Post processing images - The final step to getting that awesome click


^ And you did suggest "dark and gloomy effect"???

Well, I did suggest 2 things in #222, a dark one & a natural one. I already posted my dark mood effect in the photography thread #9483, but you guys raised the level much higher on this one.


just noticed that sujoy is in the picture too :) that is just awesome. love the edits, I just hope this thread doesn't turn into a photoshop battle ground :).


Here is a RAW pic...lets see the PP on fashion photographs


Cool. I've PPed people but never on fashion photos so this ones gonna be difficult. I'll try now & post soon.

- - - Updated - - -

After last times nac & marvelousprashant's awesome PP, I was not sure what to do with this.
Here's an attempt. Posting low res version.



Grand Master
quit good gen ...While PPing I removed the black background completely and it was looking very bad...yours is much better


Aspiring Novelist
I worked little more than an hour on this picture. And then, PS crashed :cryeyesout: You guys should have seen my face then. My face was almost like this... :wah:
Luckily, when I opened PS after a while there was this PSD file (recovered) - auto I guess. :hyper:

Thought and tried liquify tool... And it didn't come out good. :(



Grand Master
[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] this time ur editing went wrong ..or that maybe my perspective but as always I will go with the close to real picture....yours editing have too much pink tint ;)


Aspiring Novelist
That's intentional. I was trying different tones, and finally I locked this one. You know I don't try to get close to real picture :). And this is a studio portrait. If my proficiency in PP is more, I would have tried similar to "dove evolution" kind. :D Even you and the girl wouldn't figure out that the picture is of her's :rofl:

You can see two other versions here.
This one is with yellow tone

This one is with tone turned off


quit good gen ...While PPing I removed the black background completely and it was looking very bad...yours is much better

Glad you like it. It was a great picture to start with, Didn't had to worry about noise at all. Cheers to the photographer (sujooyp) for that.

Not sure if I overdid the skin softening, but looking at nac's version, IMO you might want do do some more softening on the face .
It's great that you added curtains on the left so it looks more balanced. You could probably try to darken the background behind her. Yeah' the yellow one looks better than the pink one.


Aspiring Novelist
Most (I mean almost all) of the editing I did are based on some tutorials and to my convenience added/left some of the things they said. One of the tutorial suggested that it's better to leave some pore details when softening skin. And I followed. Even the little softening wasn't good in my view, so I pulled down a little to my taste. It won't be obvious those who haven't seen the original or to the untrained eyes, if it is over-softened.


Cyborg Agent
gen's edit is the best. I couldn't achieve half of what he did. [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] i dont like the prominent hair strands in your pic. :(


gen's edit is the best. I couldn't achieve half of what he did. [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] i dont like the prominent hair strands in your pic. :(


I usually edit a lot of people shots, I mostly use this:

Topaz Denoise: This thing is freaking awesome. (This time sujoyp's pic was great so I didn't need to use it)

Alienskin Bokeh: For artificial bokeh (not needed in this one) & vignette.

Nik Software : There are lots of presets for portraits, While you can easily do what it does using photoshop, it definitely makes things easier/faster & gives you a good start to go ahead.

You can plug all 3 into photoshop.


that's a pretty well shot picture, even with the raw I was having doubts about whether my touching would make it worse rather than improve it :). Then comes gen with that very professional edit :)

Waise, wouldn't skin softening and all make more sense for portraits and all, I was checking out a few tutorials and it seems that for full body fashion photos the most often used tool is the liquefy tool, along with a dodge tool for making skin lighter. teeth brighter etc. Mostly it was about shooting it right with multiple lights and reflectors and mirrors and props. There was an overview video also, let me search for it

got it, check this out

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