Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here


The Thread Killer >:)
Looks like you just downloaded the Linkin Park wallpaper. If that's a whole Linkin Park theme, then that's good :)


18 Till I Die............
Here's mine Ubuntu Desktop running Beryl
Rotating cube

The Burning Babe

Theme - Murrina Wii
Beryl Theme - Wii
Wallpaper - Opensource Babe
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The Linux Man !



Living to Succeed
hey i have the same image on my desktop... i love it so much that fr the past 6 months i have not changed that


Ambassador of Buzz
Hi paragkalra & tech_your_future, I check both your blog sites and really liked them. I especially agree with waht parag wrote in his blog about Linux not being a very easy OS for beginners. Having said that I'd like to suggest if either of you (or anyone else who is a hardcore Linux user/geek) can start a thread (or add in your blog's) some tips for newbies to Linux about how to install plug-ins, programs etc.

Basically some simple things that you know which you feel newbies would get stumped on. You can even get feedback from newbies/recent converts to linux to tell you the problems they face. It'd be nice if it does not include any jaragon but in a simple way so an newbie can understand. Because all the forums & linux sites I visit they make it sound so complicated which is a major put off for any novice who is thinking of shifting or trying out Linux. If all you linux gurus put your heads together you can really come up with a great thread that will be helpful for many people like me...hey who knows you might even help many people to convert from windows.

What say?
BTW parag I signed your guest book in your blog.


18 Till I Die............
caleb said:
Hi paragkalra & tech_your_future, I check both your blog sites and really liked them. I especially agree with waht parag wrote in his blog about Linux not being a very easy OS for beginners. Having said that I'd like to suggest if either of you (or anyone else who is a hardcore Linux user/geek) can start a thread (or add in your blog's) some tips for newbies to Linux about how to install plug-ins, programs etc.

Basically some simple things that you know which you feel newbies would get stumped on. You can even get feedback from newbies/recent converts to linux to tell you the problems they face. It'd be nice if it does not include any jaragon but in a simple way so an newbie can understand. Because all the forums & linux sites I visit they make it sound so complicated which is a major put off for any novice who is thinking of shifting or trying out Linux. If all you linux gurus put your heads together you can really come up with a great thread that will be helpful for many people like me...hey who knows you might even help many people to convert from windows.

What say?
BTW parag I signed your guest book in your blog.
caleb there's a lot of resources out there. Read the sticky posts. They have a lot of links and many of them are addressed to new users. Implement them as you read, you'd become familiar using linux without much effort.
There are really nice documentations out there so we need not really reinvent the wheel. There are a very few areas that aren't really covered, if you look deep enough.


Just another linux lover.
Here are few knoppix 5.1 shots...

eddie said:
Here's one I took a few days ago :)


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I installed Kde on Ubuntu! Here's the new screenshot!
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