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Fedora User
Look my simple Desktop.

My distro is FC6.
bye bye brothers.
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18 Till I Die............
WM - fluxbox
centericq for IM's
WeeChat for IRC
idesk for icons
conky as system monitor

Please suggest some more customisations for fluxbox. I need some good theme. And is there anyway to enable any kind of transparency in fluxbox or any other light WM?
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^^ I haven't experimented much with fluxbox. But I had saved some info on enabling transparency with "aterm"! Here u have it


@ mehul

Flubox looks ugly, why r u using so dated UI. There are many good themes for Gnome or KDE, even lite.


El mooooo
1) First of install artwiz fonts because they look great on this WM and most of the Fluxbox themes use them.

2) For themes either look at fluxbox site itself or One of my fav themes is alexpress from boxwhore. Look at the screen
Fluxmod is down since I don't remember but lots of distros have archived their themes. They had some very good themes before they went down. Look in the repositories of your distro for them.

3) Install rox filer and use it as your file manager. Any other manager if used will probably nullify the very reason behind using Fluxbox i.e. being light on resources.

4) For transparency look at composite extension to X server and xcompmgr. IIRC there was an article about it on fluxbox wiki. You can look for it.


gxsaurav said:
@ mehul

Flubox looks ugly, why r u using so dated UI. There are many good themes for Gnome or KDE, even lite.
It depends on how u configure it! It is light on resources and if configured nicely can look even better than Kde or Gnome! U can search for "fluxbox" in image section of google and experience how nicely people have configured it. It becomes a total piece of art and involves imagination to decorate it!


18 Till I Die............
eddie said:
1) First of install artwiz fonts because they look great on this WM and most of the Fluxbox themes use them.
OK installed.

eddie said:
2) For themes either look at fluxbox site itself or One of my fav themes is alexpress from boxwhore. Look at the screen
Fluxmod is down since I don't remember but lots of distros have archived their themes. They had some very good themes before they went down. Look in the repositories of your distro for them.
Having a look there.

eddie said:
3) Install rox filer and use it as your file manager. Any other manager if used will probably nullify the very reason behind using Fluxbox i.e. being light on resources.
I have already installed rox-filer and am using it. Though I need to still set it up.

eddie said:
4) For transparency look at composite extension to X server and xcompmgr. IIRC there was an article about it on fluxbox wiki. You can look for it.
OK will have a look around.
mediator said:
^^ I haven't experimented much with fluxbox. But I had saved some info on enabling transparency with "aterm"! Here u have it
Will check fluxbox wiki and then your post too.
gxsaurav said:
@ mehul

Flubox looks ugly, why r u using so dated UI. There are many good themes for Gnome or KDE, even lite.
Something for you gx *
Search for more.
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The Thread Killer >:)
gxsaurav said:
@ mehul

Flubox looks ugly, why r u using so dated UI. There are many good themes for Gnome or KDE, even lite.

Ahem, this is my friend's Fluxbox on Slackware. *


18 Till I Die............
Gnome on gentoo running beryl with fadeout theme.

Running FreeBSD in VMware.
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El mooooo
Here is what I am running these days

Wish I could show you a video of rotating cube with Lunscape skydome image. Looks simply is a screenshot

Beryl with rotating list (makes you remember Vista's Flip 3D? ;)


here is my simple ubuntu desktop. XP type desktop using gconf-editor



18 Till I Die............
Enlightenment on Debian Etch.
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