Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here


The No.1 Stupid
I m using edgy eft.
And My system configuration is :
P4 2.4
512 MB RAM
250 GB HDD
Intel 845 GVSR
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my configration is Celeron M 1.5Ghz, Intel 915 with on board graphics, 768MB RAM, beryl is running fine, only water effects are not working some error is coming while launching beryl manager - some thing like water could not be loaded

In the zone
first create one small text file on desktop and insert following command on it
 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
and save it

now open terminal and do the following procedure
 cd /etc/X11  
sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old 
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
now configure xserver-xorg
and than press
it will bring resolution back to normal


The No.1 Stupid
@ sariq ,Hey buddy , u have got better RAM and onboard graphics , thats the difference
GNome started creating helluva problems , so I shifted to KDE and now everything is fine. Thanx anyways.
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screenshots with opacity:
* *
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Broken In
subratabera said:
Excellent!!! Brother, please share the secret of your beautiful desktop...

nothing sriously
1 get a good looking wallpaper from mac fan sites
2. install osx icon set from
3. install osx theame from the same place


simple and btfll..................
tnx for interesting:razz::cool::-o

Satissh S

Ok , I'am biased , but this is got to be the most geeky/hacky/<insert a better word here> desktop ever. It took me 2 nights / 1 day to build completely.
Atleast this got to be the most effort-taking desktop ever to build. :|

What you need:
fvwm 2.4 (the window manager)
conky (system monitor)
xearth (cool 3d background)
also fvwm 2.4 must be compiled after applying the transclucency patch for the transclucent menus to work.

Place the following in your $HOME direcory and restart X to get it working.
.fvwm2rc , .xinitrc, .conkyrc.

And for my friend eddie, he once did my fluxbox config in kde, this is gonna give him more challenge i guess. ;-)


18 Till I Die............
OMG. RMS is not going to be happy with this. So many proprietory softwares I can see - acrobat reader, skype and God know what more :p

Satissh S

Acrobat Reader is there because i dont want to install Evince and bring the GTK-GNOME hell. But yes, i forgot xpdf, thanks for reminding. And Skype has to be there, no way iam gonna avoid it. ;-)

Atleast iam not like the few people who use Opera, when better alternatives are available ;-) :p


18 Till I Die............
I am most comfortable with Opera and no other browser can give me the same level of comfort. And I have never followed such things strictly. I have a few more proprietory softwares in my system as of now.


Wise Old Owl
@djmykey, Checkout the Features of Beryl click here

NOTE : Click on the Image thumbnails to view a bigger picture.


18 Till I Die............
mikey beryl is just a composting manager. The UI that we see is XGL/AIGLX. So, the effects are of XGL/AIGLX.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
^^ Technically the effects are of beryl only! XGL/AIGLX is only a platform for beryl/compiz to run. Like we say aero is the UI of Vista, whereas the thing runs on Direct X 10. :)


Case Mod - 60% ||||||----
this is while ago wen i used to run FC4 on my ol pc


currently workin on FC6


Fedora User
My Linux Desktop....

Hi guys My linux Desktop good or imrovement required.ThanX in Advance..........

Bye bye guys:p


Livin' in the ghetto
Re: My Linux Desktop....

Nice work dude ..... I just love wallpaper of Ayesha Takia on the third Pic ... *
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