digitized said:So it seems you are enjoying 512kbps by paying for 256kbps. Well, good for you. Not so good for me. I posted here quite a few days ago about a billing dispute on my 500 plan. They had sent me a bill of Rs.17000 for july. I gave a written complaint, I got my copy countersigned. The issue was not resolved. Now they sent a bill of Rs.10000 for august. I again gave a written complaint and got my letter countersigned. Inspite of repeated follow-ups and phone calls and physically visiting billing offices, no action was taken to cancel and give me a corrected bill. Now to add to my worries and woes, they have disabled my outgoing calls from my landline. Only incoming calls are there, but I doubt for how many days...
What should I do? please please please someone give some suggestions. you seem to be enjoying dataone very much. but I am not so lucky, been so since the time I first used dataone, december 2005.
Ultimate Z Fighter said:I called the BSNL Guys and they confirmed it is free for UL900 plan, I have also seen other forums where people have called BSNL to confirm, Just PM me if you want the link..
And enjoy the service guys,
512kbps unlimited for just 900 a month
tinku dhar said:hmmmmmmmmm ..,
mate same kinda prob here.....be4 2 months ....
im gonna suggest u only 1 option .... tht is to ask the BSNl to make it in PARTwise billin kinda installment u can make tht in 4 installment for 17000 and 3 installment for 10000
thts the only option and after tht completed than make ,,.... 900UL activated .....
well how can i know 512kbps has been activated ???????????????????
NAWUltimate Z Fighter said:I called the BSNL Guys and they confirmed it is free for UL900 plan, I have also seen other forums where people have called BSNL to confirm, Just PM me if you want the link..
And enjoy the service guys,
512kbps unlimited for just 900 a month
QwertyManiac said:NAW
When you activate that game thingy, it charges Rs. 50 per 24 hours and has a limit of 1GB download. Be it an UL connection or not.
jack// ani said:what the fu**k these bsnl ppl are.....i got will an application, to change my home500 to 900UL plan. they said plan will be changed only on 1st Oct, not in Sep.
guyz is that true....please tell me