** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


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Filed a complaint on CPGRAMs but i am not very hopeful as to whether they'll be able to offer any assistance in this situation,if at all.

Last year when i was defrauded by a seller on ebay,who sold me a fake corsair ram i had lodged a complaint on CPGRAMS but they closed the case citing that ebay had claimed that i didn't send them "the original documents on time",which is complete and utter rubbish as i had sent them all the documents well before their specified date.

At any rate,if there's even the slimmest chance that they might do something to resolve the situation,then i look forward to it,as i don't have any other avenues to turn to for assistance right now.

for the likes of ebay here is the appropriate place :
INGRAM | Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism


I spoke with bsnl's area manager recently but that person (some woman ) was extremely rude and refused to answer my queries.

She went on saying they won't be able to help me in any way whatsoever and so i could do whatever i wanted-there was not even the slightest bit of remorse in her voice and it was obvious that she didn't give a damn about their customers.

So this bitter experience has led me to believe that there's virtually no hope that this problem will ever be resolved (atleast not in this lifetime) and it's time to move on to some other ISP rather than be at the mercy of scumbag Bsnl.

The problem is we don't have cable broadband in our area,so i was looking for other options. Does anyone know about tata sky and airtel broadband? Are they reliable?

I noticed on tata sky's website that they are offering unlimited internet access for 999 per month - although a bit pricey would that be a good choice? Is their connection wired or wireless?
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BSNL finally repaired my line yesterday,almost 30 days after the trouble started-kudos to them for their 5-star customer service!

If someone were to apply for a FTTH connection,will he have to buy the ONT modem outright-or can he pay for it in installments every month along with his telephone bill?

Is bsnl's FTTH available in all places where they have a telephone exchange?


yesterday 2-3 men from the local exchange showed up at my place and wanted to know whether my line was working satisfactorily or not-it seems they were really under a lot of stress and left only after they were fully convinced that everything was back to normal.

today something even more strange happened-around 7 men from the local exchange came to my place,including the manager(which is something that has never occurred before,so i was really surprised and amused by this)-it seemed as though the sky had falled on his head-i was away from home at the time,so he took my phone number from my mother and called me to know whether my broadband was working properly or not-he sounded rather panic-stricken and mentioned that he had been getting calls from the AGM's office in our region to fix my line repeatedly.
He also wanted to know whether i had any additional complaints or not-finally before hanging up,he told me in a really "gentle" voice to call him anytime i faced any issues with our connection! He was so concerned about my well-being that i could not help but feel "touched" by this :|

Later in the day i received a mail from the agm himself,informing me that in accordance with the complaint lodged at CPGRAMS,they have fixed my line and was pleased to report that it was now working normally.

So it seems the complaint at CPGRAMS really did the trick and put them under a lot of pressure to set things right-so it wasn't really that useless after all!! lol


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Glad to know things really got fixed for you. But you can claim refund for 30 days as that period of time BB was not working.


Are the newest rumours that bsnl maybe forced to cease operations and shut down permanently due to excessive debt true?

If they do close down eventually,how could it possibly affect the telecom industry in india?


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LL may be closed in most regions but wireless service is going to stay. I don't think there is going to be much effect if BSNL suspends some of their operations - Their revenue per employee is just too low. Govt. may not shut BSNL entirely like Air India but Govt. shall seriously consider the option of laying off those high salaried employees, increase revenue per customer - it's not at all practical to waste tax payers money on a dying telco - BSNL is the way it is now due to attitude of their employees, reduced customer base and most importantly way too much employees for their operations. Even if Govt. is willing to pay BSNL employees for how long they can spare 11k cr. each month of the tax payers money. Govt. won't give it out from their pockets it's the tax payers whose money are at the stake of wastage.

Anyway, considering above all I think BSNL most lost making section LL is going to be closed. BSNL is important to the Govt. for providing last mile connectivity and for other security reasons so a part of BSNL will still exists.


