Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here

rocket357 said:
Ok, so I couldn't help but check out what xearth is capable I have here a screenshot for you to see:


Nothing terribly special (and I feel bad for copying gary4gar...heh), so I decided to spice it up a bit...I wrote a script to plot the machines I'm connected to in XEarth...check out the conky connection display and the XEarth locations...


Don't worry from my side, all my post are licensed under GPL
and you should licensed it under GPL & share your conky config file with us:p

: can we change they ip into readable names of places??
i am n00b so don't it is possible not


Security freak
Well, I've considered releasing the script (perhaps as a download at I don't know), and as always I'd release under the if anyone is interested, I'll post the script.

Namelookups are a possibility. I hadn't considered it because the names are typically longer than the ip addresses, and when you get a lot of connections going it can get pretty messy on XEarth. Perhaps I'll make the display of hostname or ip a user-configurable setting? I modified the script last night to cache lookups locally so the script wouldn't have to constantly perform geoip lookups, so perhaps I can do the same with hostname resolution.

At this point, the script is still very bare and alpha, but it works and I'm happy to see that people are taking interest in it. Again, any ideas are certainly welcome and I plan on continuing development on it for some time...who knows what all the code will allow for?


Wire muncher!
been working on it for quite sometime now. here's mac os leopard for free! :D



distro: ubuntu 7.04
wallpaper: leopard
composite manager: beryl
emerald theme: leopard
gtk theme: leopard-gtk
cursors: jaguar os x
icon set: OsX_Mod self modded
dock: avant window navigator
custom distro logo, custom top gnome panel background
clock: cairo clock
tray icons: lotsa hard work! :D
apps running: pidgin 2.1.0, exaile 0.2.11svn, nautilus, terminal
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Security freak

Ok, the Vista lookalike thing has been beat to death...

Just figured I'd give it a quick shot and see what I could come up with =)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@IRD that CLI is making me very nervous .... just cant stop thinking what happnd in that thread (say the magic word) . But its awesome . reluctant of using smiles also .. : (


Security freak
Here's my latest arrangement:


Still using xearth and my Python script to plot the locations of machines I'm connected to.

Also, I'm looking for a site to upload the script tarball to...I tried putfile, but it's down for maintenance right now. Any suggestions?


Wire muncher!
the windows clone has been very thotfully setup. kudos :)

and the second desktop looks like a typical mission critical system straight out of some movie! :D good job, man!

lead ur life the way you want. don't go by what others say. if you want it, then get it! linux is all about that. use whatever you like, change whatever you don't! :)
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"The Gentleman"
charangk said:
@IRD that CLI is making me very nervous .... just cant stop thinking what happnd in that thread (say the magic word) . But its awesome . reluctant of using smiles also .. : (
dude dont care about anything wat people say... just have confidence in urself that is the biggest thing in the world and believe in what u do. ;)

and feel free to use this smilies also. :D (they express a lot abt wat we try to say.)

Dont worry be happy.


ur desktop is cool .
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left this forum longback
@rocket:which wm are u running on that vista clone Kde or Fluxbox? good work!
@infra_ded-rude:ur's "Leopard" will make aryayush(macboy) drool :p

rocket357 said:
Here's my latest arrangement:


Still using xearth and my Python script to plot the locations of machines I'm connected to.

Also, I'm looking for a site to upload the script tarball to...I tried putfile, but it's down for maintenance right now. Any suggestions?
host your project at sf


Security freak
^^^ working on it...

I'm also doing a 0.2 release soon to utilize the free database files from, as a friend of mine tried this out before release and realized that the geoip service I'm using isn't terribly accurate.

0.2 should be available soon, and when it is I'll be sure to post a link.

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
infra_red_dude said:
been working on it for quite sometime now. here's mac os leopard for free! :D



distro: ubuntu 7.04
wallpaper: leopard
composite manager: beryl
emerald theme: leopard-tish
gtk theme: kougyoku-leopard
cursors: jaguar os x
icon set: OsX_Mod
dock: avant window navigator
custom distro logo, custom top gnome panel background
clock: cairo clock
apps running: pidgin 2.1.0, exaile 0.2.11svn, nautilus, terminal
Why u are using a external Image for taskbar for full transparency click on solid colour and drag the box to transparecy side;) Nice desktop there :D
I am missing DOck and berly :(


Security freak
praka123 said:
@rocket:which wm are u running on that vista clone Kde or Fluxbox? good work!

The Vista thing is KDE. I used Beryl with one of the Vista emerald themes and a Vista KDE theme for the panel that I found at The firefox ie7 theme is from mozilla.

Overall it's off a bit here and there, but pretty nice.

praka123 said:
@infra_ded-rude:ur's "Leopard" will make aryayush(macboy) drool :p

Agreed...very nice...

I'm not terribly familiar with Mac from a UI standpoint (I've studied a bit on the inner workings mostly because of my interest in FreeBSD), but it really looks nice!
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Wire muncher!
thanks for the compliment fellows :)

i'm trying to make the full top gnome panel transparent (including the gnome menus and the tray part). any suggestions?


Security freak

Updated to XPlanet...though it seems to be a bit more resource-intensive. I'm still working on getting the code hosted somewhere...

Edit - I'm also working on writing up a full howto for KDE, Gnome, and Fluxbox (and perhaps XFCE)
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Wire muncher!
^^^ whoa! thats a great desktop rocket! :)

ps: i found out that i'm not able to get the top gnome bar to be completely translucent coz of the theme. this setting (the ubuntu menu and tray not being transperent/lucent) has been put into the gtk theme settings file. i'm trying to compare the gtkrc to other themes. lets see if i can trace it. any help wud be appreciated


So I decided to try out black this time! And this is where I landed without beryl!

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