Post processing images - The final step to getting that awesome click


[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]- Glad you liked the tiger.
I like marvelousprashant's version too. Somehow reminds me of ArmA.

I'm gonna post a out of camera jpeg here for you guys to give it a shot.
I wanted to have a gloomy & dark mood look on this photo, I made an attempt and posted it on the photography thread #9483.

So instead of keeping it simple, can you guys try out a couple of things
1 - Please try a gloomy & dark mood effect.
2- Try something you think will look the best on this photo OR a natural look.



Aspiring Novelist
^^ I will take little time and try if I can get something new, something I haven't tried before.


[MENTION=121890]kaz[/MENTION], [MENTION=117627]marvelousprashant[/MENTION] - Great edits from both. The clouds and lightning one is insane.


Aspiring Novelist
I was working for this one "dark and gloomy" last night. Suddenly this short film came to my mind. Kinda a felt like the tone I am working (and the genre suggested by gen) are similar to this movie (or atleast that is what I was thinking :) )

Some may feel that the link doesn't fit the thread. So I am putting it in spoiler.
There is English sub. So don't worry that you won't understand the language).

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Did any of you guys watch it??:blink:

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I am almost complete.

It's kinda little overdone. :blink: It was fun doing it. :) Checking tutorials how to do the things and ditching it in the mid way as it was beyond my expertise :pullhair: and continue from where I left the things I know. :unsure: It was a loooong processing should I say manipulation??? :unsure:

It's a crazy editing. :crazy: I will post it in an hour or so...

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There is not lot of light in the picture. It's better to view in TDF dark skin (theme).



[MENTION=132251]prashant[/MENTION] [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]
You guys did really nice work...
Final image looks awesome...
But I would say it image manipulation and not post processing.


Grand Master
whoa :) you guys have done soo good manupulation with the pic that I am not even going to try ...great work [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] and [MENTION=132251]prashant[/MENTION]


[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] - That's an awesome edit.
ha ha ha sujoyp is there too being chased by ghosts, lol looks like he will handle all 3 of them there (may be make him a little smaller).
Broken building effect looks cool too. The overall tone of them pic is totally super..
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