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That's not at all true. BSNL closure is a planned murder by the government.
What are you saying? BSNL accumulated losses of Rs 90,000 crore: Kotak Institutional Equities
Companies like this should have been closed long ago because their losses comes out of the pocket of people who honestly pay their taxes.


Aspiring Novelist
^ What he's saying is that, they are doing it deliberately. They want BSNL to lose money, so all the moves are against BSNL. Loss is one good reason to justify when they sell this off to private companies.


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^ What he's saying is that, they are doing it deliberately. They want BSNL to lose money, so all the moves are against BSNL. Loss is one good reason to justify when they sell this off to private companies.
Again what are you saying? How do you make a company lose 90000 Crores intentionally when the entire "supposedly Rafael scam"(which entire opposition highlighted in hope of winning election) was estimated at ~50000 crores? Surely you are not saying that all the Indian govts & opposition parties in last 15 years deliberately started the mobile/2g/3g/4g "revolution" just to make BSNL lose customers.

BSNL deserves to be shutdown just like Air India & in case you missed the news,bidding process of Air India failed because no pvt company wants to buy a company with all its losses attached(hence the demand for split off of air India liabilities) & still with govt as a stake holder(govt still wanted to retain 24% stake in Air India). I can assure you no pvt company is rich enough & suicidal enough to buy BSNL with govt still hanging on & its 90000crore losses still attached to it.


I'm a BSNL mobile user. They are the only operator which offer cheapest long term validity plans. Don't want to port out to Chortel/ Vodaphone/idea/others but seems like I wouldn't have a choice in future :( . Already have a Jio connection.


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I'm a BSNL mobile user. They are the only operator which offer cheapest long term validity plans. Don't want to port out to Chortel/ Vodaphone/idea/others but seems like I wouldn't have a choice in future :( . Already have a Jio connection.
Nothing is free in this life or world.You do get cheap plans from BSNL but where do you think the money comes from to keep BSNL running despite their losses.It comes out of your pocket in the form of taxes that you pay which in turn means less money for govt to spend on infrastructure(poor roads,poor public transport,more power cuts etc) & social sector(poor policing,pending cases in courts etc) so in the end you do pay same/more compared to pvt players.


^^not to mention with the closure of bsnl, services like dataone broadband will also be discontinued which will really inconvenience several users like me living in rural areas that are solely reliant on bsnl for broadband connectivity (despite their many oddities) .


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^^Jio is there & hopefully the money now wasted on BSNL will be spent on developing infrastructure in rural areas.Btw just because BSNL is closing doesn't mean all services in rural areas will be closed forever too.May be BSNL infrastructure in rural areas can be given on lease to local cable operators for providing internet services which will most likely be better than current bsnl plans. Govt may even give this to Jio on lease/sell which may enable jio to provide their fibre services even in rural areas.


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I'm a BSNL mobile user. They are the only operator which offer cheapest long term validity plans. Don't want to port out to Chortel/ Vodaphone/idea/others but seems like I wouldn't have a choice in future :( . Already have a Jio connection.

I don't think the entire mobile network is going to shut off not at-least for mobile phones.


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^ What he's saying is that, they are doing it deliberately. They want BSNL to lose money, so all the moves are against BSNL. Loss is one good reason to justify when they sell this off to private companies.

Just fire a significant amount of BSNL employees and you will see all the political parties are rushing in like they are the who pay those employees.

For revival the rule is simple :
1.Reduce benefit of employees.
2. Reduce employees.
3. Stop providing freebies or discounted connections to higher ranked officials of Govt.

No govt. is willing enough to do it or even the people who are operating BSNL ( and it's employees don't want it ) - so nothing changes.
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if they are really serious about facilitating change and increasing their subscriber base,they should offer flat 3-4 mbps speeds at the very minimum without FUPs on all of their plans-their so-called 12mbps plans with FUPs of 10-12 gb per day for 899 a month are practically useless-no one's gonna switch to bsnl when they can get high speed connections from cable broadband providers at a fraction of the cost with added features like peering support etc which are virtually non-existent on bsnl.

some of their fiber plans do look good but unfortunately their fiber bb isn't available in most places even now.
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