in mine? or can u gimme the link from whre u downloaded the gtk theme? thanks in advance :)

btw, if u want the min/max/close buttons on the left side of the title bar then u can configure that in gconf-editor to make it more macish :)

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
The things I used are Icon : - *

Windows Border. .as I told u my border ain't changing autom. so I used this *

++ This theme *

These are the present things :D

infra_red_dude said:
i've posted abt simdock in the other thread: customize ur ubuntu desktop.

thats a great desktop! :) kudos... yeah thats the taskbat transparency i want in the theme i use (a darker leopard theme) hey can u do me a favour? can u upload the gtkrc and panel.rc files so that i can study them and figure out what i need to change in mine? or can u gimme the link from whre u downloaded the gtk theme? thanks in advance :)

btw, if u want the min/max/close buttons on the left side of the title bar then u can configure that in gconf-editor to make it more macish :)
Plz tell something abt gconfig editor :)
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Simpsons rox
mine i will post how i did it if anyone wants
it's a ubuntu 7.04 made to look like a vista i have not added much eye candy still looks nice

what do u all think

heres the link


Wire muncher!
^^^ thats a nice desktop praveen :) u can use nuveoXT theme for more vistaish icons.


to move those application control buttons over to the left, like on the Mac start the gconf editor, by running gconf-editor from a terminal window or alt+f2 run window. goto apps>metacity, then click on general. in the RHS you'll see a list of settings. click on the button_layout entry, then on the value field next to it. default setting is:

to switch the window controls to the left, move the menu to the end, like this:

the ":" is to separate the left from the right buttons.


Simpsons rox
infra_red_dude said:
^^^ thats a nice desktop praveen :) u can use nuveoXT theme for more vistaish icons.

could u give me the nuveoxt link
i googled and also searched gnome-look but no use
maybe u made spelling mistake


Wire muncher!
thanks for those links. i haf a fully translucent top gnome menu bar now! :)

sorry buddy. my mistake. there was a typo. here's the link: *


"The Gentleman"
Here is my Desktop, i hav not done much just little additionals here & there, hope u guys like it.
different shots with different Icons themes. Includes 3D.
not too many screenshots. :p









Wire muncher!
if u are using ubuntu then you need to do that in gconf editor. but i suggest you download gtweakui-nautilus package. which is a gui frontend to many nautilus gconf options. u can enable trash on the desktop from there.


"The Gentleman"
infra_red_dude said:
those are cool desktops, vish :)

suggestion: that trash icon on awn is awful man. trash it! :D
hey their is no need to change the icon by tat method, when i closed avant, restarted and again opened avant. I found icon changed this time.


Wire muncher!
ok then the icon theme must be hafing those symbolic links by default. not many haf it. so i'd posted a sureshot method to get them :)

infra_red_dude said:
if u are using ubuntu then you need to do that in gconf editor. but i suggest you download gtweakui-nautilus package. which is a gui frontend to many nautilus gconf options. u can enable trash on the desktop from there.

go to

System Tools > Configuration Editor

apps > nautilus > desktop

check the value field for 'trash_icon_visible'

you should see the trash icon on the desktop.
if you don't install that package.
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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Aha :cheers: Finally managed berly on my old comp :rofl2:
Here are screenies :D

* *

Just wait few more I need to be perfect in Berly ;)


Wire muncher!
thats a great desky, shashwat! :) welcome to the composite manager league!

btw, what gfx do u use? or is it onboard? coz if u use a mid range one i'd suggest u install compiz-fusion. devel of beryl has stopped. but it runs better on older hardware. hey can u upload the computer icon here (one 1 png)??


"The Gentleman"


there was one more, but that had prob in uploadin.

Edited: $hit they look a piece of beauty after postin here.
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