**Post all your MTNL Triband Related Queries Here**


Ambassador of Buzz
ax3 said:
sometimes mtnl servers dont track u 4 ur usage ? any1 exp the same ....

mb downloaded @ that interval is not counted ....

how do u know that ur current session is not counted ?
Lucky mtnl subscribers, i wonder when those kinda goofups will occur with Dataone

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
cool_techie_tvm said:
Lucky mtnl subscribers, i wonder when those kinda goofups will occur with Dataone

They were quite common in early days of MTNL TriBand but nowadays they are pretty rare...
Also nowadays sometimes data usage is nt updated immediately but adds after some time...so its nt worth taking the risk especially when on 2mbps :p


die blizzard die! D3?
Ankur Gupta said:
..... especially when on 2mbps :p
golden words,the risk is not worth taking.

Now have a look at my interesting problem:
My net disconnects at around 5.10-5.30pm everyday,stays tat way whole night connecting for a few minutes intermittently,and then becomes stable at around 10am.WOW.Called MTNL several times nothing so far.Actually I am reluctant to complain cos this is actually helping me(exams are round the corner!!!).

Third Eye

gooby pls
WTF is this? :mad:

I am getting this speed on a 256Kbps connection.

I called them and now everything is working fine. :twisted: :mrgreen:
Last edited:


I have 2 queries:

I am on the Mumbai 590 NU plan.
Last couple of months I get download speeds of 25 kbps throughout the day....but at night after 12 when the unlimited time starts...speed drops to 12-14 kbps.
Is everyone facing this problem?

Secondly, I want to replace my D-Link router given by MTNL on rent with a new Wi-fi Router.
I need to know:
a. Which Wi-fi Router to buy?
b. What is the procedure to discontinue the rented router from MTNL and start my own wi-fi modem.
i have a prob with mah NU plan.
i start DLing at 12 30 and stop at 7 30 but still 70-80 mb are counted in my day usage.
i use acchablog method for auto modem reboot as i cna wake til 12.
i schedule my DLs.
guyz what time i shud start my DLs and at what time shud i stop them?

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
ax3 said:
@Ankur Gupta ..... agreed with u ..... this thing doesnt happen now .... phew

Since 31st November afternoon there has been no change in my download limit on my account which simply means that either their servers are not recording it or account usage has been delayed with first one being more likely due to the duration for which this has been happening now :p
I am downloading 100MB...hope it doesnt get counted :D


Right off the assembly line
I live in South Delhi and have Airtel's so-called braodband connection. The speed is awfully slow and I am paying exorbitant rates. Moreover, I get numerous and highly irritating calls from Airtel on the Airtel landline (that comes with the broadband) disturbing me at all times of the day and night. Some are for payment reminders. When I told them that I don't need these calls, I was told very rudely, "aisaa phone to aayegaa aapko".

So, sick and tired of Airtel, I really need deliverance. I will appreciate ot very much if you guys can help me on this. Please let me know how I should go about getting Triband. Is there really a waiting period? Are there agents who will do the paperwork and give me the connection or do I have to go to their office? How much does an unlimited broadband with speeds over 512kbps cost? Is there any installation charge? Will the present telephone line work (there used to be a connection to this apartment earlier)? These and any other information that might be useful is what I need.

Thanks a ton in advance.

techno_funky said:
Due to member request's, I am starting this topic.

Use this thread to post all your MTNL Triband related questions. Use it to get your MTNL Triband related queries and general topics like how can I know the transfers of my connection and more!
Use it to get all your answers!!

Threads on MTNL Triband started after this sticky has been posted will be merged into this one.

**The above Edited version of grudgy's dataone thread :D**


Right off the assembly line
i have recentlygot triband connection for my office with UT-300r2u router. I wish to enable firewall in that. please help as i am not aware of the commands to enable the same.

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
^^just check the usage history page after disconnecting the modem and it gets updated in 3-4 mins or so...
If there is no change then they are not getting counted :D

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
^^I think as long as we want modem from them!
I don't think it is like Set Tob Box where the box becomes ours after paying the rent for 4-5 years....


NP : Crysis
yes, we have to conyinue paying router rental as long as we use it. if u plan to be using it for a long time, its better to purchase ur own


Broken In
which of these plans is better..

1. TriB Unlimited 256 K 256 256 Unlimited 949 NA 1 Nil
2.TriB 749NU Upto 2M 256 256 Unlimited in Night Hrs (00:00-8:00) & 1.25 GB in day (08:00-24:00) 1GB 749 NA 1 Rs 1.00/MB (day hrs)


my net gets dc sometime after 5 am

when i get up at 6 i find that net has got dc,
looking at utorrent time chart i find that it happened sometime after 5am

my downloads :mad:

disconnections at NU time :mad:

that also from past week :mad:
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